2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks

2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks

2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks

Academic Writing Task 1

The bar graph shows electricity generation by type in New Zealand from 1997 to 2007 in ‘000s of GWH. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make where relevant.

2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks
2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks

Sample Answer (7 Band):-

The multiple bar graph gives information regarding electricity generation in New Zealand from 1997 to 2007 in thousands (‘000s) of GWH. Data on two sources, hydro & wind and thermal, and their total are shown.

There had been fluctuations in the quantity of power produces from both the sources and in their total. In the initial year, 1997, power around 23,000 GWH from hydro & wind and about 10,000 GWH from thermal sources was generated. While in the next year power from the former source increased slightly, that from the letter source decreased correspondingly, making little or no variation in the total of 33,000 GWH. 1999 found a reversal in this trend, but bringing the total just a bit down. 2000 figures were the same as those of 1997. Thereafter, for three years, the total remained more less the same. The year 2004 recorded a marginal increase in the total to around 40,000 GWH, which was maintained till the final year, 2007.

Overall, although there were fluctuations in the generation of power from the two sources shown, the total experienced a boost of about 7,000 GWH over 11 years.

General Writing Task 1:-

You have just spent a weekend at a friend’s house. When you returned home, you discovered you have left behind a coat containing some belongings in his house. Write a letter to your friend telling him that you left the coat. Tell him what the coat looks like, where you think you left it and what was inside it. Make some suggestions about how to get it back.

Sample Answer –

Dear …………….,
Thank you very much for the excellence weekend I had with you and your family last week. I enjoyed every moment of it and hope to have many more of them in the days to come. Please convey my love and affection to each one of your family.
Friend, I am sorry, it was only on my return here that I become aware of the fact that I had left one of my coats back in your house. What happened is, when we were holding a party in your room I had removed my coat and had it hung on the back of one of the chairs and had forgotten all about it while leaving the room. It is a light brown coat. You will see some money in the inside coat pocket and my gold lighter and, perhaps, a pack of cigarettes in the outside pockets.
Since I do not need it urgently, you can send it along when your brother comes down to this place next month.
With best wishes,
Yours faithfully,

Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

‘Children do not respect their parents as much as they did in the past. This behaviour is now having negative impact on society.’ Discuss

Sample Answer (7 Band) :-

In the past it was believed that ‘children should be seen and not heard.’ Today we have the other extreme with children even being entitled to sue their own parents. The empowerment of children, combined with a lack of respect towards parents, is, without doubt, to the detriment not only of the children’s immediate family but to society as a whole.

Children used to learn respect from their elders and those in authority as part of growing up and interacting with their parents. Now this is not always the case. Greater privileges being granted to children today, along with the breakdown of the traditional family unit, are both to blame. Whatever the cause, the outcome is a lack of respect towards authority in any form. Chaos reigns in many inner city schools as teachers struggle and fail to maintain discipline, whilst in towns and cities and police try to control under-age crime.

The situation does not get better as children reach adulthood, either. This lack of respect authority can lead to a life of crime, as the child grows up. Worse than this, if a child has not learned to respect their parents, then they may find it difficult to create mutual loving relationships as adults.

No-one can dispute the fact that society is facing many problems due to a lack of respect for all forms of authority. We have to address the problem at the root. A respect for parents and other adults has to be instilled in children so that they become rounded members of society and in future pass on these values to the nest generation.

IELTS Speaking Full Interview:-

PART – 1 Intro Part.

What is your full name?
My name is Ishani garg.

How may I address you?
Well, you may call me Ishani instead of addressing by my full name.

What is the name of your home town?
I am a dweller of rural area names as chuhar-chak.

Are you working or studying?
I am a student as I have recently completed my senior secondary education with Commerce stream.

Let’s talk about Introductory part.
Your Introductory Part will be based upon “Time Management”

Are you ever late for anything?
Honestly speaking, I always try to do my work at a proper time but sometimes, due to the some circumstances, I late for my work.

What excuses do you use when you are late?
ithout any doubt, I never make any kind of excuses whenever I am late for something. I just tell the truth whatever happens with me.

What excuses do people have when they late?
According to me, individuals make many excuses when they are late like they stuck in traffic snarls/traffic jams, related to health issues and so on.
Are you good at organising the time?
As I have told you earlier. I am very punctual by nature. Therefore, I always make a time-table according to my work. So that I can easily organise my time.

Do you think planning is important for time management?
Precisely, Planning is quite crucial for managing the time because people can do everything within a time by dint of planning.
Do you think children should learn time-management?
Certainly, children have to learn the management of time because time is very precious as it is rightly said that, “Time Passes Once it Can Never Be Recall.”

PART– 2 Cue Card

An interesting/important letter you received
– When and where you received
– Who sent it to you
– What the content of the letter was
– How you reacted to it

Sample Answer (7Band):-
I would like to talk about the first appointment letter of my life. It was 1996 when I completed my graduation and I wanted to take up a job in the marketing field where I could interact with different type of people and have an opportunity to sharpen my communication skills. I had applied to a multinational company for the post of a marketing executive. Fortunately, I was called for an interview and I was not completely confident and satisfied with my preparation. However, after seven days when I was at home, I received a letter from that company and I felt excited. I immediately opened the envelope and to my surprise, it was an appointment letter for the post I wanted to work. The letter contained the offer of appointment along with terms and conditions and my job responsibilities in detail and the date of reporting to the company. The management also mentioned about the salary which was a little more then what they had offered me at time of the interview. Along with this letter they offered me free rail ticket to the headquarters of the company where I would have to go to take the pre-job training for seven days. I jumped with joy and instantly I called up my father and my friends and informed them about the letter. I was very happy that the company selected me and offered me an attractive salary. I will never forget that moment of my life because that letter was the first step from where I started my professional life.

PART – 3 Discussion

How you preserved that letter?

Yes, I have got that letter laminated and kept in a separate file with other important documents at my home. Even today, whenever I want to catch up on old memories. I open that file and reach the letter and try to recall that day of my life.

Did you expect that letter?
Honestly speaking, I didn’t expect that letter because I saw many competent and experienced candidates for the same post while I was a fresh graduate at that time. Despite of that, the company selected me for the job. Later, I was informed that I was suitable for all selection criteria that the company management had decided before appointing me for the job.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of emails?
Email offers more benefits than drawbacks. It is a fast, cheap, accurate, safe and reliable medium of communication. In addition, we can easily transfer big amount of data in various forms like photos or graphics through emails. However, it does have some drawbacks. To access email, the users ought to know English and computer operations. Moreover, it is a mechanical way of communication where people don’t use handwritings. Last, some people also misuse emails for frauds and spreading viruses.

Do emails affect writing abilities of people?
I think emails do affect writing abilities of people up to some extent. In email they have to use computer keyboard only, makes them so computer addicted that they generally avoid using pen and paper and if they use pen and paper, the quality of their writing is often in both intelligibility and quality of language.

2nd April, BEST IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks
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