BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th February


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Manpreet Kumar.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Where are you from?

I belong to Anand which is in the state of Gujarat.

Where is Anand?

It lies between Ahmadabad and Baroda in Gujarat.

Are you working or studying at the moment?

I am doing both. I am studying master of computer application at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), and work as a computer engineer with bombardier which is a Canadian company.

How much time do you spend using a computer?

I spend several hours every day using a computer because it’s an important part of my work. I try to stay away from the computer on weekends, but I’m not always successful at that because there are always so many things I want to do with it. Maybe I spend too much time on the computer. I don’t know. It’s a little bit addictive.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you use a computer more for work, study, or personal reasons?

The reason I’m on the computer so much is because I use it at work. Most of my work involves creating documents for the company. Because of that, the computer has become a habit for me, so I also end up using it a lot for personal reasons. So, I guess I could say the main reason I use it is for work, but it’s a big part of my personal life, too.

What different kinds of things do you do on the computer?

Besides creating documents at work, I use e-mail a lot to communicate with my work colleagues and also with my friends and relatives. I also keep a lot of personal records on the computer, like the family budget, photographs, and things like that. And I have to admit that I spend a lot of time playing computer games. That helps me relax when I’m working on a big project.

IELTS Speaking Interview


If you receive lot of money

You should say

– What you will do with it

– Who you will share it with

– How you will spend the spare money

– Will you place yourself before others, or vice versa?


IELTS Speaking Interview

It is indeed fascinating to imagine such a situation unfold in real life! I think almost everyone dreams of such a miracle happening in their lives, at some point. Most people have some ready plans for when such a fortunate turn of events takes place. If I receive a lot of money, I will use it in different proportions for different purposes. As we all know – charity begins at home. I will allocate a large sum of money to my family members, so that they can fulfil their dreams and ambitions, too.

After that, I would help needy friends, relatives, and neighbours, so that they may live better, and grow in life. I would also like to set some money aside to invest in different segments like stock markets, mutual funds, real estate, bank deposits, and bullion. This will ensure that I have a sustainable source of income for the rest of my life. After that, I would like to establish a resort for people who want to live a tress free and spiritual life.

There would be lodging boarding, and recreation facilities for those who want to come to take a break, as well as for those who want to stay there for a few years of their life. This resort will have a focus on meditation and yoga, and lay emphasis on satisfying the spiritual cravings of people. It will also provide employment options for those who want to live there, so that they can sustain themselves, and live a beautiful life.

IELTS Speaking Interview

This will be a calm zone devoid of greed, stress, competition, politics, and jealousy. Rather, visitors and residents will find peace, harmony, and cooperation, in the energetic and spiritual vibes of the resort. Lastly, I would spare some money for the maintenance and future development of the resort. I hope I can develop such a place, where life is given priority and respect over materialistic desires and wealth.


What is the importance of money in life?

Money is an important part of our life. We need money to survive, grow, and to give stability of life to our family members, and ourselves. Money gives a sense of security to most people in their lives.

Should people select their career according to the remuneration, or based on self satisfaction?

I think both aspects are important. We should consider both, money and satisfaction, before selecting a job. However, we can give a higher priority to remuneration in the beginning phases of our career, and job satisfaction in the later stage of our career.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Should parents give more money to their children?

There is no harm in giving more money to children, provided they are also explained the importance of money. To make children aware of the important of money is a time consuming and diligent task. Most people tend to be reluctant in giving more money to their children, because they worry that if they give too much money to their children, they may turn to destructive activities owing to their immaturity.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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