BEST IELTS General Reading Test 117

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 117


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 117
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 117



Ecotourism Guidelines for Travelers

There is a well known motto for all ecotourists:

“Take only photographs, leave only footprints.”

 This is really the essence of being a tourist in an eco tour, but to be that perfect needs time. To make sure you get the most out of your holiday before, during and after your trip, and show the respect the people and places you go to deserve, follow the guidelines shown here.

A. Educate yourself as much as possible about your destination. It can be useful to learn a little about not only current events but also the culture, customs and history of the area. Spend a little time learning some of their language even if it’s only hello, please, thank you and numbers. People will appreciate the effort you have made to communicate with them. What can you find out about their ecosystems? What animals are endangered and why?

B. One reason to find out something about where you are going and the people who live there is so that you don’t start offending them as soon as you step off the plane. The old saying, “When in Rome do as the Romans do” can be quite useful when thinking about what to wear. Not everyone dresses the same and some people might be more conservative than you are. Do not judge the people or their cultural habits by using your own cultural values. The differences between you are just that – differences – and are not a sign of one culture being wrong or inferior.

C. While we might think nothing of hanging a Nikon around our neck or walking around with an iPad, in many places these are seen as signs of very rich people. In brief, be sensitive to cultural status symbols as these can create barriers between you and the local people. And remember, that ring in the nose that you are laughing at might just mean you are making fun of the local chief!

D. It’s very common for tourists to want to give little gifts of friendship to people they meet. Stop and think like an ecotourist. How many little children have greeted you on your travels by holding out their hand and asking for money? Maybe they started to beg when they realised that tourists have more money than they do and have sweets or pencils in their bag. It is far better to donate money or supplies to a local organisation that can be found either by research or asking your tour operator.

E. Expect the unexpected as eco holidays can be far more unpredictable than a package holiday but can provide experiences of a lifetime. Take changes to your plans as an opportunity to learn and a chance to become closer to the culture that you are now living in. This is the time to be flexible and adapt to the situation.

F. A large luxury hotel in the middle of nowhere takes far more resources to build and maintain than does a small family run inn. So, expect to stay in more basic settings; maybe very basic. This is part of the learning experience and will help bring you closer to understanding the lives of the people who actually live there. Resources might be a problem and so the influx of tourists will only add to the problems. Be sensitive to this especially when washing becomes a luxury and food is as far removed from fine dining as it can be.

G. What you do when you are there can affect the lives of the people who live there after you have left. With this in mind use makeshift bathrooms at least 70 metres from any water source. Take all trash with you and if you find things left by other tourists then take that too. Don’t take any souvenirs back with you especially if you have bought parts of endangerd animals like feathers, claws and skin. You are only helping to create a little business and the demise of another animal species.

H. Always consider how your visit can benefit the local economy. Are you adding to their problems or in some way helping them? This is an integral part of true ecotourism. Think local and start to use local transportation, guides, inns, restaurants and markets. This helps create an economy that is based on positive alternatives to potentially destructive practices and can involve the whole community. This is the true essence of ecotourism.

I. A true ecotourist is also an ambassador for his or her country. If we are honest, the image of western travellers is not always a good one but you can change this. Take the opportunity to talk to local people in a real exchange of cultural experiences. Never miss an opportunity to get to know someone; it could be the person sitting next to you on a local bus, or the person cooking your dinner. Take the chance when you can.

J. Once home, your journey should continue. Share your experiences with anyone who will listen. Try to send money to one of the local organizations or write an article for one of the papers in your town. As much as possible try to promote the place you have been to and encourage other people to go to experience what you have.

Questions 28 – 32

The text has ten paragraphs, A-J.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

28.  be prepared to live simply

29.  be a role model by mixing with the locals

30.  respect cultural differences

31.  your adventure never stops

32.  be careful about how you show your friendship

Questions 33 – 37

Choose NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS from the passage for each answer.

It is important to remember that a Nikon camera in one culture might be like a  (33)………….. for another in terms of social position. Giving a small gift as a token of your (34)………… might encourage some children (35)………… . Being an ecotourist guarantees that your holidays won’t be like (36)………… . So relax and learn to (37)………….. .

Questions 38 – 40

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

38.  What are you recommended to do before you start your travels?

39.  What might other tourists leave behind?

40.  What should a positive local economy try to avoid?



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28. F

29. I

30. B

31. J

32. D



35. TO BEG






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