BEST IELTS General Reading Test 203

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 203


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test



Read the text below and answer Questions 14-25.


A. Art galleries and art museums are both places to see and experience art. Galleries and museums share some common characteristics; for example, the artworks are typically shown in pristine empty spaces with minimal distraction and controlled lighting to showcase the exhibited art. This controlled setting allows the public to engage with the art in a specially-created aesthetic environment.

Despite these obvious similarities, there are some major differences between an art gallery and an art museum. As an art lover or artist, it’s important for you to know these differences. A fashion show is an event put on by a fashion designer to showcase their upcoming line of clothing and/or accessories during Fashion Week. Fashion shows debut every season, particularly the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. This is where the latest fashion trends are made.

IELTS General Reading Test

B. An art gallery is a small business that sells the art it exhibits. The profits made from sales will cover the operating costs to run that business, and, in a successful gallery, will also turn a profit. An art gallery also has a stable of artists unified by some criteria such as tone or feeling of the artworks; a common background of the artists; or a shared style, technique, medium or similar outlook. Artists typically receive payment for their work when it is purchased, minus a percentage taken by the gallery for representing the artist and showing his or her work.

Most galleries have a specific artistic focus. For example, some galleries may only specialize in contemporary art, while others will only show landscape painting. Some are dedicated to one or a group of individual artists. A gallery typically has a monthly exhibition, promoting it with print ads and phone calls to potential collectors and the press, and hosting an art opening. Galleries become a brand representing a certain aesthetic point of view. Ultimately, though, the art gallery is in the business to promote its artists and sell their artworks. The gallery staff will also spend considerable time with potential clients in educating them about their stable of artists.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. Art museums, unlike art galleries, are almost universally non-profit entities which adhere to the mission statement set forth by the founders. Most art museums have specific missions; for example, they may focus on the works of a particular artistic school, selected media, regional art, or even the works of a single artist. Unlike art galleries, which have no permanent holdings, museums usually have permanent (as well as temporary) collections. Unlike galleries, museums are not in the business of selling artworks; instead, they rely on endowments, gifts, grants, and, in most cases, admission tickets to pay for operating costs. (Note: When a museum sells an artwork, it is called deaccession.)

D. A board of directors and trustees oversee the museum, while an appointed director and a hired staff of curators, registrars, conservators, handlers, security, administrators and other arts professionals take care of the daily operations. Many museums receive museum accreditation from an organization such as the American Alliance of Museums; such accreditation provides strict guidelines for a museum to follow. It’s important to note that the rooms in which art museums display their works are usually called “galleries.” These rooms in museums should not be confused with for-profit, standalone art galleries as described above.

IELTS General Reading Test

E. Fashion shows debut every season, particularly the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. This is where the latest fashion trends are made. The two most influential fashion weeks are Paris Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week, which are both semi-annual events. The Milan, London, Sibiu and Berlin fashion weeks are also of global importance. In a typical fashion show, models walk the catwalk dressed in the clothing created by the designer.

Clothing is illuminated on the runway using various forms of lighting and special effects. The order, in which each model walks out wearing a specific outfit, is usually planned in accordance to the statement that the designer wants to make about their collection. It is then up to the audience to not only try to understand what the designer is trying to say, but to also visually deconstruct each outfit and try to appreciate the detail and craftsmanship of every single piece.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 14 – 20

Read the passage above which has five paragraphs A-E.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A- E in boxes 14 – 20 in the answer sheet.

NB: You may use any letter more than once.

14. Monthly exhibits with news ads

15. Illumination with the help of lighting

16. Some particular field or school is concentrated

17. Strict guidelines he followed for the functioning

18. Creator gets the money when the art is purchased

19. Events take place twice in a year

20. Large amount of time is invested in educating the people

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 21-25

The text above has five paragraphs A- E. Choose the correct heading for each of the paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number I- IX in boxes 21- 25 on the answer sheet

List of Headings

I. Characteristics of an art gallery

II. Positive aspects of art world III. Introduction to art institutions

IV. Frequency of shows Conflict resolution

VI. Controlling power

VII. A trend settling

VIII. Profit making bodies

IX. Characteristics of museums

21. Paragraph A

22. Paragraph B

23. Paragraph C

24. Paragraph D

25. Paragraph E

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 26-30.


PESTLE analysis is sometimes referred as PEST analysis. It is a concept in marketing principles. Moreover, this concept is used as a tool by companies to track the environment they are operating in or are planning to launch a new project/product/service etc.

It gives a bird’s eye view of the whole environment from many different angles that one wants to check and keep a track of while contemplating on a certain idea/plan.

PESTLE Analysis is an analytical tool for strategic business planning.

IELTS General Reading Test

PESTLE is a strategic framework for understanding external influences on a business.

There are many macro-environment factors that affect strategic planning: New laws, tax changes, trade harriers, demographic change.

Macro-environment factors include all the factors that influence an organization, but are out of its direct control.

Macro-environment factors tend to have a long-term impact.

PESTLE stands for “Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental” and is used for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, organizational change, business and product development and research reports. By understanding these external environments, organizations can maximize the opportunities and minimize the threats to the organization.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 26-30


26. Business strategies can be based on analysing the situation with …………… .

27. A minimum of …………… macro environmental factors influence business.

28. Pestle analysis has more ……………  impact than internal impact.

29. Pestle analysis is a way to increase opportunities meanwhile minimising …………… .

30. Macro environmental factors can influence a company or Organisation in a …………… .

IELTS General Reading Test



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task


14. B

15. E

16. C

17. D

18. B

19. E

20. B

21. III

22. I

23. IX

24. VI

25. IV


27. 6




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