5 Tips to remain positive while preparing for the IELTS

5 Tips to remain positive while preparing for the IELTS
5 Tips to remain positive while preparing for the IELTS

5 Tips to remain positive while preparing for the IELTS

Preparing for exam is always challenging and during the process a person gets negative or  de-motivated and even some times try to quit. The same is in IELTS exam as this exam is takes time to prepare and you need commitment and a strong will to stay positive. If you are also feeling low while preparing IELTS here are 5 Tips to remain positive while preparing for the IELTS.

1. Break down tasks

The main reason of losing motivation is when the task seems too big or hard for us. In this situation we feel depressed and cannot understand from where we should start.

You should break the tasks into manageable bits as you can set your preparation sessions in weeks and set goal for each week. Make schedule for every week For example, in the first week chose writing task 1 and be determined to complete at least 2 question types. If you are an academic student prepare bar graph and pie chart and if you are in general than you can go for formal and semi-formal letters. 

Similarly in the next week consider writing task 2 and follow the same pattern for reading and listening. Prepare a written schedule and tick the task you completed as this will give you a sense of achievement when you will see your progress. This practice will help you to stay motivated when preparing for the IELTS.

2. Take Breaks

Breaks are very important in study. Although you will have less time to achieve your set goals but as soon as you hit your goal take a break. Studying continuously will make your feel bored and your mind will get stubbed so it’s better to go outside with your family or friends. Go to watch some movie or just chill around with your friends. 

These breaks will make you active and the active brain resides in active body. More your brain will be active more it will grasp things easily. Also try to do some exercise to avoid any health issues as if you fell ill you will not be able to achieve your goal.  

3. Find the Right Material

Another thing that may cause some anxiety for test-taker is the number of material available online related to IELTS test preparation. You can achieve your goal if you find the right materials for your study. If you found the correct material you will automatically be motivated as you will know that I am on the right track. Finding accurate material is not easy so you should seek help of any guide or teacher as they will not only help you in material but also guide through the exam.

4. Take Lesson from your Mistakes

Mistakes are the opportunities which make you learn new things. If you want to get your dream scores than learn from your mistakes go to a teacher ask him to evaluate your task and look at the mistakes and work on them to improve them. Mistakes also tell you about your weaknesses for example; you wrote an essay and your mentor told you that you are committing mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, structure or flow? This means these are your weaknesses and you should work on them to turn them into strengths.

5. Healthy diet and sound sleep

During IELTS preparation many students study overnight as they have go for work in the morning and they even skip the meals. You should not do this as I have already told you that you should remain healthy and if you want to study and if you will not sleep well and have good diet than it’s obvious that you can fell ill.

You can also adopt some tips for preparing the IELTS test.

Thank You 🙂


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