4 Reasons that Stuck you on 6.0 in IELTS Speaking

4 Reasons that Stuck you on 6.0 in IELTS Speaking
4 Reasons that Stuck you on 6.0 in IELTS Speaking

4 Reasons that Stuck you on 6.0 in IELTS Speaking

There are several reasons that must have bounded you to a particular band score. Anyhow there are major 4 Reasons that Stuck you on 6.0 in IELTS Speaking. If you want to score 7 or higher in speaking you should read this article till end.

 Let’s see the marking criteria of the speaking test as these reasons are connected with them.

Fluency & coherence

The candidate who scores 6 seems to be fluent, but he / she might be doing self corrections or might be taking long pauses to find the appropriate word or repeating the same word again and again. The other reason for getting less score in speaking can be the lack of connectors and fillers. Words and phrases that act as bridges that help you move from one thought to another. 

There are some candidates who forcefully make space to put a heavy word in the sentence whether the word is suitable or not for the sentence. It seems as someone have guided them to do so.

To get high score speak fluently and will see that you automatically get the suitable vocabulary. Listen to native speakers and pay attention to how they pronounce words.

 Lexical resource

Lexical resources also play a vital role in enhancing your band scores. The candidates who score 6 usually use quite broad vocabulary on almost any topic. Sometime topics that appear in the test are difficult and the candidate starts to stumble, because they don’t have enough words in that specific field. Here I will like to tell that it’s not necessary to know the specific vocabulary of every field the only thing matters, that you convey your thoughts in a proper and impressive way. The examiner also asses the synonyms so you must be confident while using them. If you will hesitate while using them you can lose your score.

If you want to get 7.0 a candidate needs to show confidence while using vocabulary on the main topics. Another thing that can increase your score is to show knowledge of idioms and their accurate application.  A few of idioms or phrasal verbs will help the examiner see you as a candidate who deserves 7.0.

Grammatical range and accuracy

Candidate scoring 6 can demonstrate both simple and complex sentences. But he might be making mistakes in complex sentences, mistakes like – tenses, subject-verb agreement, and incorrect conjunctions. Due to these types of mistakes the examiner may not understand what you are trying to say and can cut your scores.

For scoring 7 your grammar should be correct. The sentences composed (simple and complex), should be correct. The usage of complex sentences should be more than simple sentences. Especially in Part 2 and 3, which are more difficult than Part 1.

Listening to the speech of native speakers to practice grammar in oral speech. If needed, listen to it several times to understand how the sentences are constructed. 


In terms of pronunciation, candidate who scores 6.0 must have some pronunciation errors but the examiner can understand him. That is, the phonetic component of your spoken English is important.

So if you want to score 7 or more in speaking than make sure that your pronunciation is good enough and you can convey your message properly.

So, these are the main factors that influence your bands and you get stuck on 6 or less than it. Now identify your weakness and start working on it as improvement in these factors can help you score boost to 7 or more than that.

 Thank You 🙂


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