BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 27th December

BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 27th December


Speaking Test IELTS
Speaking Test IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Villie Eilish.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Villie Eilish.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Speaking Test IELTS

Do you like taking photographs?

Why yes of course. They are a way to capture a moment in time. Moreover, I like to be able to show them to people so they can imagine that they were there with me. As I’m a big traveler, photos are my way of sharing my experiences without words.

How often do you take photos?

I would say every day. I’m a big fan of selfies, so I often snap a few of them to send to my boyfriend every morning before work. Moreover, I take hundreds of photos when I travel.

In which situation do you like take photos?

Any situation! But especially when I see something out of the ordinary. For example, I like to take photos when the light is setting just right on my street, or when I catch a glimpse (a look) of two children holding hands.

Speaking Test IELTS

Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

Definitely people. I like to capture the raw (real; candid) emotions on their faces. I feel that photos of people can be quite powerful. Moreover, I feel that scenery photography never does the actual place any justice.

Do you prefer to take photographs yourself or to have other people take photos?

Definitely myself. As I’m quite picky about the photos that I take and post, I take this responsibility upon myself. Call me a snob (a person who feels superior to others), but I feel that most people don’t have any idea of what makes a good photo and end up taking unflattering photos of me.


Describe a historical figure that you find the most impressive.

Speaking Test IELTS


If someone asks me about one historical figure that I like the most, it will definitely be President Ho Chi Minh. I am sure that President Ho is admired and loved not only by Vietnamese people but also residents in other countries around the world. He is a prominent leader and he led many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring peace and protect national sovereignty.

President Ho is well known for leading a simple life and spending all his life fighting for the happniess of Vietnamese people and the independence of the nation. He was born into an impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he could understand the misery and poverty that were caused by war to Vietnamese people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to go to some foreign countries to find a way to save the country. He went through a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came back to Vietnam with innovative ideas to improve the policies as well as eliminate invaders.

Speaking Test IELTS

President ABC, had achieved a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he never thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life. Now there are many memorials of President Ho in different countries for people to honor one of the greatest men in the world’s history.


Do you think historical museums should be opened for free?’

Well, it is of great importance for people, especially young people to learn history of their own country. Historical museums, where valuable traditions are preserved and these are ideal places for people to cherish the past. I think it’s better to reduce the entrance fee to historical museums because they need a certain amount of money to be operated. Local officers should have special offers for those when they come to museums as a way of encouraging people to learn history. In addition, it is a good idea that more historical shows TV are produced to make history an important part in people’s life.

Do you think you can really learn history from films and TV programmes?

I don’t feel that watching current TV series can make you more aware of the history. TV programmes are more engaging than books; however, true historical events in most of the TV series have been distorted by the producers to cater for the audience. It’s really a shame, as young people will misunderstand history as presented by these companies.

Speaking Test IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking Test IELTS

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