BEST IELTS General Reading Test 185

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 185


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test




Stress is a major component of most people’s lives. Different people can handle different stress levels. When stress gets to the point in your life that you are impacted in a negative way, then you need stress management interventions. Interventions can be self-taught, obtained through a professional therapist or counselor and can be simple tricks used to bring relief.

If stress is an occasional part of your life, you can use self-taught programs or tools to help the minor situations. Soothing music, a mantra or a quick walk can all bring you down from a stressful situation. There are thousands of books offering tools for immediate distressing. However, if these tools do not work, you may need to turn to a professional to help with your problem.

IELTS General Reading Test

The last result for stress management intervention would be a prescribed medication to alleviate the problem, so the therapist or counselor will try different techniques before getting to that point. A series of sessions in which the doctor speaks to the client about the stress in his or her life will first take place. As the patient works his or her way through these sessions, devices and tricks will be given for relieving stress. In some extreme cases, a medication will be needed and the counseling appointments may be an on-going tool needed for stress maintenance.

Tricks or clever tools can be used as a stress intervention whether the person is self-taught or using a professional. What works for one person to relieve stress, may not necessarily work for another person. There will be a period of trial and error to find what works. It is important to evaluate the situation and determine if you can change it, if it is important to you and if walking away from it, is a possibility. Learning to know what causes stress and why you get stressed is just as important as learning what works to relieve the stress in your life.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 15-21

Choose the correct letter A, B, C, D.

15. Interventions to relieve stress is needed when it has

A. positive impact

B. negative impact

C. both negative and positive

D. neutral

16. If stress is a sporadic part of your life, you can use

A. self-taught programs

B. professional to help

C. medication

D. session with doctor

IELTS General Reading Test

17. Soothing music, a mantra or a quick walk can all bring down a stressful situation which is

A. minor

B. major

C. moderate

D. uncontrollable

18. If nothing works to distress a person then

A. books are prescribed

B. friends are prescribed

C. exercises are suggested

D. medicine is prescribed

IELTS General Reading Test

19. Before recommending medicine, a sequence of sittings are conducted in which the doctor

A. speaks to the client about the stress

B. speaks to the client about the family

C. speaks to the client about life circumstances

D. speaks to the family about the stress

20. To relieve the stress it is important to know the

A. situation of stress

B. level of stress

C. cause of stress

D. specialist of stress

21. Same therapy doesn’t work for all so there is always a situation of

A. hit and trail

B. trial and error

C. do and die

D. tell and take

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the passage and answer Questions 22-27.


About the Museum

The current building was opened in 1910. Our fantastic collections have grown due to the generosity of generations of Plymothians who have donated objects. The Museum preserves and displays these collections for the enjoyment of the city’s residents and visitors’ .Our collections form the basis for study and research by school children, students, personal and professional researchers, specialists from the region and beyond. They also provide enjoyment and inspiration for visitors to our ‘On Tour’ events.

IELTS General Reading Test


Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery is owned and partly funded by Plymouth City Council —a local unitary authority covering the City of Plymouth’ Arts Council England’s major partner museums funding stream (in partnership with the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter). In addition, we receive extra funds from donations. The Friends of Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery also help us with acquisitions. Visit our Friends page for more information about the benefits of joining the group.

There are small admission charges at our branch museums — the Elizabethan I louse, The Merchant’s House (both currently closed for conservation work) and Smeaton’s Tower, all of which are also owned by Plymouth City Council. Additional funding for improvements to these properties, such as the kitchen and garden at the Elizabethan House in 2006/2007 comes from grants such as the Heritage Lottery Fund.

IELTS General Reading Test

Collecting objects

We continue to add to the collections today and welcome donations. We also purchase items important to Plymouth heritage. This work is dependent on the continued support of generous donors, the Friends of the Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery and national grant-giving bodies.


Loans In

We receive ‘loans in’ from the collections of other institutions and individuals, where they will promote access and increase knowledge and understanding. We undertake to provide at least the same care for borrowed objects as if they were part of the permanent collections. The assumption is against long-term `loans in’ (except where these are accepted as key items for display in long-life galleries).

IELTS General Reading Test

Loans Out

We lend out artifacts from our collections to promote access, increase knowledge and understanding and to support other museums. However the service is undertaking significant work to deliver The Box, Plymouth. During the first phase, all the museum’s 1 million collections were moved so that building work can start. Loan requests submitted for any period of 2017 to 2018 will be considered on an individual basis.

Questions 22 – 27

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Our incredible (22)……… have developed due to the openhandedness of generations of Plymothians who have bestowed objects. The Museum conserves and exhibits these collections for the (23)……… of the city’s inhabitants and visitors Our compilations form the(24)……… for study and research by school children, students, personal and professional researchers, specialists from the area and outside.

IELTS General Reading Test

Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery is owned and partly funded by Plymouth City Council. In addition, we obtain (25)……… from contributions. Visit our Friends page for more information about the benefits of joining the group. There are small admission charges at our branch museums. This effort is reliant on the (26)……… of big hearted supporters. We accept ‘loans in’ from the gathering work of other institutions and individuals, where they will endorse (27)……… Information and comprehension. We loan out artifacts from our collected works to encourage access, increase knowledge and understanding and to support other museums.



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS General Reading Test


15. B

16. A

17. A

18. D

19. A

20. C

21. B







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