BEST IELTS General Reading Test 26

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 26


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 26
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 26



The text on the next page has seven sections, A-G. Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

List of headings

i. Exercise and eat right

ii. Prioritise preparation

iii. Change your attitude

iv. Read your speech

v. Hire a replacement

vi. Keep it short and sweet

vii. Embody energy

viii. Eye contact

ix. Learn from TED

x. Mean peace with quiet

15. Section A………………….

16. Section B………………….

17. Section C………………….

18. Section D………………….

19. Section E………………….

20. Section F………………….

21. Section G………………….

7 Ways to Improve Your Skills as a Public Speaker

Do you want to become a top-paid executive? Then you had better work on your ability as a public Speaker. This highly-valued communications skill is also among many people’s top fears. But there are ways to quell your anxiety and empower your voice. Follow these steps to bolster your skills and place your career on a fast-track to the top.

A……………………………… Showing up prepared is the number one way to calm your nerves going into a public speaking experience. Preparation enables you to enhance the quality of your speaking. Many speakers are not as effective as they could be because they haven’t given enough thought or practice to what they really want to say and how they want to say it.

B……………………………your thoughts about speaking can affect your nerves. Approach your talk as your opportunity to share with people a message you’re passionate about. This simple alteration in perception can make an enormous difference. You will see the event as some-thing engaging rather than something to be nervous about.

C………………………………A great way to calm any nerves you feel is to become comfortable with silence. This may seem awkward at first but it’s ultimately calming. Being silent and monitoring your breathing are essential in calming any anxiety you feel.

D………………………………Talking too long is a common problem. The average listening attention span is about 20 minutes. Embrace the notion of less is more’ and make those 20 minutes count.

E………………………………Think of your job as a speaker as to lead the audience’s energy rather than let their energy lead you. Manage the energy level of the room and you will deliver a compelling presentation.

F…………………………………In your daily life you should become a pro at one-on-one eye contact. This is not just merely looking at a person’s eyes but rather looking deeply through the eyes to the essence of the individual. This establishes the connection that makes all the difference between speaking at or to an audience, rather than with an audience.

G…………………………………Watch some of the highest-rated TED talks and emulate how the speakers carry themselves. Practise your talk with friends and have them deliver a critique on your speaking skills and presentation. With public speaking, like most things in life, the more you do something, the better you get.

Read the text below and answer Questions 22-28.

5 Jobs That Pay Over $80K Yearly

You can’t make the big bucks without taking on some responsibility. Those with the highest responsibilities earn some of the highest salaries. The most commonly well-paid jobs require people with proven skills in their chosen professions who also possess the ability to lead people and supervise projects. While some careers require advanced science, technology and maths skills, the common denominator for excellent pay is an ability to get people in a wide range of disciplines to pull together and get a job done right.

To illustrate what it takes to earn a superior salary, here are 5 careers that pay more than $80,000 per year


Median Annual Salary: $205,500

If you can envision yourself putting the tiniest of premature babies on the road to a healthy childhood, becoming a neonatologist may be the career for you. However, be sure to put aside four years of studying at medical school and four years of residency before coming within shooting range of a salary like this.

Senior IT Project Manager

Median Annual Salary: $110,000

These professionals supervise all aspects of a computer system installation. They must understand the language of coders and engineers while communicating with executives about the timing and budget of the project. Typically a Bachelor’s degree is the minimum, as most IT project managers work their way up through the ranks. At the same time, Certifications and Master’s degrees will bolster a project manager’s prospects.

Magazine Publisher

Median Annual Salary: $104,500

Magazine publishers supervise every aspect of a publication: editorial, advertising, circulation and marketing. In this role, you’ll need a combination of profit-minded business savvy and a passionate devotion to journalism and storytelling. Most publishers work their way up through the ranks through the business or editorial sides of their magazines.

National Account Manager

Median Annual Salary: $88,800

This job requires professionals to supervise the relationship between companies and their key clients, making sure products and services are delivered to the customer’s satisfaction. A Bachelor’s degree is the basic minimum, but years of proven experience are the key to assuming this role. An MBA might give a candidate an advantage for a highly competitive position.

Human Resources (HR) Director

Median Annual Salary: $84,250

Human Resources directors hire new workers and supervise the pay, benefits and career prospects of existing employees. They typically manage payroll and mediate disputes between workers and managers. A Bachelor’s degree is required, though candidates with a Master’s degree may have an advantage in securing a job.

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 22 and 23 on your answer sheet.

Questions 22 and 23

22. The largest……………………………… go to people with the ability to manage and motivate people on a project.

23. Disciplines, such as medicine, require a profound knowledge of……………………….subjects.

Questions 24-28

Look at the following descriptions and the list of terms in the box below. Match each description with the correct term A-E.

Write the appropriate letter A-E in boxes 24-28 on your answer sheet.

List of Descriptions

24. Dedicates many years to formal schooling to acquire the necessary expertise.

25. Monitors employees and their managers to evaluate progress in meeting their employment expectations and broader career objectives.

26. Manages the relationship between his or her company and the firm’s clientele.

27. Manages a group of writers as well as handles the business end of a media outlet.

28. Serves as the liaison between company managers and technical experts in bringing a project to fruition.

List of Terms

A. Neonatologist

B. Human Resources (HR) Director

C. Magazine Publisher

D. National Account Manager

E. Senior IT Project Manager


15. ii

16. iii

17. x

18. vi

19. vii

20. viii

21. ix

22. salaries

23. maths and science

24. A

25. B

26. D

27. C

28. E


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