BEST IELTS General Reading Test 257

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 257


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test




A. When we think of a chimney sweep, a modern-day professional tradesman probably does not come to mind. Well, chimney sweeps are alive and well, and they are in such demand that they are quite difficult to engage. Chimney sweeping is needed to make sure that chimneys are clear of blockages such as accumulated soot and ash or animal nests, and so that smoke can be efficiently eliminated and noxious gases do not enter living and work spaces.

B. Anyone who stays in an old house and uses a fireplace requires annual visits from a chimney sweep. Although wood and coal are not as frequently used to make fire these days due to strict city regulations, they are still used occasionally and in some places. Also, a clean, functioning fireplace can add charm and value to your home. When purchasing an old house, and doing the usual plumbing, electrical and structural surveys, it is also wise to have a chimney sweep inspect the chimneys.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. Apart from old-style fireplaces, chimney sweeps are also used to clean and control the chimneys of modern heating systems in apartments, office buildings and factories which use fossil fuels as a source of heat. There are government regulations for regular cleaning and monitoring as a neglected chimney can be a dangerous fire hazard. A professional chimney sweep is also required for any new installation of heating equipment that is connected to old chimneys.

D. When a chimney sweep arrives at your premises, you will notice that they have the traditional supply of circular brushes and long extension handles. However, added to that equipment, the modern chimney sweep now has portable lights, video cameras and extendible vacuum cleaners to inspect the structural integrity of your chimney as well as to clean it.

E. Despite the modern equipment, be prepared for a good amount of soot to enter your premises when the chimney is cleaned. Windows and doors should be kept open during the procedure to allow for adequate ventilation, and children and pets should be kept away from that part of the building. The chimney sweep will lay out protective coverings to catch falling soot and ash, but they will not be able to capture airborne particles. Everyone present should wear facemasks during and for some hours after the procedure

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 15-21

Look at the five paragraphs A-E in the text.

In which paragraph can the following information be found?

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

You can use any letter more than once.

15. Protection against inhalation of soot.

16. Fireplaces can be a valuable addition to a house.

17. Objects used to check on the condition of a chimney.

18. Uncleaned chimneys are very hazardous.

19. A useful check if you are buying a house.

20. Historical tools of the trade.

21. Possible surprise guests in a chimney.

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 22 – 27.

Getting a Driving License

The processes for getting a driving license are similar in most countries, with some variations. You must be a citizen or resident of the country you are applying for a license in. Some countries automatically accept the validity of licenses from other countries – within the European Union, for example – or you can obtain an International Driving License, which enables you to drive in most countries.

Nearly all countries mandate a minimum age of between 16 and 18 to qualify for a standard
driving license without supervision. There are usually no upper age limits to driving, though each country has different levels of testing for older drivers and medical fitness requirements.
Finland, for instance, requires a medical certificate for all license renewals over the age
of 45. In some countries a medical examination is conducted before allowing an application for
a driving license, and most have an eye test at some point in the process of issuing a license.

IELTS General Reading Test

Before being allowed to have a license for supervised road training, either with a licensed driver or a driving instructor, applicants for a driving license need to undergo a theory test. This usually a written, multiple-choice test on the road rules for the country that the applicant is a resident of. Many countries now have a computer-based testing system.

Applicants for a driving license also undergo a practical examination with a government examiner. The test usually lasts for about half-an-hour and is undertaken on public roads in normal traffic tested, such as remaining within the speed limit, conditions. The various aspects of driving are driving safely, passing other cars, turning, and parking.

After passing the theory and practical tests, applicants are issued a license in exchange for a   fee. Driving licenses can last for a year, five years or up to ten years before they need to be renewed. In most countries they are recognized as a legitimate form of identification they cannot usually be used as an alternative for a passport when crossing international borders.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 22-27

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Getting a Driving License

Eligibility for a driving License – Citizenship or residency in a country – 22….. age between 16 and 18 – no age limit but may involve medical checks
Theory test– written test on national 23……… – testing is now often done on a 24..…….
Practical test– tested by a government examiner – test done on 25…………
Granting of driving licence– requires a 26…………. to be paid – Licences can be valid for up to ten years – A licence can be used to show 27………
IELTS General Reading Test



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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 257

IELTS General Reading Test


15. E

16. B

17. D

18. C

19. B

20. D

21. A





26. FEE


IELTS General Reading Test

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