BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 22nd July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 22nd July


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 22nd July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 22nd July


Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit. Others think there are more effective methods.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


A lot of people feel the best way to stay in shape is to regularly go to the gym while others think there are more effective methods. Although I would readily admit that the health benefits of gyms are self-evident, the best way to stay fit over the long-term is to join a sport or similar activity.

Those who swear by gyms often point out the bulk of research on the benefits of working out. People going to the gym can broadly be divided into those doing cardivascular exercise and weight-lifting (or partaking in both). Cardio workouts have been proven in various studies to increase circulation, strengthen the heart muscles and reduce risks of heart disease later in life. Weight-lifting is also a scientifically supported method of combating bone density deterioration, especially important for women, and improving muscular health. No reasonable person would doubt both the vast anecdotal and scientific support for regular trips to the gym.

Despite the aforementioned advantages, it is far more motivating to take part in an organised activity. Signing up for a gym membership is a notoriously fickle commitment. Most people go for a few months and give up, never to return again. Contrast that with participation in sports and other activities. Someone who picks up tennis or football is much more likely to play regularly for a large portion of their life, possibly deep into old age. Even activities like Yoga and Tai Chi are more likely to become lifelong habits and therefore have a greater overall impact on fitness levels.

To conclude, going to the gym has indisputable benefits but it is not motivating enough to become habitual for most gym-goers. Instead, parents and teachers should encourage children to experiment with a wide range of activities in the hopes that they can develop a lifelong passion for one of them.


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