BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 457

BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 457

IELTS Academic Reading Test
BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 457


The cocoa tree is grown for its beans, from which cocoa and cocoa butter are extracted to manufacture various products, of which the best-known is chocolate in its various forms; but is also used as a by-product in the manufacture of beauty products, lipstick and so on. The tree belongs to the genus Theobroma, part of the family Sterculiaceae. More than 22 species are listed, but only one, the Theobroma cacao or ‘food of the gods’, is produced for commercial use. Ideally it grows in tropical regions, along a band located 20° to the north and south of the equator.

The history dates back to 1000 B.C. when first traces of cocoa among the indigenous peoples of the northern region of South America were found. Then in 600 A.D, first plantations were found among the Mayas of Mexico and in Central America. Cocoa was consumed as a drink and was also used as a currency. In 1502, Christopher Columbus reached Nicaragua and discovered cocoa beans for the first time. In 1512, Cocoa was introduced to Trinidad, in 1528 to Europe and finally in 17th century, to satisfy the increasing demand, cocoa was introduced to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Curaçao and off the coast of Africa in the Gulf of Guinea on the island of Bioko.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

Today the main cocoa-producing regions are concentrated in West Africa, representing 70% of the world’s production. The main producing countries of production are the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. Outside of Africa, the other main cocoa-producing countries are Indonesia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and the Dominican Republic. A fundamental distinction is made between consumer and fine flavour cocoa.

Consumer cocoa is cocoa with a robust flavour. It accounts for the largest share (90-95%) of total global cocoa production and is farmed mainly in West Africa. The remaining 5-10% of worldwide cocoa harvests are fine flavour cocoa. Fine flavour cocoa is a high-quality cocoa with nuanced, fine aroma. It is mainly farmed in Latin America and the Caribbean.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

The cocoa tree bears fruit on its trunk and branches. They are called pods. The pods contain seeds which are called cocoa beans. The beans are made up of a seed coat, a kernel and a germ. Cocoa needs a high temperature, plenty of water, and air that is always moist. Therefore, cocoa is grown in the hot and humid regions of Africa (mainly in forest regions), Central and South America, Asia and Oceania. The three main varieties of the cocoa tree are Forastero, Criollo and Trinitario.

FORASTERO: The Robust bean (Hardest)

The Forastero beans are commonly referred to as bulk cocoa. They are the most widely produced cocoa variety in the world, contributing to almost 80-85% of the world’s total cocoa produce. They are bitter in taste and don’t have a secondary flavour. The flavour profile is strong and earthy and needs to be mixed with superior quality cocoa for added taste. Forastero beans are not susceptible to diseases and have a much higher yield, making them the chosen variety for cocoa producers due to their robustness. When freshly cut open, the colour of the beans is purple and that of the pod is yellow. Generally produced in Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, New Guinea, Brazil, Malaysia & Indonesia.

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CRIOLLO: The rare bean

The Criollo beans are the finest & rarest form of cocoa beans. It only accounts for only 2% of the global cocoa produced as they are extremely vulnerable to environmental threats & have a low yield as the trees produce very limited pods. Farmers find this crop extremely difficult to produce, which is due to both low yield and high susceptibility to pest attacks as the beans are naturally sweet in taste. This leads to the constantly diminishing availability of this bean. These beans are fruit forward & are highly aromatic.

They lack bitterness and have rich secondary notes. The Criollo pods are usually red or purple in colour & have a grainy uneven surface. The colour of the bean’s ranges from white to pale pink, depending on whether it is derived from a freshly opened pod or otherwise. These are Indigenous to Venezuela, grown in Latin America (the Caribbean, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru).

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TRINITARIO: The Hybrid bean

The Trinitario beans are a natural hybrid resulting for the cross pollination between the Criollo and Forastero beans. They account for 10%-13% of the global cocoa production. Trinitario beans have the robustness & high yield of Forastero beans along with the sublime taste of Criollo beans. However, the grade of this cocoa varies from average to superior. The colour of Trinitario pods vary in shape & colour as it is a hybrid. The beans are white to creamy in colour. Trinitario has the strength of a Forastero bean to fight against diseases and the taste of a Criollo bean. These are Grown in Trinidad, Venezuela, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Java and Madagascar.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? Write the correct answer in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet.

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this

28. Forastero has primary and universal flavour without any undertones.

29. Due to its requirement of high temperature, cocoa cannot be grown outside Africa

30. Criollo is highly aromatic but rare to find.

31. Cocoa plantation requires high temperature, dry air and plenty of water.

32. In ancient times, cocoa was used only as a currency by traders.

33. Trinitario plantation can be found outside African subcontinent.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Forastero is the most chosen variety due to its 34………….……. and 35………….……. resistance. When freshly cut, it has purple beans and yellow 36………….……. . On the other hand, Criollo is most 37………….…….  to pest attacks because of its 38……………….. taste but they are highly 39………….……. and their pods have uneven surface which is 40………….…….

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BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 457

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28. TRUE


30. TRUE



33. TRUE



36. PODS





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