BEST IELTS General Reading Test 152

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 152


IELTS General Reading
IELTS General Reading



Read the text below and answer Questions 15-21.

Maxwell Enterprises Employee Handbook

Appendix A: Code of Conduct

This document serves as a benchmark for all staff of Maxwell Enterprises, including all members on the Board of Directors, interns, and visiting employees from different offices. If breach of conduct is suspected, resulting action will include a thorough investigation and potential disciplinary action. Unless otherwise noted, ‘the Company’ shall refer to Maxwell Enterprises.

Section A

Maxwell Enterprises is supportive and welcoming of employees from various backgrounds and identities. The Company does not discriminate based on age, gender, ethnicity, political associations, immigration status, or natural origin. All employees should seek to uphold this quality and maintain respectful working relationships with all members of staff.

Section B

It is strictly forbidden to supervise someone with whom you have a close personal relationship, including but not limited to: family members, relatives, a spouse or significant other. Additionally, employees and staff must not utilize their position(s) at Maxwell Enterprises in the hopes of advancing personal interests for themselves at the expense of The Company. Lastly, employees are strictly forbidden to solicit employment opportunities from distributors, suppliers, and freelance clients of Maxwell Enterprises.

IELTS General Reading

Section C

When signing the employment contract with Maxwell Enterprises, all employees agree to give up rights towards self-employment and/or to be employed for another company or organization (including charitable or non-profit organizations) aside from Maxwell Enterprises. This limitation also applies to employment through the Company’s subsidiaries and affiliates.

Section D

Staff and employees must not disclose any classified or exclusive information regarding current working clients without prior notice or authorization. It must be noted that this disclosure is also prohibited between different departments of the Company. Departments that have access to specific client information must uphold adequate safeguards in order to prevent misuse of protocol. Unauthorized disclosure of the aforementioned personal data will result in a breach of any applicable legislation on privacy.

IELTS General Reading

Section E

The Company is wholly committed to providing a safe, environmentally ethical, and illness-free workplace for all employees and staff. This includes the presence of an Emergency Services department in all offices and buildings of Maxwell Enterprises. As such, all working areas are in compliance with relevant safety laws and environmental regulations that aim to protect the safety of all workers.

Section F

If employees or staff of Maxwell Enterprises have been made aware of potential breaches to the Code of Conduct, it is imperative that they contact the Company Concern Line via phone or Web. All contact, including inquiries and allegations, are kept confidential in order not to bring upon negative consequences for those calling attention to potential breaches of this document. Any questions regarding the Concern Line should be made to one’s direct supervisor.

Section G

All employees and staff who engage in working relationships with clients must always use good judgment in business affairs and meetings. Any offer given by a client to an employee or staff member, in order to influence a business decision or deal, is to be strictly refuted. Additionally, it is strictly prohibited for employees and staff to ask clients for gifts, including meals or entertainment, and/or capitalize on working relationships. Any such aforementioned encounters would be considered as unethical bribes, resulting in disciplinary action.

IELTS General Reading

Questions 15-21

The reading passage has seven sections, A-G.

Choose the correct heading for sections A-G from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number i-x in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. Potential Conflicts of Interest

ii. Safety and Health Practices

iii. Elimination of Insider Training

iv. Promoting Diversity

v. Anti-Corruption Ethics

vi. Client Confidentiality

vii. Violation Reporting Services

viii. Employee Privacy

ix. Use of Company Materials

x. Employment Outside Maxwell Enterprises

IELTS General Reading

15. Section A

16. Section B

17. Section C

18. Section D

19. Section E

20. Section F

21. Section G

IELTS General Reading

Read the text below and answer Questions 22-27.

Employee Sick Leave Policy

This document exists to clarify and inform employees on their entitlement to sick leave, including short-term disability and all necessary procedures.

Scope and Elements

All company employees have a right to equitable paid time off during normal company working hours in order to recover from illnesses. This is otherwise known as Sick Leave. In order to qualify for this benefit, employees must have been contractually signed with The Company for at least six months. With each year of service with The Company, employees will receive a maximum of five days added onto the minimum four day benefit per year.

In terms of short-term disability leave, all employees, irrespective of their length of service to The Company, are entitled to receive up to 80 percent of their salary payment for the first two months of short-term disability. After this period, employees will receive a maximum of 40 percent of their salary payment for the remainder of the short-term disability leave. It should be noted that interns, freelance workers, and seasonal employees are not entitled to paid time off due to illness, nor are they entitled to payments associated with short-term disability leave.

IELTS General Reading

Procedures and Processing

All employees are required to provide prompt notification to their direct managers in the case of illness or inability to be present at work due to injury or sickness, either through email or an automated Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Consequently, a signed, written certification from a medical professional must be presented to the employee’s direct manager within three days in order for the aforementioned Sick Leave Policy to be effective. If such certification is not presented, the employee must use Paid Time Off for the days not present at work. All sick time requests will be handled with discretion and kept confidential.

Unused Sick Leave Policy

As stated previously, employees will accrue a maximum of five Sick Leave days for each year of service with The Company. As such, employees can accumulate unused sick leave days until they have a maximum of 20 Sick Leave days, which may be calculated for an employee’s annuity when he or she retires.

Questions 22-27

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

IELTS General Reading

Scope and Elements:

Each and every employee is allowed Sick Leave after (22)……….. of service with The Company.

Independent of their time with The Company, employees have a right to (23)……….. , during which they receive a portion of their salaries. Only employees who are contractually and officially signed with The Company are eligible for these benefits.

Procedures and Processing:

Managers must be notified when employees are ill, and a (24)……….. must be submitted for the Sick Leave Policy to apply. (25)……….. will be applied if the required document is not presented.

Requests of this nature will be kept (26)……….. .

Unused Sick Leave Policy:

An employee can accrue a maximum of 20 Sick Leave days. Unused Sick Leave days can be taken into effect when an employee (27)……….. .

IELTS General Reading



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS General Reading


15. iv

16. i

17. x

18. vi

19. ii

20. vii

21. v







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