24th February – Useful IELTS Daily Task

24th February – Useful IELTS Daily Task

Real Exam of IELTS on January 11th, 2020.


24th February – Useful IELTS Daily Task

Academic Writing Task 1:-

The graphs below show the percentage of math graduates and all graduates who got full time job after graduating from a university in Australia, and also show the average salary of both these type of grades, from 2004 to 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting The main features and make comparisons where relevant.

24th February - Useful IELTS Daily Task

Sample Answer:-

The line graph reveals the information about the proportion of Australian graduates pursuing full time job. The tabular chart provides data on the average income of degrees holders annually between 2004 and 2012.

Most specially, the percentage of employees in full time job in the field of mathematics was 80% initially. Within 2 years l, the figure reached at its highest point being 100% . Whereas, interestingly, it Followed downward trend till the last year reaching at similar percentage as if starting year. However  in terms of the percentage of all graduates working full time was 60% in the initialyear. From 2006 to 2008, the figure remained almost same at 80%. However  after  2008, the proportion declined continuously till the ending year with 20%.

Moving towards table chart, it is interesting to note that the average income of all graduates and graduates from maths field was same in first two time periods in 2004 and 2006 with $ 41,000 and $ 43,000 respectively. Whereas, after 2006, a consecutive rise was noticed in the averageincome of both all and maths graduates was more compared to all graduations.

Overall, average salary of both all and maths graduates increased. In case of full time workers, the percentage  in both terms was same in starting and last year.

WRITTEN BY:- Ms. Manjeet Kaur Jandu IELTS trainer, CAREER ZONE MOGA

General  Writing Task 1:-

You have been to a hill station under a package arranged by a travel company .you liked the services provided by them write a letter to the travel company appreciating them. In your letter

Explain why are you writing the letter

  • Describe the services
  •  Thank them once again

Dear sir

I am writing this letter to appreciate  you for the wonderful services that you provided to us on our recent visit to manali which was from 15 September to 20 September

The best part was the driver reached our home on time and within 8 hours we reached manali .he showed us various small attractive tourist spots and beautiful landscapes on the way. After tgat, the hotel where our room was booked is worth praising. Though it was a 4 star hotel  but the ambience and services were no less than a 5 star one. We enjoyed the food, live music at night. Not to forget the tour guide, who  was there with us for 5 days and took us on the way to different and some of the unexplored. Places.

I most think you once again for making to go on a vacation. I would definitely recommended your travel company to everyone.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely…

Writing Task 2 ( AC+GT)

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer:-

Many of us live in a world of enormous amount of opportunities, comforts and luxuries and to some people, shopping is their favorite pastime. It is argued by some that it depends upon age rather than any other factors. I am in accordance to this assertion but hold some variation too.

 To begin with, there are multifarious reasons to strengthen my point of view, first and foremost, it is vivid that group who have some age shall tend to buy certain products that are considered appropriate to there mutual hobbies. For instance, juveniles between four to ten year old like to have toys such as cars or Barbie dolls, while the teenagers like to have technological gadgets on which they can download video games. Hence, many companies have relied on this feature to launch marketing campaigns that would bring profit to billion dollars, but they also use other factors because not only the age have influence on buying habits but also gender and media.

 Another factor, which is as imperative as age, is gender. In general men have different attitude about shopping than women do. Intact, women are responsible for all household product purchases, whereas men buy about alcoholic beverages. Their personal needs are also different. The clothes, accessories, etcetera, all requirements are different.

Furthermore, The socioeconomic Status of the person also determine buying choices. The upper section of the society, is very brand conscious. The middle and lower income group have to see their pockets. Brands are like sour grapes for them. Besides this, peer pressure is another important element, which controls purchasing choices. Advertisements, which keep bombarding people with information about any product, also affects consumerism.

To encapsulate, it can be reiterated that shopping habits depends on age, gender, financial status, family, friends and many others equally. To label any one of these factors as most important would be wrong.

WRITTEN BY:- IELTS trainer Ms. Deepika Arora, CAREER ZONE MOGA

IELTS  Speaking Full Interview

PART 1 – Intro Part

What is your full name?

My name is Gurleen Kaur.

Can I see your ID?

Sure! Here it is.

Where are you from?

I belong to Chandigarh.

What do you do for a living?

I’m an entrepreneur, dealing in sanitary wares.

How often do you meet with your family?

Being a student, I am having busy/hectic schedule so I am having spare time only at evening time, so that’s the time usually I love to spend with my family members.

How do you spend the time with your family?

As I already told you, at evening time, I mostly free so I spend that time while dine together.

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

Without any doubt, of course I want t live with family even in future because as per my mentality family is the one who helps in different situation.

Are you close to all of your family members?

To be honest, I am not too close to each and every member but there is person in my family with whom I can share anything without hesitation, he is none other than my father.

How has your family influenced you?

Frankly speaking my family plays part and parcel just to encourage me in each and every step of my life, whenever I feel low they always motivates me to think positive, due to my family I become optimistic person.

Are you still in contact with your friends from high school?

To be frank, I am still in contact with/get in touch with my soul mates thanks to technology due to this I can easily communicate with them.

What is your high school like?

That’s an interesting question, with the help of this question my memories has been recalled, infrastructure of my school was quite astonished, it was the only school in my area which is affiliated with ICSE board.

What happened on the first day of high school?

Nothing special, I vividly remember that I was quite nervous and had watery eyes.

Did your parents choose your secondary school for you?

Of course, they are the one who chosen my secondary school as at time, I was immature, they were decision maker of my life.

What was your favourite subject?

Honesty, speaking, Science was my favouritesubject especially Biology because I had keen interest to learn more about human body, how blood circulates or how heart pumps.

What subjects did you study in secondary school?

Well, there were plethora of subjects I studied in my school life such as Science, Mathematics and English which were mandatory subjects and some optional subjects like physical education and Punjabi/ Hindi.

And which subject did you like the least?

Well, it is a tough question to answer if I would force my mind to think that it would be maths because it consists of lots of formulae’s and I was very poor to Carme those.

What type of your secondary school education did you enjoy most? Or did you like your secondary school life?

As I have already told you, Science was my favourite subject, the part of secondary school education which was most incredible, it was the time when Science was divided into three parts such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics in my 6th grade.

Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

As per my concern, maths is the most usefulsubject for people in adult life because benefits of this subject cannot be neglected. Those student who do not learn mathematics during their school days, they suffer a lot while calculating basic things.

PART 2 – Cue Card

Talk about your family member with whom you spend most of time.

Spending time with family is like ice on a cake for me, due to my busy schedule, I spend less time with my family members but whenever, I have free time I utilize my spare time with them. Here, I want to shed light on a family member with whom I spend mist of my time, she is my mother. She is very close to my heart, even I cannot think about my life without her. Actually, in the evening time when I return back to my home firstly, I call to my mother, and always gives me tight hug tgat eradicate my all stress  and worries.

Moreover, on weekend, she teaches how to prepare food because has culinary skills, by helping her in kitchen, I talk with her about my work and friend, I can easilyShare my feelings with her because she always understand, most of time she motivates my, what should I do in further life. When we get together, sometimes we complete household chores, laugh together, actually she is folly by nature whenever, I am sad at that time, she makes me happy with funny talks. One thing tgat really astonished me about her is patience, most of time I tried to be like her but seriously its very cumbersome task for me  its not a  cup of tea for me to become like her. I like to spend most of the time with her became  I always feel free and forget my anxiety just because of her way of talking and way of solving all problems easily.

PART 3–Discussion

How many generations usually live together in India?

If I talk bout days that time mostly three or four generations lived together because they believed to stay in joint families and survived with all of them happily. But, in these days, there is a Trend to live in nuclear families just because individuals want privacy in their life, so usually two generations live together in my country. For example, last Sunday my friend was talking about buying new house when I asked the reason, she told me there is no privacy in my home due to, in laws that’ s the reason, she planned live separately.

Is it important to visit family members?

Definitely, its essential to meet family members because family play important role in every person-s life. By meeting them, person can come close to them and talk with them this thing helps to decrease gap between different generations. Most of the time younger ones do not like to talk with elder ones due to age gap, of they spend enough time with each other, generation gap will be decreased.

What are the values of family in your country?

Values of family in India, giving respect to elder ones by helping them at the time of crossing road, serving food and spending time with them. After all they are the pillars of society  and strength for youth. And the second is that prioritizing the needs over our individual need that is way we think in we rather than I.

Why is family bonding necessary for happinessin life?

Bonding between all family members is important for stayhappy because when, person meet to his family at that time he/she does not feel alone, problem divided into all of them this thing helps to reduce tensions and worries. Without these problems one can stay happy  so that’s the reason familybondingshould be stronger. For example, whenever, I am in trouble, I have only single source to reduce it i.e. spending time with family and long talk with them.

WRITTEN BY :- Ms. Jasmeen Kaur sekhon and Ms. Lovepreet Kaur

24th February – Useful IELTS Daily Task

20th February, IELTS Daily Task

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4 years ago

Thank you for posting the specimen .They are really good and i appreciate your work but unexpectedly there are some lapses which should not be there such as -most of the time(times) subject verbal agreement and Some repetition of words. Thank you

4 years ago

Great it will help a lot

4 years ago


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