Art Vocabulary

Art Vocabulary

Art Vocabulary

Art Vocabulary

Fine arts – Type of art that creates beautiful things. It could be painting, sculpture, or music.

Sentence- He had always set his heart on a career in the fine arts.

Art Vocabulary

Arts and crafts – the activity of making beautiful and useful objects.

Sentence- The article introduces the characteristics of arts and crafts of the air compressors and sets the task for the centralized monitoring system according to the spot needs.

Art Vocabulary

Visual arts – creations that we can look at. For instance, painting, sculpture, architecture, film.

Sentence- He also argues that, in its turn, the Scientific Revolution had some effect on the visual arts.

Art Vocabulary

Plastic arts – every type of art we can touch. Sculpture would be a good example.

Sentence- The geometric element is in the plastic arts the common expression means, Has the vital role in the modern vision design.

Art Vocabulary

Performing arts – a very wide term meaning anything from cinema, theater, or any other form of visual art to modern computer presentations.

Sentence- He saw a need for a performing arts center in Australia.

Art Vocabulary

sketch –  a quick informal drawing to capture the essentials of an object.

Sentence- Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.

Art Vocabulary

portrait – is a portrayal of a person showing the person’s face (could be a drawing, a photograph, or a sculpture).

Sentence- He was putting the finishing stroke to the portrait.

Art Vocabulary

landscape – is a work of art that features a scene of land or countryside (in other words nature)

Sentence- She prefers still life to landscape painting.

Art Vocabulary

still-life painting – is a painting featuring anything that does not move.

Sentence- The other was a still life, part of a series painted during a prolonged stay in Paris.

Art Vocabulary

oil painting – is a technique of painting with oil paints. The second meaning is a picture painted with oil paints.

Sentence- Above the bookcase hung an oil painting of a tall ship on the high seas.

Art Vocabulary

figurative art – is any type of art that accurately represents an image from the real world.

Sentence- Figurative art has evolved through Impressionism and Fauvism to arrive to at what we call Abstract art.

Art Vocabulary

contemporary art – It means that it has been created during our lifetimes. Usually contemporary art refers to artworks made after 1970 by still living artists.

Sentence- It was strongly influenced by the contemporary art movement known as Constructivism, which was being energetically pursued.

Art Vocabulary

Realism – an artistic movement attempting to portray the lives of ordinary people and their environments.

Sentence- Basing himself on the realities of his life, the painter successfully integrated realism and artistic exaggeration.

Art Vocabulary

Abstract art is a genre of art which does NOT depict a person, place, or thing in the natural world. Objects are often simplified or distorted.

 Sentence- He did a lot of abstract art in the sixties, but he’s moved on since then.

Art Vocabulary

impressionism – a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it.

Sentence- Figurative art has evolved through Impressionism and Fauvism to arrive to at what we call Abstract art.

Art Vocabulary

Harmony –  Harmony is a pleasing combination or arrangement of things. For instance, a harmony of colors.

Sentence- The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.

Art Vocabulary

 Creativity –  using imagination rather than imitating something.

Sentence- We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce.

Art Vocabulary

Aesthetics – the study of beauty.

Sentence- Perhaps custodial aesthetics, which is directed more to the specifics of particular cultures, in some way addresses his concerns.

Art Vocabulary

Pattern – a principle of art which means the repetition of elements.

Sentence- She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.


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