BEST IELTS General Reading Test 203

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 203


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test




“I am sorry,” the examiner said. “You have to practice more.” Before I passed the driving test, I failed two times. As a result, I have more experience about the proper driving technique because I learned much more from correcting my inadequate driving skills. It may be a formidable challenge for novice drivers to pass the driving test if they don’t follow the appropriate steps. Thus, in order to smoothly pass the driving test, novice drivers should read the Driver’s Handbook, calm the jittery nerves, and observe the traffic conditions.

The first step is to understand the information of the Driver’s Handbook well before the driving test. First of all, novice drivers should be familiar with the basic knowledge about a car, such as brake control and arm signals. Because these items will be observed by an examiner at the beginning of the driving test, the examinee will have a good start if they prepare adequately. Also, the Driver’s Handbook contains lots of road signs, which student drivers must keep in mind because that can prompt novice drivers to drive more smoothly since those signs alert them to what they are going to meet.

IELTS General Reading Test

For example, a one-way sign warns drivers that it is a one direction street for vehicles, so if they drive on a one-way street in the opposite direction, they may cause serious accidents. The last part of the Drivers Handbook mainly teaches novice drivers the right way to drive on the road. So we can learn about how to negotiate a turn, how to park a car, and how to keep safety. Mastering the Driver Handbook is essential for student drivers to prepare for a driving test; nonetheless, only remembering the information from the book is far from enough to pass the test.

The next step is to calm down and be confident when the driving test begins. Obviously, most people become nervous when they take a driving test, especially for those people who retake the test. They are afraid of forgetting the rules, failing the test, or even causing an accident; however, jittery nerves cannot help them pass the test. Thus, novice drivers ought to get enough rest on the test day so that they can concentrate on driving rather than feeling.

In addition, having a positive attitude can improve the self-confidence of novice drivers. The more confident are people during the test, the better they perform. During my last driving test, I laid down the psychological burden of having failed the test three times and was confident to drive.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this.

1. Novice need not to be equipped with the fundamentals of driving.

2. A newcomer should be at least familiar with all the parts of the vehicle.

3. Two way sign is given for two way traffic.

4. Complete knowledge of driver’s handbook will lead to passing the test.

5. Confidence has a direct effect on performance.

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 6-13.


Each year, nearly 900 workers across Washington State arc injured from falls related to ladders. The risk grows during the holidays when many workers hang lights and other seasonal decorations, or take them down in January.

The combination of workers doing tasks they normally do not do, along with an all too often careless approach to ladder safety, can lead to the worst holiday ever Falls from ladders have resulted in permanent disability and even death.

In 2009, Department of Labour & Industries inspectors cited several employers for ladder safety violations related to holiday decorating, including workers hanging decorations from elevated platforms without fall protection, workers standing on top of ladders and other cases of improper ladder use. L&I remind employers that state law requires they train workers who must use ladders, how to use them and how to recognize ladder hazards.

IELTS General Reading Test

Here are 10 tips for ladder safety when hanging decorations:

– Carefully inspect the ladder for defects, checking for cracks, corrosion and that bolts and rivets are secure. Tag and remove unsafe ladders from service.

– Make sure the ladder’s feet work properly and have slip-resistant pads.

– Use a fibreglass ladder if there is any chance of contact with electricity.

– When setting the ladder, look for a safe location with firm, level footing and rigid support for the top of the ladder. Be sure to set it at an angle as per the manufacturer’s guidance.

– When climbing off a ladder at an upper level, make sure the ladder extends 3 feet above the landing.

– When climbing the ladder, use three points of contact keep 1 hand and both feet or both hands and 1 foot in contact with the ladder at all times.

– Never carry any load that could cause you to lose balance.

– Never stand on top of a ladder.

– Don’t pull, lean, stretch or make sudden moves on a ladder that could cause it to tip over. A scaffold or other safe working surface may be a better choice for your task.

– Avoid setting the ladder near exit doors, near the path of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 6-10 

Choose NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

6. …………. number of body parts should always be in contact with ladder.

7. While working with electricity …………. laddershould be used.

8. Worst effect of ladder fall can be …………. .

9. We should never …………. on top of ladder.

10. …………. requires the companies to train their works and recognise hazards.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 11 -13

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. State law requires the companies

A. To train their workers and recognizing hazards

B. To recognise the benefits of correct use of ladders

C. To learn how to balance

12. Climbing the ladder on bigger heights

A. Motion sickness is not that unusual

B. Not set the ladder on the exit doors

C. Rails should extend at least 3 feet above landing

13. Risk of ladder fall increases

A. When worker tries to extend more on it

B. When there is a slippery floor

C. When the holiday season falls

IELTS General Reading Test



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS General Reading Test







6. 3 / THREE





11. A

12. C

13. C

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