21st Jan, Today’s Task

Writing Task 2 (for AC & GT)

There are two types of people leading two life-styles. One style is ‘Work more and spend more’, the other is ‘work more and save more’. Which of these life styles would you prefer and why?

Modern life is mainly centered around the problem of money management. But the way of managing money is different with different people. Some believe in the principle: ‘work more and spend more’ ; other adopt the rule: ‘work more and save more’. As far as I am concerned, I prefer the latter style of life.

To me the life-style ‘work more and spend more’ is not a healthy style of living. According tp this life-mode, a person puts in lot of hard work, and earns more. But he splurges all his earnings on comforts ,  luxuries and enjoyments. This is a spendthrift’s way of living. He believes in the dictum: ‘eat, drink and be merry’. Enjoyment of life is the main aim of his life. He does not believe in saving for a rainy day. But when an emergency arises, he has to borrow money from his friends and relatives. That way, he loses respect in society.

I am in favour of the rule: ‘work more and save more’. A person adhering to such a mode of living enjoys a healthy life style. By working more, he earns more. He utilizes part of his earning for meeting his daily needs. The rest of the money he saves for future, for unexpected exigencies, like serious illness or hospitalization in the family. Otherwise, too, we must think of our future generation. We must, with the help of our savings, leave solid assets for our posterity.

In conclusion, I would like to affirm that saving is very important in life. If a person earns more, he in fact should save more. That would ensure financial security to the family.

Word meanings

  • Splurges                                  :     spending money lavishly
  • Spendthrift                              :      extravagant, one who spends money in an irresponsible way
  • Dictum                                          :      saving
  • Saving for rainy day                   :      saving for difficult times
  • Emergency                                  :      difficult situation
  • Adhering to                                 :      follow, obey
  • Mode                                            :     way, style
  • Exigencies                                    :      urgent needs
  • Assets                                            :     property
  • Prosperity                                     :     future generation
  • Affirm                                            :     say firmly

General Writing Task 1

Recently you landed at Delhi airport from a vacation in the U.S.A here at the airport you luggage got lost. But an employee at the airport was extremely cooperative and helpful and he helped you in tracing the luggage.

Write a letter to the airport manager, commending the efforts of the employee. In your letter

  • Describe what problem you faced
  • How the employee helped helped you
  • Your wish that the employee be rewarded
      Dear Sir     I landed at your airport last night at eleven, by a flight from the U.S.A. As I stood at the airport waiting  for my luggage, I found that my luggage was missing. While all the other passengers  left happily with their baggage, I stood extremely harassed.     The luggage in-charge, named Mr.Nitesh Malhotra, at the airport noticed my harassment, walked up to       me and asked what my problem was. On learning about my lost luggage, he     immediately   swung into action, making a few of his subordinates run about in all directions. Within fifteen minutes, my baggage was presented to me with due apologies. I was absolutely stumped by the kindness and helping attitude of  Mr.Malhotra. I  wished  to offer him a reward out of gratitude, but he  refused to  accept it, saying :         ‘I have done my duty, Sir.’   I really have no words to thank the gentleman. May I suggest that you give him some reward, so that the others may be encouraged to follow his example!         Yours faithfully         R.K. Verma              

Academic Writing Task 1

The table below shows the pass percentage of a particular class in the results of the various state board exams in four different years.

Summarize the information and report the main features, making comparisons wherever relevant.

                                          All marks in percentage

Names of states Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014
A 97.39 98.00 96.00 99.00
B 96.4 96.5 99.00 97.4
C 97.1 98.00 98.00 96.9
D 98.00 97.00 97.00 98.00

 Answer to chart

The given tabular chart presents the pass percentage of one specific class in the various states board exam results. The results pertain to four different years, viz., 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The table reveals that in the year 2011, maximum pass percentage was achieved by state D. in 2012, the distinction went to the share of two states, A and C. state B grabbed the to position in 2013, whereas state A accomplished the feat in 2014. The minimum pass percentage went to the share of B in 2011 and 2012, to A in 2013 and C in the year 2014.

It would be interesting to compare the results of the particular states. The maximum percentage (99%) was recorded by states A and B in 2014 and 2013 respectively. At the lowest rung of the ladder stood state A in the year 2013, at merely 96%.

To conclude, overall the best results in all the four years went to the credit of state D.

Speaking Full Interview

What is you full name?

My name is Rita Labanaa.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, sure, here’s my passport.

Where are you from?

I’ve been born and raised in Delhi.

Do you work or study?

I’m studying business economics.

Where do you live now?

I’m presently staying with my uncle and aunt as my parents have moved to our native place.

Describe you home.

The house we’re living in is situated in the city. We’ve lived there for more than thirty years. Looking at the ever reducing size of the house, it’s fairly large house surrounded by greenery and serenity. We’ve four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a dining room. My father has a great taste of interior designing so I could say that it’s beautifully designed and decorated. We’ve a small garden in front of our home where one van sit and relax in the company of birds under the shade of trees. Sometimes I enjoy my meals amid the melodious chirping of birds.

Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?

I would prefer to live in an apartment although I’ve grown up in a house. I’ve seen the hard work ladies have to put in to maintain the house. We’ve got a lot of burglary in our area these days so one needs to have a robust security for the safety. In the apartment, a watchman is hired by the society and the plus point is that you have plenty of neighbors who stand by you when any problem arises or any mishap take place. The apartment is easier to maintain.

I believe everyone treasures the childhood memories. So do I! if recount the particular stage of my golden days, it was when I was in my seventh grade of school time. I had a dream of visiting Disneyland in America. I always kept telling my father that I wanted to see the beauty of Disneyland. During Diwali vacation, I remember my father surprised me by taking me to Disneyland all of a sudden. It was like a dream come true and you can understand there was unimagined and unexplained happiness and excitement I had about this surprise.

The moment my father declared the travel date for America, I was busy packing up my stuff and picking my favorite clothes for the best clicks at Disneyland. I made a list of things that I wanted to carry and also the list of things that I wanted to buy from there.

I always heard and read about the attractions of Disneyland such as ‘jungle Cruise’, ‘the Indiana Jones adventures’ and ‘Tarzans Tree house’, and there was a sudden opportunity for me to experience these attractions. For a child, there’s no best thing than his dream, and if nature conspires it at the right time and at the right age, you feel yourself the luckiest person on the earth. And ‘yes’, was the luckiest person on the earth and I’ve no words how to thank my father for this trip.

During that stage, it was all about childhood desire and fantasy to visit this place. But now I see that trip slightly differently. It was my father who made it possible. When I see those photos with my family, they give me a smile on my face. It was one quality time that I could never forget of my kids in the future.

What do you think is the best age in a person’s life?

I think the best age in a person’s life is the carefree age where you’re not worried about your clothes, money, your appearance, food, or any other stuff. The only thing you get worried over is your homework or getting punished by parents for overindulging into chocolate munching.

What is older people’s situation in your country?

Well, these days older people don’t behave like the old at all. They put youngsters to shame. They are so active, hardworking and they like to connect with people of all the age. Their way of looking at all world is different; they participate into a lot of cultural activities, volunteer into social work and so on. Their perception of like is very different from the way it used to be.

Do people in your country give importance to the age difference in respect of marriages?

Yes! Elders are very particular and give a lot of importance  to the age difference in respect of marriages. Generally, in India, marriages are fixed in such a way  that the groom is always at least couple of years older than the bride. This has been an age-old practice or custom and a bride older to the groom is considered blasphemous (=profane, disrespectful). However, I don’t support this notion at all. Marriage is all about love, affection and bonding and the age is just a number.

Thanks … if you have any suggestion, write in comment section.

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