6 Expert tips to boost your IELTS Listening 

tips to boost your IELTS Listening
tips to boost your IELTS Listening

6 Expert tips to boost your IELTS Listening 

IELTS listening is the most convenient as well as the most easiest module among others. As in this you need to hear those speakers in the form of conversation or a set of monologue and you need to solve the questions along side. 

In this article, today, we will discuss about the strategies that are often opted by the experts in order to boost their IELTS listening. 

Familiarise yourself with the test 

This is the tip that is always advised to the students that prior solving their question. You should always familiarise yourself with the question types provided in the question sheet. You need to read the question again and again in order to remember that how you have to solve the particular type. This include what do you need to look for what type of bullet point you need to underline and what you want to assume for the answer. 

  • We always recommend answering the following questions before you take the test.
  •  What are the question types? (Each question type requires a separate strategy.)
  • What is the format?
  • What is expected from me for each part of the test? 
  • What skills do I need?

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

Buckle down your practice

One can improve their listening by improving their listening abilities. If you really want to master IELTS listening, you just need to instill daily practice in your schedule.

Watching out different movies, films, TV add series can help you to improve your listening, but no long so far if you will go in the depth. 

You can prefer to listen different sources through which you can improve your linguistic skills and ability to understand other language. The more you can opt is of listing to the podcast, TED talks, listening news. If you will contact these type of resources, then you will expose yourself with the wide range of vocabulary. In addition, you will also encounter the pronunciation, the fluency as well as the accent of the particular native speaker that can help you in your IELTS speaking also.

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

Why to neglect keywords? 

Most of the students often do practice alongside when the listening is played. When they are given 30 seconds, in order to read out the question, they generally in ignore that advantage and often commit mistakes later. 

This should not be carried out when you are in your examination. In order to overcome this, you should of the habit of consuming the time and to valuing it. In the pause of 30 seconds, you should underline various keywords that can help you to find or look for the answer. You should make assumptions like what the answer could be, whether it is noun, verb, adjective or adverb. 

Concentrate on the question or statement and try to predict what kind of information is needed. Is it a noun? Is it a verb? Make sure the sentence you produce is grammatically accurate, and you use the right form of the word.  

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

Be on the lookout for distractors

When the conversation takes place in IELTS, listening, most often they speak wrong statements at prior in order to confuse so that you can mark your answers. One has to be very careful at that moment. You may also find that the speaker mentions all the options with slight differences in meaning. Pay attention to the details 

To cite an example, the speaker will mention one point that is given in the question but in reverse they will mention any of the negative point and regarding that option so be careful at that point when the speaker is agree with this statement, then only you can find that answer to be the correct one.

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

Pay attention to listen single word

It is a essential to listen each word with the proper concentration. If you think that you might have skipped any of the single word and you will hear it again, then you are in the great myth. 

If you feel like you’ve waited too long to hear the answer, the chances are you’ve already missed it. A big advantage of the IELTS listening test is that you don’t need to go back and forth to answer the questions; they are all in order, so just relax!

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

Carefully transfer answers

NIELTS listening you get extra 10 minutes at the end in order to transfer your answers. So you have to utilise those 10 minutes effectively. Special take care of the spellings as well as the capitalisation of them.

At last, take one look at the each answer, whether the spellings are correct and the answer is grammatically correct. Remember, you aren’t given any extra time to transfer your answers for the computer-delivered test, where you need to type in your answers as you go.

tips to boost your IELTS Listening


6 Expert tips to boost your IELTS Listening 

tips to boost your IELTS Listening

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