BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 37

BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 37


BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 37
BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 37



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27 which are based on the reading passage 2 below:

Table Manner

In these times of fast food, it has become necessary to brush up our formal dinning Etiquette. Nowadays, formal sit-down dinners are becoming less frequent. For business lunch or dinner, you will have to go to a high class hotel. If you behave boorishly there, you will lose a  lot. It is not difficult to pick up the basis of good manners. So, let us brush up our table manners.

In any invitation, there are two perspectives. You are either the host or a guest. The main table manners, however, are the same in both cases. Let us have a look at some of the common table manners. It is a perfectly okay to eat finger food with your fingers. You can bite of pieces of larger caster items. If they are messy, use your fork or spoon. The following items – bread, cookies, chips, French fries, hors d’oeuvres, sandwiches, small fruits, barriers, and cubed cheese are finger foods.

Never out an entire sandwich however tiny, into your mouth. Eat it a small bites. Take care not to dip the serving tongs into your teacup while adding sugar. After stirring sugar into your tea, place your teaspoon on the saucer. Never below on you tea. A hot cup of to should be kept on a table to cool off. And don’t produce sound when you drink anything.

As soon as you are seated, pull out the napkin from its setting, unfold it and place it on your lap. Never trunk your napkin into your collar. At the end of the meal, allow the waiter to clear all your plates. Then lay the napkin at the center of the table. If you have to leave the table inadvertently during the meal, put your napkin on the left of your plate or leave it on your chair with the solid part facing down. If you happen to drop the napkin  on the floor, do not pick it up. Signal to the serving staff to supply you with fresh one.

Touch your napkin lightly on your lips. Never scrub your mouth with your napkin do not stretch across the table to pick up politely ask the person nearest to it pass the item to you. If you requested to pass something, pick up and place it near the person next to you. Things are not pass hand-to-hand. In addition, it is incorrect for anyone other than the original requestor to use the item passed.

Never talk with your mouth full of food. Cover your mouth if you need to cough or sneeze. Do not rest your elbows on the table. It is okay to put part of your upper arm on the table. If you have something in your mouth that you want to spit out, put it on the fork and place it on your plate discretely.

The correct way of using a spoon or a fork is by balance g them between the first knuckle of the middle finger and the tip of the index finger while using the thumb to steady the handle. The knife is used with the tip of the index finger gently pressing out over the top of the blade. Hold the fork with your left hand and spoon (or knife) if you use the fork, how held your right hand.

To indicated that you have finished your meal, place the fork and knife (or spoon) horizontally on the plate, parallel to each other, facing away from you.

To eat your soup, half fill your soupspoon and moving it away from your body sip it from the side of the spoon. When presented with the finger bowl, delicately dip your fingers in the water and gently dab them with a napkin. When invited to a dinner arrive on time and leave on time. Do not wait till the host starts dropping not so- subtle hint link “what a big day I have tomorrow.”

Many a times you decide to invite a prestigious guest for meal at a high-end restaurant . te person is important to you. There are certain do’s and don’ts, if followed diligently, would leave a favourable impression on your guest. There are a few things you must ensure to make the occasion a resounding success. Choose a restaurant conductive to your meeting. Keep in mind the taste and profile of the guests and the occasion before selecting the place. If you are meeting to discuss something important, give the resto-bar a miss. Opt for a muted, classy place instead. Make reservation in advance. It would be unseemly to land there and find no places. If you have visited the restaurant before, book a table suitable for your meeting. Inform your guest about the venue  and time and confirm that the reservation have been made under your name.

Always reach the place 10 minutes before the appointed time. Check whether everything is in order. Be it at  restaurant or home, a formal dinner requires a formal dress. You are expected to dress for a party. At the end of the day, your self-confidence. Therefore, it is important to keep your poise.

Questions 14- 18

Choose one phrase from the list of phrases A-H below to complete each of the sentences 14-18 below:

14. Nowadays, formal sit-down dinner are …………..

15. It is perfectly okay to eat finger foods ………….. 

16. Take care not to dip the serving tongs ………….

17. if, by chance, the napkin falls down ………….

18. when you are invited to a dinner ,……………..

List of phrases

A. into your tea cup

B. Leave on time

C. pull out the napkin

D. with your fingers

E. full of food

F. arrive on time

G. becoming less frequently

H. do not pick it up

Questions 19-27

Complete the summary below of passage, only first two columns of the passage

Use ONE WORD from these columns for each answer, write your answer in boxes 19 -27 on your answer sheet.

When you are attending a lunch or dinner, you must observe table 19 ………… . if you behave 20. …………., you will be considered an unmannered person. Never put an entire 21.…………. into your mouth. Never produce 22.……………while you are taking hot tea. As soon as you are seated, get hold of a 23……………. When you want to use your napkin, touch it 24. ………….on the face. Never talk with your mouth 25. ……………….. of food. Do not rest your 26……………. On the table hold your 27. ……….. in your left hand.

List of words

A. napkin

B. sandwich

C. full

D. etiquette

E. boorishly

F. sound

G. lightly

H. elbows

I.    fork



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Answer key

14.  G.

15. D

16. A

17. H

18. F

19. D

20. E

21. B.

22. F.

23. A

24. G.

25. C.

26. H

27. I


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3 years ago

Very interesting reading I got all right

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