BEST IELTS General Reading Test 236

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 236


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test




A battery charger, or recharger, is a device used to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable battery by forcing an electric current through it. The charging protocol relies on the size and type of the battery that is getting charged. Some battery types have high tolerance for overcharging (i.e., sustained charging after the battery has been fully charged) and can be recharged by connection to a constant voltage source or a continuous current source, depending on battery type. Simple chargers of this type must be manually disconnected at the end of the charge cycle, and some battery types undeniably require, or may use, a timer to cut off charging current at some fixed time, approximately when charging is complete. Other battery types cannot withstand over-charging, becoming damaged.

IELTS General Reading Test

The charger may have temperature or voltage sensing circuits and a microprocessor controller to safely adjust the charging current and voltage determine the state of charge, and cut off at the end of charge. A trickle charger provides a relatively insignificant amount of current, only enough to counteract self-discharge of a battery that is idle for a long time. Some battery types cannot abide trickle charging of any kind; attempts to do so may result in mutilation. Lithium-ion battery cells use a chemistry system which does not permit indefinite trickle charging. Slow battery chargers may take numerous hours to complete a charge. High-rate chargers may restore most capacity much faster, but high-rate chargers can be more than some battery types can tolerate. Such batteries require active monitoring of the battery to protect it from overcharging. Electric vehicles typically need high-rate chargers. For public access, installation of such chargers and the distribution support for them is an issue in the proposed adoption of electric cars.

IELTS General Reading Test

Charge and discharge rates are regularly given as C or C-rate, which is a measure of the rate at which a battery is charged or discharged relative to its capacity. The C-rate is defined as the charge or discharge current separated by the battery’s capacity to store an electrical charge. While rarely stated explicitly, the unit of the C-rate is h¹, equivalent to stating the battery’s capacity to store an electrical charge in unit hour times current in the same unit as the charge or discharge current.

IELTS General Reading Test

The C-rate is on no occasion negative, so whether it describes a charging or discharging process depends on the context. For example, for a battery with a capacity of 500 mAh, a discharge rate of 5000 mA (i.e., 5 A) corresponds to a C-rate of 10C, meaning that such a current can discharge 10 such batteries in one hour. Likewise, for the same battery a charge current of 250 mA corresponds to a C-rate of C/2, meaning that this current will upsurge the state of charge of this battery by 50% in one hour. Since the unit of the C-rate is characteristically implied, some care is required when using it to avoid confusing it with the battery’s capacity to store a charge, which in the SI has unit coulomb with unit symbol C.

If both the (dis)charge current and the battery capacity in the C-rate ratio is multiplied by the battery voltage, the C-rate becomes a ratio of the (dis)charge power to the battery’s energy capacity. For example, when the 100-kWh battery in a Tesla Model S P100D is undergoing supercharging al120 kW the C-rate is 1.2C and when that battery distributes its maximum power of 451 kW, its C rate is 4.51C.

IELTS General Reading Test

All charging and discharging of batteries generate internal heat, and the amount of heat generated is roughly proportional to the current involved (a battery’s current state of charge, condition, be history, etc. are also aspects). As some batteries reach their full charge, cooling may also be observed. Battery cells which have been built to allow advanced C-rates than usual must make provision for increased heating. But high C-ratings are attractive to end users because such batteries can be charged more quickly and yield higher current output in use. High C-rates typically require the charger to carefully monitor battery parameters such as terminal voltage and temperature to prevent overcharging and so damage to the cells. Such high charging rates are possible only with some battery types. Others will be damaged or perhaps overheat or catch fire. Some batteries may even explode. For example, an automobile SLI (starting, lighting, ignition) lead-acid battery carries numerous risks of explosion.

IELTS General Reading Test


Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?

TRUE – If the statement agrees with the information.

FALSE – If the statement contradicts the information.

NOT GIVEN – If there is no information on this.

1. The convention of charging depends on the dimension and category of battery being charged.

2. The life of a battery increases if its charging is cut by a timer as opposed to manually disconnecting it.

3. All sort of batteries can compatibly work healthy with trickle chargers.

4. The C-rate is demarcated solitary for the battery’s ability to release current.

5. The C-rate becomes negative when discharging process takes place.

6. The quantity of current involved is the lone factor contributing to the generation of heat while charging and discharging.

7. Batteries could detonate if overcharged.

IELTS General Reading Test


                                                             The Mammals

Mammals are a group of vertebrate animals instituting the class Mammalia and characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for nourishing their young, a neocortex (a region of the brain), fur or hair, and three middle ear bones. These features distinguish them from reptiles and birds, from which they diverged in the Carboniferous, over 300 million years ago. Around 6,400 extant species of mammals have been described. The largest orders are the rodents, bats and Eulipotyphla (hedgehogs, moles, shrews, and others) The next three are the Primates (comprising humans, apes, monkeys, and others), the Artiodactyla (cetaceans and even-toed ungulates), and the Carnivora (cats, dogs, seals, and others). In terms of cladistics, which reflects evolutionary history, mammals are the only living adherents of the Synapsida; this clade, together with Sauropsida (reptiles and birds), constitutes the larger Amniota clade.

IELTS General Reading Test

The early synapsid mammalian ancestors were sphenacodont pelycosaurs, a group that included the non-mammalian Dimetrodon. At the end of the Carboniferous period around 300 million years ago, this group diverged from the sauropsid line that led to today’s reptiles and birds. The line following the stem group Sphenacodontia split into several varied groups of non-mammalian synapsids sometimes incorrectly referred to as mammal-like reptiles before giving rise to Therapsida in the Early Permian period. Mammals originated from cynodonts, an advanced group of therapsids, during the Late Triassic.

The modern mammalian orders arose in the Paleogene and Neogene periods of the Cenozoic era, after the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs, and have been the dominant terrestrial animal group from 66 million years ago to the present. The elementary body type is quadruped, and most mammals use their four extremities for terrestrial locomotion; but in some, the extremities are adapted for life at sea, in the air, in trees, underground, or on two legs. Mammals range in size from the 30-40 mm bumblebee bat to the 30 m blue whale perhaps the largest animal to have ever lived. Maximum lifespan varies from two years for the shrew to two hundred and eleven years for the bowhead whale. All modern mammals give birth to live young, except the five species of monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals. The most species-rich group of mammals, the cohort called placentals, have a placenta, which enables the feeding of the foetus throughout gestation.

IELTS General Reading Test

Most mammals are intelligent, with some owning large brains, self-awareness, and tool use.\ Mammals can communicate and vocalize in several ways, including the production of ultrasound, scent-marking, alarm signals, singing, and echolocation. Mammals can establish themselves into fission-fusion societies, harems, and hierarchies but can also be unsociable and territorial. Most mammals are polygynous, but some can be monogamous or polyandrous. Domestication of many types of mammals by humans played a major role in the Neolithic revolution and ensued in farming replacing hunting and gathering as the primary source of food for humans.

IELTS General Reading Test

This led to a major restructuring of human societies from nomadic to sedentary, with more co-operation among larger and larger groups, and ultimately the development of the first civilizations. Domesticated mammals provided, and continue to deliver, power for transport and agriculture, as well as food (meat and dairy products), fur, and leather. Mammals are also hunted and raced for sport and are used as model organisms in science. Mammals have been portrayed in art since Palaeolithic times, and appear in literature, film, mythology, and religion. Decline in numbers and extinction of many mammals is primarily driven by human pilfering and habitat destruction, primarily deforestation

IELTS General Reading Test


Complete the fill ups below.

Write no more than TWO WORDS and/or numbers for each answer.

8. A special kind of secretor in lady mammals yield ……………. to forage their infants.

9. Sphenacodont Pelycosaurs swerved from the …………… 300 million years ago.

10. Cynodonts was responsible for the creation of ……….. during the late Triassic.

11. ………………….. has the highest life expectancy in mammals.

12. Mammals can organise things well but can sometimes be ……………… and regional.

13. Farming ensured that the human civilizations became ………………… from wanderers.

14. The extermination of some mammals is predominantly motivated by ……………………. poaching and cutting of trees.

IELTS General Reading Test



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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 236

IELTS General Reading Test
















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