BEST General Reading IELTS Test 172

BEST General Reading IELTS Test 172


General Reading IELTS
General Reading IELTS



What to do Before an Operation in Hospital

In the days leading up to your surgery, you’ll need to think about how you’ll get to the hospital and back again. You probably won’t be well enough to drive, so you may want to arrange transport or ask a friend or relative to help. Make sure you give your family and friends plenty of notice about your operation, so that if necessary they can take time off work to be with you. Check your hospital’s policy on visiting times and let your family and friends know. When preparing your things for your stay, remember to bring your appointment card with you too.

General Reading IELTS

Pre-operative assessment

At some hospitals, you’ll be asked to attend a pre-operative assessment, which may be an appointment with a nurse or doctor, a telephone assessment or an email assessment. You’ll be asked questions about your health, your medical history and your home circumstances.

If the assessment involves a visit to the hospital, some tests may be carried out, including a blood test. This assessment will usually happen one or more days before your operation. Make sure you know the results of any previous tests. You’ll be given clear information on:

– if you need to stop eating and drinking in the hours before your operation (see below)

– whether you should cease taking your usual medications before going into hospital

– what to bring with you into hospital

– whether you’ll need to stay in hospital overnight and, if so, for how long

General Reading IELTS

The importance of fasting

If your doctor has instructed you to fast before the operation, it’s really important that you don’t eat or drink anything – this includes light snacks, sweets and water. You need an empty stomach during surgery, so you don’t vomit while you’re under anaesthetic.


You’ll need to remove all make-up and nail polish before your operation, as the doctors will need to see your skin and nails to make sure your blood circulation is healthy. This can also help to reduce the chances of unwanted bacteria being brought into the hospital.

Questions 1 – 6

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

1. It’s important to include your …………. when packing your things for your time in hospital.

2. A pre-operative assessment may be conducted face to face, by phone or by …….…….

3. Part of a pre-operative assessment might include a test of a patient’s …………. .

4. Patients might be told to stop their …………… in their pre-operative assessment.

5. Patients might suffer negative effects if they eat or drink before their pre-operative ……………. is administered.

6. Removing all cosmetics allows doctors to properly assess a patient’s …………… .

General Reading IELTS

Read the text below and answer Questions 7 – 11.

What to do When Moving Home

There is so much to organise in just packing for the move that important things are often over-looked. Use a checklist to make sure you’ve got everything covered. It’s best not to tell anyone of your address change until the contracts have been exchanged, otherwise if the sale or rental agreement falls through, you will need to contact everyone again. When the contract is ready, you will need to tell many organisations of your new address.

Contact your local rates office to let them know the date you move out of your current property and when you move into your new one, so they bill you correctly for council tax. If you’ve moved area, you may need to register with a new doctor’s surgery (GP) or dentist. If you use other local medical services, don’t forget to find alternatives when you move.

General Reading IELTS

A lot of people and organisations will not know you have changed address and they will continue to send you post to your old address. To deal with this, redirect your post to your new address. You can download a form from the Post Office website. It can take up to 10 days to set up and there is a charge.

You don’t want to keep paying bills at your old address, so you need to contact the appropriate organisations to stop that. Common bills will apply to the telephone, the gas and electricity providers. You need to tell them at least 48 hours before you are moving. Pass on the details of your current supplier to the people moving in. On your moving day, you will need to read the meters in both properties, so the right bills can be issued. When you move in to your new home, contact the companies that you want to deliver your utilities, so they can register you as a new customer and start billing you from that day.

A lot of official documents are registered to you at your old address, including those to do with driving. You must tell the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA) immediately of any changes to your name, address or both. You must also tell the DVA if either the name and address details shown on the registration certificate are incorrect.

General Reading IELTS

Questions 7 – 11

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 7 – 11 on your answer sheet.

What to do When Moving Home

– Use a (7)…………. to help you remember what to do when moving home.

– Wait until your dwelling sale or rental contracts are completed before informing anyone of your new address.

– In order to pay the right (8)……….. bills, contact the rates office.

– You might need a new doctor and dentist if you’ve moved (9)………… .

– A form on the Post Office website can allow you to (10)………… your post to the right address.

– Contact organisations that bill you at your old address. For gas and electricity, make a note of the reading of the old and new properties’ (11)     , so that you pay the correct amount. Choose the appropriate organisations and tell them of your new address.

– Tell the DVA of your new address change (and name if relevant).

General Reading IELTS

Read the text below and answer Questions 12 – 14.

Advance Notice of Upcoming Road Works

Sections of the East High Street will be closed from Monday, April 6, for up to 12 weeks to allow for Campion Gas to replace and reinforce gas networks. Your local council is taking the closure as an opportunity to carry out street lighting improvements at the same time so as to minimise possible future disruption.

Campion Gas will carry out the work in four phases:

Phase 1: Broad Avenue, from the roundabout to the junction with Winton Street, will be closed as well as one lane on the Market Square. An alternative route will be available via East High Street, Winton Street and Castle Road.

General Reading IELTS

Phases 2 & 3: East High Street, from the crossroads at Broad Avenue to the junction with Winton Street, will be closed, as will the junction at Winton Street. An alternative route will be available via Winton Street, Castle Road and Broad Avenue.

Phase 4: Eastern Road will be closed from the junction with South Street and No. 15 on that road. One lane only on South Street will also be closed. Exact details of the closures, including dates for each phase, are still to be finalised and will be released in due course.

Questions 12 – 14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

General Reading IELTS

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this

12. Two projects will be carried out at the same time during the upcoming road works.

13. Alternative bus services will be free of charge during the disturbances.

14. People will not be able to use South Street in phase 4.

General Reading IELTS



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

General Reading IELTS









General Reading IELTS





12. TRUE



General Reading IELTS

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