18th February, IELTS Past Exam Tasks

February 8th,2020 Real Exam Academic Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2

City:- MOGA, Punjan. India

Academic Writing Task 1:-

The graph below shows the percentage of people visiting the cinema by age in

Great Britain. Write a report for a university lecturer describe information shown.

18th February, IELTS Past Exam Tasks

Sample Answer:-

The provided line graph illustrates the percentage of cinema attenders according to  different age groups in Great Britain between 1984 and 2003.

Overall, it is clearly seen that the attendance of cinema by four age groups increased slightly during the time period. Young adults from 15-24 years old accounted the largest proportion of attendants , whereas the over 35 year had less percentage of  participants.

It has been observed that in 1984, the number of people from 15-24 years old who preferred to visit cinema increased from 18% to 40 % in 1990s. After some fluctuations, these figures reached the peak of nearly 60% in 2001 and started  declining till the final year . Following the similar trend, there were some fluctuations of the percentage of children from 7 to 14 years old who were going to the cinema . Then this number rose up and reached above the percentage of 40 in 2001 and fell down from 2001 to 2003.

In contrast , the 25 to 35 age group had about 5%  participants in 1984 and with the passage of time , this amount inclined marginally. Despite having some variations, till the last year ,  it touched almost same point with the age group of 7 – 14 . Besides, by 2003 , attendance of the oldest group of 35 and over went up moderately.

Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

People living in the 21st century generally have been better quality of lives than people born in earlier centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer:-

Nowadays it can be said that quality of life has improved since previous generations. The introduction of modern technologies that have made human life more comfortable than ever before. These have indeed made human life more comfortable than ever before. These have indeed made human life in the present century much better than past centuries since humans have to make span due to superior medical facilities.

To began with, gone are the days when humans had to do hard physical work to survive. Before the dawn of the 21st century, they had to work diligently in the field to grow creps and spend a long time to travel a few kilometres. Moreover, in the present area, most of the agriculture work is done through tractors and harvesters, and farmers do not need to spend physical labour to grow crops.

Similarly, the proliferation of excellent road and rail infrastructure along with reliable motorized public and private transport have eliminated the need of travel slowly using an animal.

Equally, important role has been played by revolution in the field of medical science in making the human life comfortable in 21st century. Medical science has not only invented various life saving drugs that have increased years to our life span but also introduced various medicines that have enhanced the quality of life. These were impossible in the previous centuries. For example, various protein and vitamin supplements are used to increase body’s functionality  for a day’s work.

In conclusion, the 21st century advancements in technology ranging from computers and automobiles to medical equipment’s have rescued in a better life for humans. These developments have reduced the need for physical endeavour and improved Comfotablleconvenience in our life.

General Writing Task 1:- 

On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost.

Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company.

 In your letter….

  • describe the item you lost
  • explain how you lost it
  • tell the insurance company what you would like them to do


I am writing to inform you that I recently lost my digital camera while on holiday in Vietnam.

The camera is a black Canon 70d and cost $1550 when I bought it new last month. It has a resolution of 20 megapixels, a Canon 67 millimetre lens and was in a brown leather case with my name on it.

I lost it when I was having coffee with my husband in the backpacker area of Ho Chi Minh City. I believe the coffee shop was called Highlands Coffee and it was on Pham Ngu Lao Street. We had been at the coffee shop for around 45 minutes when I noticed it was missing.

I am entitled to make a claim for the value of the above mentioned item and request that you send me details on what I need to do in order to proceed.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully



February 8th, 2020 Exam Speaking Full Interview

City:- MOGA, Punjab. India

PART 1 – Intro Part

What is your full name?

Hello, I amBhupindersingh.

Can I see you ID?

With pleasure, this is my passport.

Where are you from?

I’m from Bathinda.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

What subject are you studying?

Well, being a medical student, i am studying science subjects chemistry, biology and physics.

What did you choose to study thatsubject?

Be honest, I choose that subjects because these subjects are Lucrative (= profitable)  subjects nowadays and it opens the door of more jobs opportunities.

Do you like your subject?

Definitely, I like my subjects because by reading these subjects, I come to know about a lot of things which I do not know earlier. It also enhance my spectrum of knowledge.

Is it very interesting?

Well, it is quite captivating (= interesting) for me because as I have told you earlier I am able to attain knowledge about basic things with the assistance of these subjects.

Are you looking forward to working?

Frankly speaking, I do not tend to do work because I pursue my further study in this stream.

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or afternoons?

Well, I give priority to do study in the morning time because that time environment is quite peaceful

Do you like dessert?

Of course, I adore (= like) to eat sweet dishes after a meal because it is not only scrumptious but also change my tongue taste.

Do you like eating cake?

Precisely, I love eating cake but only in the special occasions like parties, marriages and so on because these are the only occasions when people cut the cake to express their  joy (= mirth, happiness).

What desserts do Indian people like?

Well, that’s an interesting question for me because number of desserts are popular such as chocolate, cake, gulabjamun, rice pudding and so on.

Have you ever made a cake?

No, I never prepare a cake before because I am totally oblivious(= unaware) about the cooking.

PART 2 – Cues Card

Describe a time when you travelled by public transportation.

  • When you travelled
  • Where you travelled
  • What was the purpose of your travel?
  • How you felt it.

Sample Answer:-

In our day-to-day life we visit many places for various purposes. Sometimes we use our own vehicle and sometimes we use public transport. Normally when I have to go somewhere near then I use public transport. But here I would like to talk about a visit which I made via bus. About 3 months ago, I had made a plan to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar with my two friends. We decided to travel via bus.

According to our plan, we reached the bus station in my hometown Moga. On the bus station, we bought eatable things and beverages to drink. We took a bus in which only a few people were travelling. During this journey, we sit on the same seat of bus. We shared many views with each other. My one friend who was travelling with us is a very talkative person. He makes each and every moment memorable with his funny and captivating talk. After some time, when the bus conductor came near to seat, then we got a ticket from him.

After 3 hours, we reached the city of Amritsar. We went out of the bus and took a cab to reach Golden Temple. We went in just 10 minutes. We did supplication over there for the goodness of our lovung families. Moreover, I prayed to God for the strong relationship between us three friends. After prayer, we came back to the bus station and took the bus to reach home. Eventually, till the evening, we came back to my hometown. So that was the time when I went with my friends by bus.

PART 3 – Discussion

Which mode of transportation system is popular in your country?

According to my vantage / point of view, private vehicle is more popular instead of public automobiles because public transportation system is not good in my country. Owing to  this, people have to wait for a long time. So, In spite of using it, they prefer their own vehicles. So that they can reach their destination at a proper time.

What are the advantages of using public transportation?

There is a plethora of public transport. The most prominent pros is reasonable prices which facilitate the individuals to go anywhere  at a cheapest cost. Apart from this, It also give aid/help to mitigate/reduce the pollution on environment. For instance, bus accommodate approximately 25-30 passengers which means 25-30 passengers are not using their own vehicle. As a result, It is not only reduce the air pollution but also reduce traffic jams.

Why people are using private vehicle nowadays?

In this contemporary scenario, everyone are using their own automobiles because everyone tend to lead a opulent lifestyle. Moreover, they want to show their status symbol in the front of society by using these kind of vehicles.

18th February, IELTS Past Exam Tasks

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4 years ago

Very nice vocabulary has been used for speaking sections. It is fascinating. Thanks a lot sir for this selfless service

3 years ago

As always thank you for great article

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