BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th December



What is your full name?

My name is Arshpreet Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Arshpreet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Now let’s talk about Television.

Do you often watch TV?

I actually prefer watching TV to surfing the Internet due to its selectivity and accessibility. Because the audience can be children, teenagers and families, the content of TV programs is examine carefully and suitable time frame is arranged in order to avoid having negative impacts on them.

What’s your favourite TV programme?

Definitely music channels such as MTV or V-channel. These channels offer a wide variety of music every day. In addition, they also interact with their audience by allowing them to vote for the Top 20 songs of each week or to play the songs they requested.

What types of TV programme are popular in your country?

In my country these days’ reality shows and comedy shows are among the most popular TV programs. I guess it’s because its content is suitable for audience of any age from children to the elderly. The fans of reality shows feel interactive and familiar with the competitors while that of comedy shows generally want to be entertained with jokes and laughters.

Do you ever watch foreign programs or films?

I definitely did enjoy quite a lot of shows and programs, from music, movies, fashion, news and scientific documentaries since the foreign are so good at visual editing’s and content management. Most of them are in English because I’m more familiar with this language compare to French or Japanese.

What (types of) programmes did you watch when you were a child?

Like other children, I watched a number of cartoons and music programs for children when I was a child. Tom and Jerry, Barbie, Disney series are my favorite which still get me excited whenever I see them on TV now.

Do you think television has changed in the past few decades? / (Possibly) Do you think television has changed since you were a child?

Televisions indeed have been changing remarkably for the past few years. The technology has become so innovative and competitive to meet the customers’ high demand on entertainment. The variety of TV programs is no longer limited to national level but has reached to a number of foreign countries; and is significantly diversifying in content for audience preference.


Talk about a science subject that you studied and liked.  

You should say:

– What is it?

– Why did you choose it?

– How can you use it in life?


This is a nice topic to answer. I would like to thank you first for the opportunity to let me talk about it.

In my college days in Iran, I had to study Human Biology. I will say, it was a very good subject for me as I came to know about lots of thing of a human body. The subject mostly deals with the inner issues of the human body. Besides, it gives some clear ideas how the human body is formed and why we need proper care to live devoutly. The subject also taught me to lead a healthy and happy life.

Picking the subject was not actually my choice. It was added to the curriculum by default. And at the beginning, it did not appear so interesting. But in the later phase of the study, I read the book for passing some leisure moments and came to know about lots of unknown and interesting things. Since then, I started liking this subject and fell in love with it.

The subject is too useful for me in my life. After reading the text, I came to know about lots of things that I did not have any idea about. Moreover, I can apply the earned knowledge even in my day to day life. I know how to prevent some usual diseases and lead a happy and healthy life. Actually, the human biology has increased my knowledge to a great extent. Picking the subject was not actually my choice. It was added to the curriculum by default.

And at the beginning, it did not appear so interesting. But in the later phase of the study, I read the book for passing some leisure moments and came to know about lots of unknown and interesting things. Since then, I started liking this subject and fell in love with it.

The subject is too useful for me in my life. After reading the text, I came to know about lots of things that I did not have any idea about. Moreover, I can apply the earned knowledge even in my day to day life. I know how to prevent some usual diseases and lead a happy and healthy life. Actually, the human biology has increased my knowledge to a great extent.


Which subjects do you think should be optional and which should be compulsory?

I believe subjects requiring a bit of natural ability should be optional, as not everyone can show aptitude for things like music and art. Compulsory subjects should be natural sciences and some part of literature which teaches writing or expressing ideas, as these can help students form skills like critical thinking, calculating, or analyzing. In some countries, languages should be compulsory too, for example some minorities will need to learn a second language to be able to communicate with the world.

What are the advantages of studying computing in high school?

Studying computing in high school is really advantageous to students. Technology, or – well in this case – the computer, is used almost everywhere nowadays you know, you can see it being a part of almost everything. This is why learning computing means giving students a chance to catch up with what’s going on in the world. Computing would also assist them in their future careers as more and more jobs nowadays require the use of computers.

How are educational priorities today different from those in the past?

In modern society, a higher priority is placed on the education of children than in the past.  This is simply, in my opinion, a recognition that we now live in a world of work in which specialist knowledge and skills are essential for many jobs.  So, education now gives more priority to the ability to use technology.  Students today must be both literate and computer-literate.



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