BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st February

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st February


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

Hello, I am Rajiv Bhatia.

Can I see you ID?

With pleasure, this is my passport.

IELTS Speaking Test

Where are you from?

I’m from Bangalore.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

What subject(s) are you studying?

I am doing B.A degree in choreography/dance.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

I find it so amazing that hoe beautiful one can express emotions through dance and I’m inclined to learn more about this form of art.

IELTS Speaking Test

Was that an easy choose to make?

Not really as my parents were not really happy. They wanted me to take some course which could help me earn livelihood later in my career. They believed that such a degree concentration would leave me jobless in the future so there was some opposition but somehow I convinced them. I will have to prove my worth post my studies.

Do you like your subject? (Why? / Why not? )

Yes, it’s very challenging; as one has to choose the right kind of music that would accompany the dance, complex movements to entertain the audience, assist with costume design, lightening and other artistic aspect of a show.

When did you start to learn English?

I started learning English when I was in school. After leaving school, I took up my tertiary education in English, and even now, I keep updating myself on the latest developments in written and spoken English by reading books and by visiting English teaching websites.

IELTS Speaking Test

Did you want any change in your school information?

My school uniform was a white half-sleeved shirt, a pair of navy blue trousers, and white canvas shoes. It was comfortable for all students, and I was also satisfied with it.

Should uniforms be made compulsory in schools?

Uniforms must be made compulsory in schools. It makes students feel united and equal. This feeling of unity and equality is a very important factor in learning good values according to me, as it gives a sense of equality in students’ minds. It also helps them in interacting with each other in a better, more efficient manner.

According to you, which is better, school life or college life? Why?

Well, both have their own peculiarities, pros, and cons. But to me, college life felt much better, because at college we come out of the innocent world of school and enter the more practical, real world. College is where we learn the basics of conducting ourselves in our social, professional, and practical lives.

IELTS Speaking Test


Describe a shop near your house

You should say

– Where it is located

– What facilities are available there

– What you like about the shop

– What is the staff there like?

IELTS Speaking Test


The shop I would like to describe here is gift shop in my area. It is located on the ground floor of a high-rise shopping complex that receives lots of visitors each day. Even though the shop is not very big, the way they have arranged their display, with a multitude of articles is appreciable.

They sell all types of greeting cards, artificial flowers, chocolates, and various gift articles like showpieces, perfumes, imitation jewellery, photo frames, wrist watches, and toys. One thing I like about the shop is that many new items appear there, first before they become available in other outlets. It is an old shop, and I have bought many things from thereto gift to my friends and relatives. This shop is air-conditioned.

IELTS Speaking Test

The staff members of the shop are cooperative, friendly, and well informed about the selection patterns of people of different age groups. What’s more, they also offer free gift packing and free home delivery services. They also accept credit cards. The owner of the shop MR. Haresh Shah is a friendly man who maintains good relations with all his regular customers. He also accepts suggestions from customers with a smile, and tries to implement them whenever possible.

I have seen many gift shops open up and shut down in months, in my area, but this shop has been able to do better business consistently with the passing of time. I think the credit for this goes to the owner, who is constantly engaged in giving a better product mix to his customers.

IELTS Speaking Test


What types of shops are found in your area?

All types of shops can be found in my area. There are shops selling garments, gift articles, groceries, commodities, electronics, food, and even sweets, where I live. One can also find outlets of international food chains like McDonalds, alongside small, privately owned shops, in my area.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having local shops in your area?

Local shops offer innumerable benefits to the people of my area. They sell products of varieties and categories at competitive prices, so people in my area can select from a huge array of goods in stores, and buy what they like at affordable rates. In this way, local shops offer people a lot of convenience when shopping. On the other hand, some local shop owners who sell niche products often don’t have competitions, if there are only local shops all around. They are then known to charge higher prices compared to their counterparts in other areas. This can prove a little disadvantageous at times.

IELTS Speaking Test

What do you generally shop, for your home?

I generally don’t go out to buy things for my home, but occasionally I buy groceries, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Test

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