BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd May


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Jiuyh fadhi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Jiuyh.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Umm, I prefer tea over coffee because Indian tea constitutes various spices which have a profound effect on our health and body. In continuation to, tea is tastier than coffee to me.

Do you like drinking tea at home or at shop?

Well, I like drinking tea at home because I love tea which is usually made by my mother. The spices she adds along with love and positive vibes makes the tea more delicious. In addition to, having tea at home is considered as one of the most comfortable task to me.

Why do some people dislike coffee?

Well, coffee is regarded as highly addictive because it encompasses caffeine which affects our body adversely. It makes people to stay awake at night.

Are there many street markets in your city?

I am basically dweller of Moga. This city is prevalent for street markets. One of the ubiquitous street markets is Bagh Gali. It constitutes shops for almost all age groups. Along with this, food corners also play an imperative part here.

Do you often go to supermarkets?

Candidly speaking, I go to supermarkets once in a blue mean. This is because street markets are situated within walking distance from my home.

IELTS Speaking


Describe an important stage of your life

You should say:

• What part it is

• Where you were then

• What memorable things you did

And explain why this is the most enjoyable part / stage in your life


IELTS Speaking

I want to talk about the time I was preparing for the university entrance exam, which until now is still the most important stage of my life. It actually happened 5 years ago, but the feeling was so intense that everything is still fresh in my memory.

As you know, in Vietnam, the university entrance exam has always been considered the most important examination in anybody’s life, and mine was no exception. In my time, all students were required to sit for an exam that covered the knowledge of 3 full years in high school. It was too much for anyone to handle; the amount of things to learn was so enormous that I remembered having to pull all-nighters almost every day. Of course, the competition was fierce, I mean you wouldn’t be admitted into the top schools unless your score were really high.

Besides the stress of studying, I was also faced with the question of which major to choose. For many, it was an easy pick, because they understood where their strengths and interest lied. For me, I had no idea whatsoever what I should do in the future, so I was feeling on edge during the entire period before the exam.

In hindsight, it was not an enjoyable time, but definitely a precious memory to me. It was the first time I was ever involved in something that had such a huge impact on my life. Through this, I had an opportunity to have a closer look at my career orientation as well as my ability. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I became an adult after this. That’s all I want to share about this topic.

IELTS Speaking


What do you think is the best age in a person’s life?

I think the best age in a person’s life is the carefree age where you’re not worried about your clothes, money, your appearance, food, or any other stuff. The only thing you get worried over is your homework or getting punished by parents for overindulging into chocolate munching.

What is older people’s attitude in your country?

Well, these days older people don’t behave like the old at all, they put youngsters to shame. They are so active, hardworking and they like to connect with people of all the age. Their way of looking at the world is different; they participate into a lot of cultural activities, volunteer into social work and so on. Their perception of life is very different from the way it used to be.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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