27th Jan, Today’s Task

Academic Writing Task 1 (Graph)

The table given below showcases the voting pattern in five different constituencies of a particular state.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, making comparisons where relevant.

                               All numbers in thousands

Names of constituencies Total number of voters Male voters Female voters  
A 201 105 96
B 260 140 120
C 190 90 100
D 230 120 110
E 304 150 154

Sample answer…

The given tabular chart depicts the voting exercise in five different constituencies, named A,B,C,D and E. The table shows the total number of people who cast their votes, along with the split up number of male and female voters. The numbers given are in thousands each.

The table reveals that the maximum number of people who exercised their right to vote was 304, belonging to constituency E, and the minimum stood at 190 failing in constituency C, but a few worth noticing is that in both these constituencies, female voters outnumbered their male counterparts – 154 against 150 in E, and 100n against 90 in C constituency.

After E region, the next maximum voters were in B constituency, the number standing at 260. But here (in B constituency) the number of male voters exceeded those of females – 140 against 120. In other two areas, D had more voters (230) than A (201). Indeed in both the constituencies (A and D), male outnumbered females who visited the polling booth.

General Writing Task 1 (Letter)

You recently purchased an item from the internet but were not satisfied with it. Write a letter to the concerned company. In your letter

  • Say what you bought
  • Explain the problem
  • Suggest a possible solution

Dear Sir,

Through this letter of mine, I would like to express my sheer disappointment regarding my most recent purchase from your site. It was a pair of Reebok sports shoes under women category.

Though I receive the delivery prior to the due date, but my excitement soon turned into gloom when I opened it. The color of the shoes looked faded, as I had ordered turquoise blue shade, which in the image displayed in your site, appeared bright. Moreover, the size which is no. 5 did not fit comfortably in to my feet. This is not the first time that I had ordered shoes of the size from yur site, but I am still surprised to see such a difference.

Considering my previous position track record, I believe that this was an unintentional, negligence from your end, and understand the occurrence of such unfortunate incidents. I hope you would replace the order as soon as possible as I need to wear the shoes the next week for a race.

Yours sincerely


Writing Task 2 (AC+GT)

Teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think daily homework is necessary for the students? Give specific reasons and arguments to support your answers.

Main points……

  • I do not think that heavy homework is necessary every day.
  • Heavy homework allows no leisure or relaxation to the students.
  • they remain under tension  sick minds, they fail
  • tension makes them physical and mental wreck
  • they suffer from various diseases
  • children should be given light homework
  • so that they get time to play and relax

Most of the teachers allot heavy homework to students every day. The practice is rampant particularly in schools. I do not believe that the pupils should be burdened with so much home task every day. I do not approve of the practice.

Students, particularly children in schools, are over-burdened with home work day after day. The first half of the day, they spend in schools and the second half they remain busy in their homework. Thus the entire day they keep pouring over their books. They are left with no time to play games, to pursue their hobbies, to socialize with their friends. They remain under stress all the day long. There is no rest, no relaxation in their life.

Overworked at this tender age has a detrimental effect on the health of the students. Keeping busy with books all day long reduces them to physical and mental wreck. Their physical, and even mental growth, gets stunted. Tensions cause them such diseases as obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart ailments-the diseases that used to be found mostly among the adults. With sick bodies and sick minds, they fail to grow into useful members of society. What is more, the talented ones fail to nature their talents, and turn into frustrated beings.

To wrap up the whole thing, I would say that the best thing would be, not abolish the homework, but reduce its volume. Let children have light home task, so that they can get enough leisure to develop into healthy personalities.

Word meanings….

  • Allot  : assign
  • Rampant   :  widespread
  • Approve of   :  like
  • Socialize   :   to have social interaction
  • Stress       :   tension
  • Detrimental    :   harmful
  • Wreck           :   ruined
  • Stunted     :     slow down the growth
  • Obesity     :   being fat
  • Ailments    :  diseases
  • Nurture      :  nourish
  • Frustrated   :  dissatisfied
  • Volume       :   amount

IELTS Speaking Full Interview

PART 1 – (Intro part)

What is your full name?

My name is Schubert Perry.

Can I see your ID?

Certainly, this is my passport.

Where are you from?

I am from Ahmedabad which is a northern part of Gujarat and western part of India.

Do you work or study?

I just started working. I graduated last summer.

Do you live in an apartment or a house?

I live with my parents in our family home – it’s a large house in the suburbs of Ahmedabad.

Do you like your home?

Of course, I love it, I’ve there all my life, and it’s very special place for me.

What kind of house would you like to have in the future?

I think I would really like to have a house like my parents’. Perhaps when I’ve built my career, but if I move to another country, then maybe I will change my mind and decide on something different from what I think now.

PART 2 – (Cue Card)

Describe an important plant in your country.

Please say,

  • What this plant is
  • How you first learnt about it
  • Why is it so important

The most important plant of my country is Tulsi also known as Holy Basil. It is one of the most sacred (=holy) plants in India and is considered ‘The Queen of The Herbs’ for its restorative and spiritual properties. Tulsi is worshupped as goddess Lakshmi in Hindu religion.

During my growing up years, my siblings and I were given a few Tulsi leaves to eat every morning as the plant has many medicinal properties. My grandmother would make a concoction (= mixture, brew) from Tulsi extract mixed with honey which was a good remedy for cough and cold. Another daily ritual was the family would water the plant and offer prayers to it after bathing. Among the other benefits, it has an anti-bacterial and fungal property that helps to purify the blood to keep our skin and hair healthy. Our household even made great Tulsi herbal tea.

In Hindu religion, Tulsi leaves are mixed with water and given to a person on his deathbed with the belief that he will be free from the cycle of birth and death. Ladies of Hindu family begin their day by offering prayers to Tulsi by watering it and lighting a lamp, in the same manner they end the day. In Hinduism, any kind of sacred offerings are incomplete without Tulsi. Across my country, you will find a Tulsi plant in most Hindu homes either planted in the courtyard or in the small planter of their houses.

PART 3 (Discussion)

Do you like plant?

Yes, t brings a smile on my face as it takes me back into my childhood days where I would be naughty and my mother would try to catch me while I would be running around the Tulsi plant in the courtyard of my house. It has a great aroma and I drink Tulsi tea (chai) every morning, my days starts with Tulsi.

Is farming important for your country?

Previously humans lived by hunting or collecting plants in the Stone Age (= a prehistoric period when weapons and tools were made of stone or of organic material such as bone, wood, or horn). If I am right, times hanged about 8,500 years BC when people started to grow wheat, barley, lentils, peas and other produce instead of hunting or gathering in the wilds. Agriculture started independently in different parts of the globe. By 6,000 BC, they started domestication of cattle. Egypt was gifted with the Nile where water was flooded for drinking and growing crops. In India, early farming started in the Indus Valley if I’m correct. There has been a movement in recent years to make connections between what we eat and the kind of lifestyle we live. Most of the people on the planet are turning into vegetarians keeping the health issues in consideration. Therefore, farming isn’t only important in my country but all over the world. Wheat, sugarcane, rice, corn and potatoes are highly consumed crops all over the world. In India, most important crops are cotton, coconut, onions, garlic and others. People in rural area even today live a living through farming and with new technologies many good families have left their jobs and turned into successful farmers in India. All in all, farming is very important in my country.

What measures should we take to protect our nature?

Our planet is actually gasping for breath at present. We’ve been experiencing unfavorable life since long, and natural calamities such as acid rain, floods, drought and Tsunami are a usual sight across the global. Start with 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We should organize the awreness program, ask people to walk short distances instead of using cars so that there is less pollution, teach water harvesting, plant more trees, have restrictions on factories for throwing waste in the rivers. Try having pollution free areas such as gardens and schools.

Do you think future generations will be interested in farming?

Agriculture matters for the development of future. It can be a gold for young entrepreneurs. It is very difficult to say whether the future generation will be interested in farming or not. One has to have a strong passion and tremendous patience seeing the climate and economic conditions for farming. We’ve farmers struggle, the kind of hard work they put in and returns are pretty poor; hence it’s very unlikely that today’s youth would like to get into farming.

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