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BEST IELTS General Writing Task 1, 24th July

Recently you issued a cheque to someone, but when that person presented the cheque to the bank, it was returned with these words: ‘Returned for lack of sufficient funds’. You are sure that there is sufficient balance in your account.
– Write a letter to the bank manager. In your letter,
– give him particulars about your cheque
– tell him that the cheque has bounced for no valid reason
– request him to look into the matter
Dear Sir/Madam
Reference my cheque no..******, dated 5th July, under my Saving A/c No. ********, for Rs. 7,000/- only (Rupees seven thousand only), this to inform you that the above-mentioned cheque has been returned by your bank with the remark : ‘Returned for lack of sufficient funds. The bounching of the cheque has caused hurt and humiliation to me.
I wish to draw your kind attention to the fact that the credit balance in my above-mentioned account was Rs. 20,000/- only (Rupees twenty thousand only). This is what my pass book shows. I fail to understand for what reason has my cheque been not honoured by you. As you can see, there were sufficient funds in my account. Obviously, there has occurred some lapse at your end. It may be a clerical mistake, or may be the computer clerk in your office operated the machine in an erroneous manner.
Hope you will please personally look into the matter, and be kind enough to allay my apprehensions about it.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully