10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+

10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+
10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+

10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+

IELTS Speaking is a face to face interview with examiner which last for 10-15 minutes. A variety of questions are discussed in this interview. The most amazing part of this test is that the examiner makes you feel comfortable and encourages you to speak. To know more about IELTS click here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English_Language_Testing_System. There are three parts in the speaking test. Which are discussed below:-

Test format

Introduction & Interview (4-5 minutes)

This is the first part of the test where examiner introduces him/herself and asks you to introduce yourself. Then he/she ask some general questions from familiar topics (e.g. family, work, studies and interests).

Cue Card (3-4 minutes)

In the second part Individual long turn i.e. cue card is conducted where you will be asked to talk about a topic for 2 minutes and 1 minute will be given to prepare the topic. To prepare a pencil and page is provided where you can make notes for speaking.

Follow ups (4-5 minutes)

It is a Two-way discussion where the examiner will ask you some questions relating to the cue card. Click here to know how to prepare for IELTS Speaking test https://ieltscareerzone.in/ielts-speaking-advice-and-practice/

After having the general view of the speaking test now it turn to tell 10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+

Tip 1

Try to practice one on one i.e. seek a speaking partner either your friend or teacher who have good command in the language and can notify and rectify your mistakes. If unfortunately, you don’t get one you can record yourself and listen to it to find mistakes.

Tip 2

Remember in the IELTS Speaking test the examiner will not check your facts and figures. He will only assess your fluency, accuracy and how well you can express your ideas and opinions. So don’t be quite and answer every question with confidence.

Tip 3

Don’t feel nervous instead be confident and loud. If you have feeling of nervousness just imagine that the examiner is your friend and you are going to have friendly conversation with him.

Tip 4

Remember repetition of words can lower your scores so avoid repeating same word again and again. Use a handful of vocabulary and synonyms as by this the examiner will come to know your speaking ability and command over language. Click here to know how to enhance your vocabulary https://ieltscareerzone.in/how-to-improve-vocabulary-for-ielts/

Tip 5

Speak clearly and at natural pace you should not be too fast and loud neither too slow. Always try to be natural as if you speak fast the examiner may think that you have memorized the answer. Don’t try to imitate the native speakers and speak in your own accent your marks will not be deducted until your pronunciation is wrong.

Tip 6

Always elaborate your answer and try to provide as much as detail you can. Don’t just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. For example if the examiner asks you “You like to travel?” instead of saying “yes” or “no” you can say I am an extrovert person and always like to explore things……..so on….

Tip 7

Listen the question carefully specially the tense and answer accordingly. If the question is in present tense than you answer should also be in present tense. For example, if the question is where do you work? It’s in present tense so your answer should be ‘I am working in…..’

Tip 8

Practice the pronunciation of numbers to avoid confusion . For example, many numbers can sound very similar when spoken, so be sure to say them clearly, e.g. ‘Thirty’ and ‘Thirteen’, ‘Forty’ and ‘Fourteen’, ‘Fifty’ and ‘Fifteen’ etc. There are lots of other words that sound the same, but mean something different. We call them homophones. 

Tip 9

Use variety of vocabulary but make sure that you use only that words with which you are familiar and know its meaning and know how and where to use it.

Tip 10

In part 2, you will be provided with pencil and paper to prepare notes makes sure you use them to note your keywords. First take some time to think upon the topic than decide most appropriate tense to answer and get stick to the same tense for the whole answer.

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10 Amazing IELTS speaking tips approved by examiners to score 7+
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