5 things to look at before appearing for IELTS exam

5 things to look at before appearing for IELTS exam
5 things to look at before appearing for IELTS exam

5 things to look at before appearing for IELTS exam

It is very common that the students book their IELTS exam as and when they want to do so. This decision is taken by them only according to their comfort and other important facts are ignored in it. They don’t even think about their preparation level is according to the score they want to achieve. Beside this there are other factors that should be considered before booking the exam. So today we will look at 5 things to look at before appearing for IELTS exam.

Let’s now take a look at the factors affecting when to take your IELTS test:

 #1 – Release of new IELTS questions

You will be shocked to know that in IELTS speaking the questions are changed after 4 months and during this tenure examiners repeat the same questions. During these 4 months you can know the hot topics asked by the examiners through various online sources.

The motive of revealing this information is that you should book your exam towards the end of each 4 months. Doing this will help you to know nearly every question being asked by the examiner and you can prepare well for the questions in IELTS speaking test.

 Now the question is when the 4 month blocks end? Well, according to the research block end at the end of January, May and September. So this is the time when you should book your exam to get your dream score.

#2 – Expiry of previous IELTS exam

The IELTS certificate is valid for 2 years so if your certificate is expired or about to expire in few days you should book your exam accordingly.

#3 – Required Preparation time.

Take complete information from university or college where you want to get admission about the IELTS score requirements. If you feel that you are prepared enough to score that much than you should go for the exam but if you don’t think so than give yourself some more time for preparation.

There is another scenario of some institutes as they demand high score specifically in one module. For example some organizations ask for 7 bands in writing although overall band score remain 6.5 bands. So make sure that you meet the requirement in the first attempt and you save your money and time by not booking the test for the second time.

The best way to know your weak and strong points in IELTS is to take mock test by which you will come to know in which module and question type you are lacking. You can then focus on these areas to improve your score. 

#4 – Give yourself time

Now I hope that you will not appear in exam before you are well prepared for it and positively you will score your desired scores. In case, you don’t achieve your desired scores and have to go for the second attempt you should give yourself some time to get prepared and get mentally stable.

If you are a person who get nervous and anxious for tests than it is very important for you to take some time off before appearing for the test again. Nervousness is the biggest enemy of your IELTS scores as you may lose fluency or speak or write out of topic.

 #5 – Test availability

Another very important factor that influences your exam booking is the availability of the dates in your local center.

Hope while choosing your IELTS booking date you will keep the above said factors under consideration. This will help you a lot in enhancing your bands.

Thank you 🙂


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