BEST IELTS General Reading Test 232

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 232


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test



Zenisse Corporate Holdings Ltd.

To: All Directors and Managers, worldwide

From: Human Resources, New York office

Work Exchange Programme

A. From this year, all staff at our international offices are invited to participate in our work exchange programme. This means that your staff members can apply to work in a similar role in any of our other international offices for a period of up to three months. All that is required is that if a member of staff is interested in doing an exchange, they inform their HR department who will find an exchange placement for them.

B. The New York office has had an exchange programme for some years now with great success. The decision has been made to extend the programme worldwide because it has been found that there are enduring benefits to be had from increasing the links between the different offices around the world. Not only does it improve communications, it also increases the spread of information and ideas. Instead of all communications being exchanged between each international office and headquarters, the work exchange programme helps make connections between the other offices creating a network that is much more complex and rich. Both the staff and the company benefit from these placements.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. Transport to the hosting country is provided by headquarters, and accommodation for the visiting Employee is provided by the host office. There are some limits on the number of transfers an individual employee is allowed to do, but there is no limit on the number of exchanges from any one office.

D.  It is required that the employee who is doing the exchange has at least professional working proficiency in English or the language of the host country. Online testing in English is available on the official website of the company if an employee needs to demonstrate their ability.

E. We discourage managers from not allowing employees to partake in the programme due to work commitments. If there is no period within a year when a member of a team is free to participate, it is a sign that either the team is understaffed or other members on the team lack adequate training. Also, employees that are highly valued are those that would probably be the most effective candidates for exchange.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 15-21

Look at the five paragraphs A-E in the text.

In which paragraph can the following information be found?

You can use any letter more than once.

15. Language requirements of the participant

16. Benefits of the exchange programme

17. Duration of the exchange period

18. Paying for the exchange programme

19. History of the exchange programme

20. Work commitments inhibiting participation

21. Initiating an application

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 22-27.

New Regulations for Building and Renovations

Notice to all proprietors/leaseholders* of Units 1-30, 456 Margaret Beach Road, from the freeholder Following the Annual General Meeting of the Leaseholders and the Freeholder of the aforementioned property, new rules for any building work or substantial renovation have been created.

The new rules are as follows.

All renovations that require council permission must be approved by the freeholder before the plans are submitted to the Local Council. The freeholder cannot unreasonably deny permission. Copies of all plans must be sent to the other leaseholders at this time so that if they have objections, they can raise them with the Local Council or the freeholder.

IELTS General Reading Test

Notice must be given to all tenants in the building at least two months before work begins. A sign must be placed on the building noticeboard, which gives details of the extent of the work, how long it will take, and contact details of the leaseholder for the tenants to get in touch in case of an issue.

Any work that requires electrical equipment or creates disturbances, such as hammering and drilling, is restricted to the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., from Monday to Friday.

IELTS General Reading Test

Any work that is scheduled to take more for than sixty days will require special permission from the other leaseholders. If necessary, alternative accommodation may need to be arranged for the tenants whose flats are close to the flat under construction/renovation, with the leaseholder who is getting the construction/renovation work done being responsible for the cost.

No alterations to standard paint colours will be approved for balconies, exterior windows or internal front doors. No permission will be granted to enclose balconies.

* In the UK, many properties are owned by a freeholder who leases buildings for terms of 99 years or more. The leaseholder is often called the proprietor due to the length of the lease.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 22-27

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Units 1-30, 456 Margaret Beach Road

Permission for renovations  1. Initial permission to be requested from the 22………… 2. Application to Local Council for permission 3. Copies of 23………… sent to other leaseholders  
Notice to tenants of renovations  When? Two months before the beginning of renovations How? Sign on 24 ………… What goes on sign? • Extent of work • Length of renovation period • 25………… of leaseholder  
Noise restrictions  No building/renovation noise allowed • on weekends • before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. on weekdays  
Extraordinarily long  work period  • Work longer than 60 days requires the other leaseholders’ 26……… • Cost of alternative accommodation to be borne by the leaseholder  
Design restrictions  • No alternative paint colours for external parts of building • No enclosure of 27 ……………  
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test



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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 232

IELTS General Reading Test















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