BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 3rd July

BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 3rd July


BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 3rd July

The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1992, according to United Nations statistics.

Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries?

Annual income per person (in US Dollars)1120016760160130
Life expectancy at birth76785147
Unemployment (%)20107582
Adult literacy rate (%)99996834
BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 3rd July


The table depicts the information about social and economic parameters for four diverse nations according to statistics of the United Nations. The year under consideration is 1992.

It can be clearly seen from the chart that annual income per person in Russia was highest that accounted for US $16760. It was followed by Australia with US $11200, while the annual income per person of Namibia was US $130 less than that of Zimbabwe. Next, the life expectancy in Australia and Russia was almost the same, whereas in Zimbabwe was 4 years more than Namibia.

Further, unemployment in Namibia, Zimbabwe Australia and Russia fell in descending order ranging between 10$ and 82%. Lastly, adult literacy rate in Australia and Russia was maximum that is almost all the population of these two countries was literate. On the contrary, the literacy rate of Namibia was half of that of Zimbabwe

Thus, from the overall analysis, it is quite apparent that the social and economic indicators of Australia and Russia were most positive than that of Namibia and Zimbabwe.

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BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 3rd July
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