BEST IELTS General Reading Test 101

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 101


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 101
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 101



Questions 1 – 7

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1 – 7 on your answer sheet.

1. For how long has Lanscombe Farm been in the organic food business?

2. What information will potential customers need to find out the Lanscombe Farm delivery charge?

3. What do people have to provide with their email address in order to set up an account?

4. For what payment method does Lanscombe farm not charge extra?

5. When will customers receive their weekly box deliveries?

6. How often are the Lanscombe Farm’s open days?

7. What is the source of Lanscombe Farm’s cheese?

Lanscombe Farm

Refresh your diet today!

We’ve been growing and selling organic fruit and vegetables on our farm now for twenty years and we offer a home delivery of vegetables and/or fruit to your doorstep. You can set up regular deliveries of our selections and/or you can order bespoke selections delivered when and where you want them. Deliveries are free within a certain distance of our farm. A modest delivery fee is charged after that. Customers should go to our website and put their postcode into our rangefinder to see how much it is to get our products to them.

In order to organise deliveries, you need to set up an account with us. Go to our website and click on the icon OPEN AN ACOUNT. All you need to give us is your email address and of course a password. You don’t pay anything until you order something. Payment is done with, a large online payment system. We at Lanscombe will never see or keep any of your sensitive financial details.

Although you are welcome to telephone us at any time to discuss our products and hear what’s seasonal, payment is done only by card on our website. In this way, your payments are always secure. Credit cards are subject to a small fee dependent on the type of card, but debit cards are free.

For customers of our weekly delivery, boxes are sent out every Friday, so you have all your fruit and vegetables ready for the weekend. In your box, you’ll have a selection of seasonal fruit and vegetables, which are guaranteed to be fresh and organic.

If you are as serious about your fresh fruit and vegetables as we are, we would expect that you might want to visit us and see where and how your food is produced. We have open days twice a year and you can wander around our fields, greenhouses and packing rooms and meet all of our team who prepare your food.

We don’t only deliver organic fruit and vegetables, but we also have regular deliveries of fresh dairy products and eggs from local organic farms. Furthermore, our nearest bakery supplies us with an amazing range of bread, rolls, cakes, pies and tarts that you should try.

Questions 8 – 11

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Cut your Energy Bills – Solar Power

Using solar energy can drastically cut your bills and help the environment. Enough solar panels were installed last year to power 130,000 homes. Those interested should consider four points:

A. A quality solar energy system is a (8)…………..

B. A good installation company can help with opportunities in obtaining (9)…………….. and explaining funding possibilities.

C. Your solar system should suit your home, needs and sun exposure – inspect all your installer’s (10)………… .

D. Your solar panels should have been tested to be equal or better than the panels’ nameplate power rating to ensure they are good as they should be. Check too on your potential system’s (11)…………………in case there’s a future problem.

Cut your Energy Bills – Solar Power

Are you fed up with excessive electricity bills? Well, look no further than solar energy systems.

Did you know that you could cut your electrical costs and show off your environmental savvy by installing solar panels? Last year, 792 megawatts of new residential solar systems were put online in the U.S., which is enough to power the equivalent of more than 130,000 homes.

Think you might want to give solar panels a try? Think about these four key points:

Quality Products. Solar panels are a long-term investment in your home; you want them to last. A quality system should last for at least 25 years.

Experienced Installation. A qualified, experienced installer not only designs your solar panels, but can also save you money by guiding you through the process of securing tax rebates and financing options.

Intelligent Design. Your residential solar system must be designed to produce the right amount of power for your home and lifestyle. A good installer will review your previous year’s energy bills and analyse the orientation and shading of your roof to determine the best design. Check your installer’s credentials and ensure they are an authorised installer.

Guaranteed Performance. Be sure to choose solar panels that have gone through a factory- tested process called “plus sorting”, which ensures the panels have met or exceeded their nameplate power rating. Panels that don’t undergo this process are as much as 5 percent less efficient than advertised. And don’t forget the warranty – solar panels are constantly exposed to the elements and can degrade if not of sufficient quality; you need to ensure your protection.

Questions 12 – 14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text below? In boxes 12 – 14 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this

12. Employees will be notified of any fire evacuation practices two weeks before they take place.

13. Visitors to the building must always wear a visible, plastic ID on a cord around their necks.

14. Locks must never be used on windows or doors during a fire evacuation practice.

Brelford Town Hall Fire Practices

We are required by the district fire services to perform two fire evacuation practices every year. We must tell the fire services two weeks in advance when these fire evacuation practices will be and they might come and observe how they are being conducted. The fire services can direct us to do more if they are not satisfied with our performance. Employees will not be notified about the dates and times of the fire evacuation practices. Mandatory fire training will be held twice a year.

Employees should be aware of and follow the following instructions:

– All employees must be aware of the evacuation procedures that are posted in every room and they should be aware of all the evacuation exits that can be used in the case of an emergency.

– Visitors to the building must sign in and out when they arrive.

– All employees should let their department secretary know when they leave the building.

– All employees must gather quietly at a muster point after evacuating the building.

– Heads of department must perform a roll call of their staff and report anyone missing to the building manager.

– The building manager will check to see that all visitors are out of the building.

– All windows and doors should be shut (but not locked) when people are evacuating the building.


1. (FOR) 20 YEARS













14. TRUE


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