Accommodation Vocabulary – Part 2

Accommodation Vocabulary
Accommodation Vocabulary

Accommodation Vocabulary

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

Home comforts: things that make a home feel comfortable to live in.

Sentence- Home comforts have made the life easy and comfortable.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

House-hunting: looking for a property to live in.

Sentence- In metropolitan cities house-hunting is a very difficult task.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

House-warming party: a party to celebrate moving into a new home.

Sentence- House-warming parties are very common in my home town.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

Ideal home: a perfect home.

Sentence- An ideal home should not only be fully furnished with all facilities and amenities but its surroundings should also be neat and clean.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

To live on campus: to live on the university or college grounds.

Sentence- Students from other regions always prefer to live on campus.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

Mobile home: a home that can be moved by a vehicle or one that has its own engine.

Sentence- In my country people like to carry a tent with them instead of investing on mobile home.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

To move into: to begin to live in a property.

Sentence- My friend recently moved into his new house and on this occasion he gave a grand party.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

To own your own home: to have bought the property you live in.

Sentence- To own your own home has become easy due to the availability of housing loans.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

To pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month.

Sentence- Most of the landlords demand from their tenants to pay rent in advance for the sake of security.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2

Permanent address: a fixed address.

Sentence- In all sorts of forms it’s mandatory to fill Permanent address.

Q1. Does the resident of your country prefer to live in a rented property or their own house?

Ans. Well it all depends upon person to person as everyone has their own choice and budget and they plan accordingly. I think citizens of my country prefer to own their own house as they can inculcate all home comforts according to their own wish and desire and everybody wants his permanent address. On the other hand, one has to adjust according to the property itself and have to shift from one place to another as per the rental agreement.

Q2. What are the draw backs of rented house?

Ans.  As I have told you that first disadvantage is that tenant cannot amend anything according to his choice. Another thing is that all landlords make a rental agreement of a specific period after that tenant has to evacuate he property. Than begins the main challenge of house-hunting which is a Hercules task as in cities the demand of rental houses is more than the supply and it’s very hard to get a budget friendly an ideal home.

Q3. Tell about the party you enjoyed the most?

Ans. Well I love parties and enjoy a lot there but the house-warming party organized by my cousin is my most memorable one. I really enjoyed there as we danced and had a lot of fun throughout the evening. The best part was the fact that everyone was happy with the celebration and there were smiles all around me.

Q4. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Ans. Actually I live on campus I really enjoy living there with my friends. It’s great fun to live together. But unfortunately, I have to move into a separate room in the town as university doesn’t allow final year students to live in hall of residence.

Q5.  Tell something about your dream house?

Ans. Well I want a house in a tranquil environment and with the changing views so when I get up in the morning I get a new view every day. To fulfill this requirement I think mobile home is the best option as I can take it to any place according to my wish and mood. Moreover, I will not be forced to pay rent in advance and I can enjoy natural views in free.

Accommodation Vocabulary - Part 2


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