19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks – Best – Highly Recommended

19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks

Real Exam of IELTS on February 13th; 2020

City: – DELHI, Punjab. India   (IDP)

Academic Writing Task 1:-

19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks
19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks

The table below shows the percentage of adults in urban and rural who took part in four free time activities 1990 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer:-

The tabular chart delineates the information about the percentum of adults who had participated in divergent leisure activities not only in cities but also countrysides from 1990 to  2010.

Overall, it is clearly evident that stability had been observed in the percentile of young individuals for doing reading in their recreational time in both small towns as well as mega cities.

More specifically, it is identified that in 1990 , the  maximum proportion of people gave preference to reading. However, playing animated series were the least liked by them. Equivalent (78%) of people did reading in their free time in both small towns and urban areas, whereas natives of rural areas were more fond of playing than cities’ people accounted for 26 with the difference of 5.

Further , no variations had been noticed in the proportion of youth who used to play in their free time recorded at 26.Nevetheless, there was a mammoth difference in the percentile of young blood who used to click photographs in 1990 in cities and villages which was 7 and 14.It escalated slowly for both of them in 2010 that  was at 17 and 24 orderly.

General Writing Task 1:- 19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks

You are going to hold a meeting at hotel. Write a letter to hotel manager seeking information regarding the services which will be provided by them.

In your letter

  • Introduce yourself
  • What will be agenda (of meeting)
  • What kind of services you want them to offer.

Dear Sir,

It is with a special purpose, I am writing this letter to book a conference hall in your hotel, Radisson Blu, for a business meeting in which I have invited my business associates from different parts of India.

Let shed light in details, I am running a pharmaceutical company; I am planning to open other manufacturing outlets in other parts of India as well as there will be an award ceremony (prize distribution) for which I have invited medical practitioners medical representation and pharmacists. I would like to book a hall which can accommodate about 500 people. Moreover, I have some PowerPoint presentations to show and would like to create awareness regarding new medicines along with prize distribution, for which I require a separate area to reward the deserving ones. I have heard that you have room for such type of meetings and ceremonies. I would like to make that meeting indelible.

Additionally, I would like to reserve 4 rooms as some of the delegates are from south and east, for their convenient stay at night and do some sightseeing the next day before returning home. Please inform me if hall and rooms are available for 26 and 27 of March. Do inform about all the expenses. I will respond with the deposit. If you have any query or need any information don’t hesitate to call me. I have attached necessary information and contact details along with this letter.

Hope for a prompt response.

Yours faithfully


Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):- 19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks

In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is, therefore, necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

In former days, individuals used to be fit and fiddle, nevertheless with time, their lifestyle varied, which, in turn, directly influenced their health. Certain people assert that authorities should impose a higher tax on fast food as majority of consumers are facing severe health issues in some nations. I strongly disagree with the act of imposing tax and reasons behind this will be discussed.

To begin with, people who are working are completely engrossed. In their vocations and find it difficult to prepare meals in one of the prominent reasons why they find consuming fast food easier. Since, such individuals spend majority of their time at workplaces and after returning back to their homes are fully exhausted which is the reason why they fail to cook food at their own place. Ergo, by imposing tax, authorities will make their life more complicated. Apart from this, such food changes the taste of consumer’s tongue as people, these days; frequently get bored after eating staple food on the daily basis. Also, variety of dishes gives them sense of happiness.

In addition to this, considering junk food as imperative reason of health issue is not correct. Since certain other factors such as unhealthy lifestyle not indulging in sports are also responsible for unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, many people earn their bread and butter by selling fast food, hence, imposing taxes will also adversely affect their cost of living and they have to suffer.

To conclude, although fast food is one of the causes of health complications, imposing tax is not an accurate way of dealing with this problem as due to this many individuals have to suffer.

Speaking full interview -19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks

PART 1 – Intro Part

What is your name?

My name is Rakesh.

Can I see your ID?

Sure, this is my passport.

Do you work or study?

At present, I am working in multinational company as a system Administrator in Chandigarh.

Why did you choose to do that type of work or that job?

Actually, it was my dream to work in multinational company, when I was studying in college always I told to my teachers and friends; I will be a part of MNC.

Do you like your job?

Yes of course, I like it because I am working in better atmosphere and the second thing I always feel proud to work in a famous company with co-operative staff members.

Is it very interesting?

Definitely, where I am working actually it’s a great place; by working there I learnt many things and eradicate my weak points.

Do you miss being a student?

Well, it’s very interesting question for me, always I talk with my mother about my school days and recall my nostalgic memories.

PART 2 – Cue Card

Describe an important journey that was delayed.

  • Why was it important
  • What caused the delay
  • What happened at the end
  • Describe what caused the delay

Sample Answer:-

Being homophile and even more working in marketing department makes it compulsory for me to travel regularly from one place to another. Thus, due to some circumstances its quite common to get late in completing our journey some times. Once, I had to attend a meeting with one of the head of the department of my own company, in other state. Rather than taking a bus, I choose my own personal vehicle to have more convenient and comfort on the way

 However, unfortunately, my vehicle broke down in the way. What was even worse, I was alone, having no one to help. Whereas, I immediately took mu cell phone and searched for agencies providing car services. I got numerous options and got service from one company which sent one of the mechanic to repair my car. It took two hours and in this time, I got late for my meeting. I reached my destination quite late. But as I mentioned the reason for being late, the person from opponent company got convinced and became ready to take meeting further. I really felt embarrassed at that time but still I was able to attend my meeting. Eventually, I just learnt that before going to any journey, maintenance of our vehicle is required to avoid any delay in journey.

PART 3 – Discussion

  • What mode of travel do you consider the safest?

I think earliest I considered travelling by car to be the safest but because of the increasing traffic and road accidents, I now consider train journey as the safest. So, whenever I have to travel long distance I travel by train.

  • How do you think people will travel in the future?

I hope more environment friendly vehicles will be invented in the future for travellers. They can use them more frequently without concerningabout the pollution. Moreover, the automatic traffic such as automatic cars or flights.

  • How do people travel long distance in your country?

I think it totally depends upon the budget of person. As most of common means of travel of majority of people is train as it is one of the cheapest mode of travel and it is easily affordable by everyone.

  • How can travelling be useful to people?

Travelling is useful in many ways. First, its one of  best ways to meet new people and make friends. Secondly,  it enablesus to cultures traditions

 Travelling also in a way breaks the monotony of everyday life.

  • How do you think commercial flights can improve?

I think the biggest issue with commercial flights today is the lack of leg spare, which makes it tiring to travel. Moreover, I think food prices in aircrafts are really exorbitant and I wish these prices are made more reasonable.

19th February, IELTS Daily Tasks - Best - Highly Recommended

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