BEST General IELTS Reading Test 178

BEST General IELTS Reading Test 178


General IELTS Reading
General IELTS Reading



Read the text below and answer Questions 14 – 20.


At Clubs New Zealand National Office we often receive calls from clubs where a member has been called to a disciplinary meeting and it has all turned to custard. We also receive a large number of calls from club members who do not agree with their clubs disciplinary process or believe that the club has failed to follow the process outlined in their clubs constitution. The below article is all about handling membership issues and looks at best practice guidelines on how to handle those issues.

General IELTS Reading Test

Handling Membership Issues

From time to time Club Executive will be required to deal with membership issues. These will usually fall into one of three categories;

– The processing of applications for membership of the Club or transfer of membership from another Club.

– The hearing of complaints against a member of the Club.

– Receiving requests under the Privacy Act for copies of material containing member’s information.

The Club will deal with the majority of these issues at Committee or Executive meetings. It is important that the following points are always observed:

General IELTS Reading Test

– Statements made about an individual should be made as though that individual was present. In other words, if the speaker would not say it in front of the individual, the speaker should not say it in the meeting.

– Decisions made by a Committee or Executive meeting must be based on fact, not hearsay. If it cannot be substantiated, it must not be taken into consideration.

– All decisions that a Committee or Executive make can be subjected to judicial review.

The quality of life within our Clubs is maintained by a standard of conduct expected from the Members, Affiliated Members and their Guests. It is this standard that sets our Clubs apart from public bars and taverns and must be jealously protected.

Regrettably, there are occasions when this standard is broken and a Member or Members breach the rules of the Club. In such an event, the Club Executive has a duty to take action to preserve the standard of conduct for the benefit of all members.

General IELTS Reading Test

Questions 14 – 20

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from text above on your answer sheet.

14. Membership issues generally happen when members object that the club has failed to live by the rules of their …………….. .

15. ……………..  are conducted to identify and solve issues of club transfer, complaints or request for personal information.

16. Complaints should be addressed in front of the …………….. by the accuser.

17. Judgment should be based on evidence and just not on …………….. .

18. Final judgment can still be held for …………….. .

19. Some places like …………….. and …………….. may require more protection.

20. Strict action can be taken if someone is found …………….. the rules of the club.

General IELTS Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 21 – 26.


Unfortunately, we live in a time when people are growing increasingly fearful about their safety in public places. As tenors attacks across the globe make headlines, citizens are eagerly seeking safety and security when they are in public places. However, terrors attacks are not only pedestrian public safety concern; both business owners and the government can take steps to protect citizens while they are in public places. While security bollards, pedestrian-safety barriers and security personnel are all effective measures to stop terrorism, they are also powerful tools for protecting people in public spaces from a wealth of other dangers.

1. Pedestrian-Safety Barriers

Pedestrian-safety barriers come in many different forms and can serve several purposes. For factories and warehouses, they’re used to protect workers from forklifts and other heavy machinery. Pedestrian-safety barriers can be permanent or temporary.

Permanent solutions are often installed in places where heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic are in close contact. Because these solutions become part of the exterior design or architecture of a space, they are crafted to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Steel railings installed into concrete can keep pedestrians safe in case of an emergency. They will also mesh well with the overall design of the space.

General IELTS Reading Test

2. Security Bollards

Security bollards are short posts installed in concrete or cement, designed to prevent a vehicle from entering a space where it shouldn’t be. They come in several forms. Some are removable. Some are collapsible. Some are retractable, allowing them to be raised and lowered to maintain space versatility. Finally, some feature lights to make them more observable in dark conditions and provide an additional safety measure.

3. Security Guards

If you want measures beyond physical installations, a human security presence can go a long way toward increasing both safety and the confidence of the public.

Security guards are an especially effective solution in situations where heightened security is needed. If a public space is expecting an unusually large crowd size, security guards make it clear that steps have been taken to ensure the safety of everyone, despite the large numbers.

General IELTS Reading Test

4. Undercover and Uniformed Police Officers

In moments with heightened security needs, both undercover and uniformed police officers are useful as additions to the other security methods.

The presence of uniformed police communicates to the public that security is being taken seriously. Additionally, officers have a direct line to the security and emergency apparatus of the city, demonstrating to the public that if there is an emergency situation, the needed first responders will get there as quickly as possible.

Questions 21 – 26

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

General IELTS Reading Test

21. The main concern of public fear is

A. Lack of security at public places.

B. Terror attacks.

C. Safety barriers.

D. Traffic accidents.

22. A warning of a tenor attack may require

A. More security features.

B. More concealed security requirements.

C. Safety barriers.

D. Responders.

23. Pedestrian safety barrier

A. Can be installed in firms only.

B. Are available as palisades.

C. Is mainly aesthetically purposeful.

D. Is an extra form of architecture not in use.

General IELTS Reading Test

24. Security bollards

A. Can act as an instant Road barrier.

B. Are lighted always.

C. Are collapsible.

D. Are made of concrete or cement.

25. A large public area with many visitors we require

A. More safety barriers.

B. Security bollards.

C. Security personals.

D. Railings.

26. The purpose of uninformed Police officers signifies

A. Apart of work.

B. Need for checking directly.

C. Checking of crowded places.

D. Sincere duty of the security agencies.

General IELTS Reading Test



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

General IELTS Reading Test







19. TAVERNS, BARS (Both required for 1 mark)


21. A

22. B

23. B

24. A

25. C

26. D

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