6th March, Best IELTS Speaking & Writing Task

6th March, Best IELTS Speaking & Writing Task

Academic Writing Task 1:-

The graph below shows the average calorie intake per person in eight countries in 2003. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons.

6th March, Best IELTS Speaking & Writing Task

Sample Answer:-

The given column graph compares the average calorie intake of eight different countries in 2003. It is manifest from the graph that the highest calorie intake per person was in USA, whereas the least was in Indonesia in the given year.

The country with the highest caloric intake was the United States, with a staggering 3350 calories consumed per day on average. Not far behind was New Zealand, where people consumed about 3200 calories per day during the year in question. Intakes for Spain and Mexico were slightly higher than 2500 calories per day. On the lower side of the spectrum were countries like china, at 2200 daily calories, India, at 2100 daily calories, and Somalia and Indonesia, both at roughly 1800 calories per day. When comparing the highest and the lowest values, Americans had the highest calorie intake and Indonesians had the least calorie intake.

Overall, it can be seen that consumption for all countries varied between 1800 and 3350 calories per day.

General Writing Task 1:-

You read in newspaper that your Local Council (Municipality) had decided to poison the pigeon in your vicinity. Write a letter to Newspaper Editor showing your concerns and argue against this decision.

In your letter

  • Why you think that it is not a good act
  • Write your suggestions for Local Council
  • Describe your action plan to counter this issue

Dear Sir,

Yesterday, while I was reading a newspaper, a shocking piece of news grabbed my attention. The news article titled ‘City to soon get rid of pigeons’ disturbed me in totality. Ergo, I thought to write a letter to you voice against this decision.

It is the 21st century where people march for every inhumane act. But oftentimes we become only a spectator when the government is involved in promoting many inhumane acts. As per your article, the local council will use Avitrol – a pesticide that causes epileptic like convulsions, not only in birds, but in any vertebrates that consume it. We have many other options to control pigeons without the use of lethal poisons. Using such poison to make them suffer to die and convulse is unacceptable and unconscionable. Therefore, we ought to get united to oppose this decision. My personal standpoint to this issue is why such mute birds are subjected to suffer this inhumane treatment.

I need you to write another article opposing this decision and help me gather the community support to sign a petition against this decision. Please feel free to contact me at Menka.Gandhi@ghj.com

Yours faithfully,

Menka Gandhi

Social Activist

Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

Big shopping malls have sprung up in recent years, giving tough competition to the small markets. Do you think the small shops will be able to survive the competition?

Main points:-

  • My opinion is that the small markets will be able to survive the competition.
  • Shopping malls, attractions
  • One-stop destination for shopping
  • Branded items, attractive schemes
  • Facility of accepting credit cards and debit cards
  • Small markets
  • Unbranded things
  • No fixed price, customers have to haggle
  • But
  • The poor cannot think of visiting big malls
  • Petty shop-keepers establish friendly relations with their regular customers
  • Conclusion
  • The poor feel comfortable at small shops. So the small markets will survive.

Sample Answer:-

Modern age is the age of high commercialism. In keeping with the present-day times, big shopping malls have sprung up cross various cities, offering tough competition to the small shopkeepers. However, my opinion is that the petty shopkeepers will be able to survive the competition.

Shopping malls offer great attraction to the customers. It is a one-stop destination for all sorts of shopping, with a comfortable, luxurious infrastructure like central air-conditioning, escalators, etc. Moreover, they offer branded items for sale. Since they purchase products in bulk, they can offer attractive schemes and lower prices to the customers. Then there is the facility of accepting credit cards and debit cards, so that the customer does not have to part with cash. The shopping malls also offer restaurants and cinema halls for the entertainment of the stress-ridden moderners.

The petty shop-keepers obviously are poor competitors to the big shopping malls. They cannot make big investments. So they stock unstandard products, not the branded ones. They have no fixed price, and the customers have to haggle, and still are not sure that they have not been cheated. But in spite of all this, the small shops are a favourite place for the poor masses who just cannot think of stepping into the huge malls. Moreover, the small shopkeepers establish a friendly relation with their regular customers by offering them the credit facilities. Through their amiable ways they win the trust of their customers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that so long as there are the poor masses, the petty markets will survive. The poor feel comfortable at the small shops, and such shops will keep on thriving.

IELTS Speaking full Interview

Part-1 – intro part

What is your full name?

My name is dipal dhanani.

Can I see your ID, please?

Yes, of course, here’s my ID.

Where are you from?

I am from Ahmadabad.

Do you work or study?

I am working at the moment; I am doing my internship at a chartered accountant’s firm here in Ahmadabad.

Do you find you job interesting? Why?

Yes, I love it. Every day I feel as if I’m learning something new related to some topics that I’ve only considered from an academic standpoint previously. My colleagues are generous enough to explain to me the intricacies of numbers when I’m confused.

What activities do you like to do during weekends?

Ah, I love weekends; they are brief, magical period where anything and everything goes. The very first thing is I’m not forced to wake up early, so I have some extra sleep time. The very first thing I’m not forced to wake up early, so I have some extra sleep time. That is relaxing and refreshing. Nothing is really decided on weekends. It could be something from binge-watching entire TV season of ‘game of thrones’ or being like a bump on a dog! Sometimes, I walk my dog and play with him at the park during noon. Or sometimes I spend time with the family or pursue my hobby.

What did you do last weekend?

Let me remember what I did last weekend. Got it! Last weekend I went out with my friends to do a bungee jump. It was the first ever experience of mine with the bungee jump. We had a lot of fun and it was an awesome experience. Really while I was coming down from the height of around 50 feet, the aerial view coupled with some excitement and a slight fear of falling was unforgettable.

Who was there with you?

My two of friends, Nikita and Yezdi were with me. They come to my home without any notice. I was all lying on bed, spending the afternoon just lazing around. As usual they came with all enthusiasm and pushed me to go with them.

Part 2 – Cue Card

Describe an instance when you were very close to a wild animal.

You should say

  • Which animal it was
  • Where you encountered it
  • How you felt when you saw the animal

Would you like to experience this again?

Many years ago when I was in the second year of college, our department organized a tour to kanha. Kanha is a national park in central India, famous for its huge tiger population. The forest is one of the largest in India, and home to many different species of animals. It is a self-sustaining ecosystem full of symbiotic and predatory relationships between animals.

We were a group of twenty students who had signed up for a tour, and our colleges had put us up very early, a little before sunrise, in fact, and got ready for our jeep safari into the wilderness. The twenty of us assembled into five jeeps, bubbling with excitement. For the first hour and a half we saw a lot of deer, somber, wild boars, monkeys, and exotic birds. However, we spotted no tiger. The guide in our jeep kept looking for pug marks to ascertain the location of any tiger that might be in the vicinity. Unfortunately, he could not spot any, and we only had permission to spend about forty five more minutes in the forest for that morning. Just when we had given up, we heard some monkeys hoot and sequel in fright as they jumped from branch to branch. This was followed by the cries of birds, and we could sense that something was up. The animals were alerting each other to danger.

As we looked here and there with bated breath, suddenly out of a thick, green overgrowth on the left, emerged a majestic tigress! Her bright orange coat was striking, we were all left speechless, and the warning cries of the jungle slowly subsided. My heart was beating in my throat, and all I felt was a deep sense of fearful reverence for the beautiful tigress before me.

I would love to experience such a sighting again, and pain on going there once with my family in the near future.

Part 3 – Discussion/ Follow ups

  • Are you afraid of wild animals?

I would not say that I’m afraid of wild animals. Of course, if a wild animal were to attack me or chase me, I would run for my life. But in general when I visit animal reserves, national parks, or wildlife sanctuaries, sitting in an open jeep, or on elephant back, or even in a center, I don’t really feel afraid of wild animals. I have seen many large, aggressive bears, huge packs of wild dogs, sly wolves, stealthy cheetahs and hyenas, and even tigers on the hunt, on my trips to forest reserves. On these occasions I was awe-inspired more than afraid. The sight of wild animals is so breath-taking, that fear takes a back seat when the mind knows that one is sitting in a vehicle, quite protected.

  • Do you think we need to increase the forest cover globally?

I feel very strongly for this cause of planning more trees and increasing the forest cover globally. Forests are dwindling at scary speeds internationally because of increase industrialization and deforestation for agriculture and mining. This is leading to an increase in global temperatures, better known as global warming, causing many species of animal to become endangered or extinct. Ecosystems are getting disturbed and food chains are breaking because of a lack of forest cover. If we manage to increase the forest cover all over the world, we will be able to bring down the negative effects of global warming and reinstate many endangered species, thereby balancing out food webs.

  • What is your opinion on hunting?

Hunting is an unjustified act of extreme cruelty in my opinion. No one has the right to decide the fate of another life from the sport. When humans hunt other animals for sport, we display our arrogance and insensitivity towards other life forms. We display that we are not worthy of being at the top of the food chain, when we misuse our power of handling tools by killing animals and birds without reason. Today, there are many food options, and many sport options that people can indulge in and enjoy, without harming anyone in the slightest. Killing animals for any reason other than self-defense is an act of unintelligence, because only an unintelligent creature would destroy his own ecosystem and planet.

  • What can a country do to promote wildlife tourism?

The prerequisite for wildlife tourism is to have sanctuaries, safe havens, and large natural habitats where different animals can live, forming predatory and symbiotic relationships with one another, depending on the characteristics of their species. Such sanctuaries can be created by starting massive tree plantation, leading to the organic development of diverse ecosystem through the process of natural succession. The government must then take necessary measures to protect the forests themselves. Once these measures are in place, forest safaris can be started, and these can be promoted internationally using the internet and other direct marketing platforms such as travel fairs, television ads, and magazine ads.

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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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