7 Simple Tips to ace IELTS Writing

Tips to ace IELTS Writing
Tips to ace IELTS Writing

7 Simple Tips to ace IELTS Writing

We have been writing essays, letters and reports since childhood and it was a great fun creating new things every time but when it comes to IELTS why we lose our heart while writing the tasks? May be because of the standards set by the authorities which have made the task bit difficult. The thing is that we can perform well in IELTS Writing also as we know the basics of writing. We should only keep in mind that what the examiner wants in our content and follow these 8 simple tips to ace IELTS Writing.

1. Understand the task

Before you start write you need to understand about the type of task. You should check the demand of the task. Some time task is about the benefits and drawbacks but students start their task from the point of view. As a result of this, your task response will be zero. Examiner will think that you don’t have idea about the types of questions. So, try to give answer according to the question.

2. Management of time

It is most important part of your writing because you have 400 word limits of both tasks which you have to complete in 1 hour. For this, start writing your essay with proper strategies while doing practice at home before your exam. You should set a timer and complete your task in the given time. Try to complete your essay in 35 minutes so that you can spend last few minutes on proofreading because it is must. You can easily correct your errors by proofreading to enhance your scores.

3. Try to add example

You need to work hard to create and use the example in body paragraph 1 to show the clarification of your idea as an example make your idea stronger. Some applicants add examples but which are not appropriate according to the task. In that case you should avoid this because if you add an irrelevant example then it will affect your idea and your scores will suffer.

4. Write the effective introduction

Try to add the neutral background sentence. What the neutral means. It does not have an opinion. It is just background sentence of the topic. Then you should move on the second sentence. In which you rewrite the question you are getting closer now to the topic you rewrite the question. In this way you make an effective introduction. You overall task is depend on your introduction.

5. Identify your weak areas

Some students are not able to generate the ideas. Due to this they don’t complete the words limit. You must first identify why you are not getting the score you need before so you can target your weak points of writing. By doing lots of practice on writing tasks you can easily solve this problem.

6. Use Formal Language

Essay writing in IELTS is a formal task so you should only use formal language and not informal. As nowadays due to the upsurge of many social media platforms and chat applications students have become use to of using informal expressions, shorthand texts and abbreviations. Students become so habitual of using this language that they write the same in the exam and this type of language is strictly prohibited in the exam. So, you should use formal language in your writing.

7. Proper Structure

It is necessary that the examiner can read and understand your content easily for this your essay should be structured properly. Everything of your content should be neat and clean for this you should write your essay in a organized manner and the specific structure of a well organized essay is as give below-. Structure of an Essay


Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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