BEST IELTS General Reading Test 225

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 225


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test



Read the text below and answer Questions 15 — 21.


Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in ancient India and is practiced widely across the world today. Yoga not only enhances your physical strength but also contributes largely towards your mental health and spiritual growth.

Yoga not only keeps you fit but also has a lot of long-term benefits when you make it an Integral part of your lifestyle. Some benefits of yoga include:

1. Better posture

Yoga helps in keeping the spine erect, enabling you to sit straight and not slouch. It also helps alleviate the stress on your spine, exerted through incorrect posture. Consistent practice of Yoga helps in keeping the spine strong and prevents fatigue.

IELTS General Reading Test

2. Improved bone health

Many postures in yoga require you to lift your own weight which helps in making the bones stronger and helps ward off osteoporosis.

3. Increased blood flow

The inverted and twisting nature of Yoga poses wring out the venous blood from the internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow. This also boosts the haemoglobin and red blood cells count. 4. Improved heart health When you practice Yoga regularly, you get your heart into the aerobic range. This not only lowers the risk of heart attack but also relieves depression.

5. Lowered blood pressure

The sarvasana (corpse pose) helps people with hypertension. This pose is said to be have resulted in great improvement in people with these kinds of problems. 6. Improved balance Yoga involves focusing on holding postures for extended periods of time. This helps in improving your body balance and developing muscle tone.

IELTS General Reading Test

7. Relaxation and sleeping aid

Yoga can help you to relieve the stress of modern life and helps you sleep deeper. Yoga encourages you to relax and slow your breath and to focus on the present. Restorative asanas and meditation also encourage a turning inward of the senses, which relaxes the nervous system.

8. Improved lung health

Yoga draws attention to your breathing pattern and makes you aware of breathing correctly which filters the air, warms it and humidifies it removing the pollen and the dirt, and supplying fresh oxygen into the lungs.

9. Reduced digestive problems

Yoga like any other physical exercise can ease constipation and lower the risk of colon cancer. The movements of Yoga improve the transport of food and remove waste through the bowels. This helps in getting rid of the waste from the system more effectively. 10. Eases your pain Yoga can ease your pain and help people who suffer from arthritis, back pain and other chronic conditions. When you relieve pain, you’re in a much better mood and are inclined to be more active.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 15-21

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text above for each answer.

15. The various Yoga poses helps to take out the …………… blood from our internal organs.

16. You can sit upright because Yoga exercises helps to keep your back-bone …………… .

17. Movement of food through the bowels is improved by the …………… of Yoga.

18. Because your aches are better, your …………… also improves with Yoga.

19. People with high blood pressure are helped by …………… .

20. By practicing Yoga, we can …………… the tensions and pressures of day to day living.

21. The practice of Yoga was born in …………… .

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 22 — 27.

How to Increase Employee Motivation

Here are three immediate actionable tips to increase employee motivation.

1. Improve communication

The easiest way to increase employee motivation is by having positive communication at the workplace. Not relying only on emails but by making sure that managers talk to their employees in person and even on a personal level, if possible. Try setting aside some time each day to talk with employees or you can join them during coffee breaks instead of sitting at your desk.

By doing so, you actually make employees feel as though you are part of the team; a leader instead of just the boss. Employees also want to see the company that they are working for succeed. Many have excellent ideas, ranging from money saving to operational improvements. Management must make an effort to take some time to ask for and listen to suggestions. Nothing is more worthwhile than feeling valued.

IELTS General Reading Test

2. Valueindividual contributions

Management should ensure their employees know how their individual efforts and contribution plays an important part in the achievement of the company’s overall goals and direction. Employees will take pride and be engaged in their work if they are aware how their efforts create an impact the organisation; regardless of how big or small their contributions are. Management does not have to reward their employees with gifts every time they did a good job. At times, a simple “Thank You” or “Great job” will suffice. These meaningful words acknowledge effort, build loyalty and encourage people to work even harder.

3. Positive workplace environment

Sometimes, employees lack motivation because their workplace does not have a positive work environment. To fix this, management could send out surveys to get feedback and solve the issues that they may face. Management could also post a positive quote or picture by the copier, coffee machine or somewhere else that is visible and that receives high foot traffic so that others can see it. Flora and fauna also helps create a serene workplace environment for your employees, so why not add a couple of plants around the office.

In Summary

A positive workplace is the basic element that will get your company to the top. We understand that it may be time consuming and difficult to encourage employee motivation at the workplace. However, in order to achieve a high level of employee productivity, management needs to encourage a positive workplace environment.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 22-27

Complete the sentences with ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

22. One should try to schedule some time every day to …………… to employees.

23. The most worthwhile thing for an employee is to feel …………… .

24. For the company to meet its objectives, each person’s  …………… is important.

25. Whenever someone does a good job, he does not have to receive a …………… .

26. In order to find out the employees’ point of view, one should conduct …………… .

27. …………… posters should be put up at places which are more frequented by employees.

IELTS General Reading Test



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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS General Reading Test





18. MOOD




22. TALK



25. GIFT



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