BEST IELTS General Reading Test 290

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 290


IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test



Questions 15-20

Look at the welcome letter to students.

The text has 7 sections (1-7). Choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

Note: There are more headings than sections so you will not use all of them.

15. Section 2

16. Section 3

17. Section 4

18. Section 5

19. Section 6

20. Section 7

List of headings

  1. Class Handouts
  2. Final Assessment
  3. Homework
  4. Useful Information
  5. Course Assessment
  6. Course Outline
  7. Study Resources
  8. Notification of Results
  9. College Facilities
  10. Attendance

IELTS General Reading Test

The end-of-course test

Dear Student,

Welcome to Portshead Community College. I hope you will enjoy your course here and that you will make some new friends as well as learn a lot.


The syllabus which accompanies this letter gives you information about the topics that will be covered during your course.


At each class, you will receive study materials. You should keep them well organised in a file with dividers for each section and bring them with you to each class. Arrange for a ‘study buddy’ to collect materials for you if you are absent.

IELTS General Reading Test


Your teachers will often give you tasks to do outside of class time. These are an important part of the course and will contribute to your final grades. You will need to develop the ability to work independently and to organize your time.


Passing your course will depend on 3 things:

– performance in class and on class

– activities and projects your results in the final test

– your attendance

You will receive a short report halfway through each course which will include your teachers’ assessments and test results. The final test takes place in the last week of the term.

IELTS General Reading Test


You will only be eligible to sit the end-of-course test if you attend 65 per cent or more of the lessons in that course. It is important that you attend regularly as low attendance will affect your results. Any student whose attendance falls below 65 per cent will not be eligible to sit the final test, which will automatically result in a fail.


Those students who do not pass the course will receive a letter of attendance. Students who pass the course will receive a certificate of achievement.


When you join this college you also become a member of the college library. In the library, there are books, cassettes, videos and computer programs for you to use outside of class time.

I wish you success in your studies.

Molly Abbott

IELTS General Reading Test

Program Manager.

Questions 21-27

The reading passage ‘Student Accommodation’ gives information about different types of accommodation available for students.

Using information from the reading passage, complete the sentences below IN NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Write your answers in boxes 21-28 on your answer sheet.

21. You cannot cook your own meals in full-board boarding houses or in …………………..

22. In a shared house, all the residents share the expenses of three things: rent, …………………..

23. The amount you pay to rent a house depends on ………………….

24. The accommodation that is available inside an academic institution is called ……………………….

25. The purpose of a bond is to make sure that the tenant gives notice and doesn’t ………………………..

26. When you pay money to a landlord or agent, you should always get a ……………………

27. You should only sign an agreement after you are sure that you ………………….

IELTS General Reading Test

Student Accommodation

Although your accommodation is booked for the first few days, securing your long term accommodation will be your own responsibility. During your orientation program, the housing options available will be discussed with you and you will be advised of the various organizations where you can go for help in finding accommodation.

You may find it more convenient to obtain accommodation in the institution where you are studying. Alternatively, you may prefer to rent a room in a house or flat with other students. The various types of available accommodation arc listed overleaf. The cost of accommodation will vary according to the facilities provided and the location.

The types of housing available include:

– boarding houses

– shared houses or flats

– residential colleges

– rented houses or flats.

IELTS General Reading Test

Boarding houses: These are a combination of single and shared rooms which are rented out individually. There are two types of boarding houses available:

i) Self-cooking (you do your own cooking in a communal kitchen). Cooking and eating utensils are often provided.

ii) Full board (meals are cooked for you).

Facilities in a boarding house usually include fully furnished room, linen, shared bathroom, gas/electricity charges.

Shared houses or flats: Shared accommodation is available when somebody has a spare room in their house or flat which they wish to rent The rent and costs of gas/electricity are shared equally between the people sharing the flat. Each person is also expected to help clean and tidy the shared living space (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, living room). People sharing a house or flat are also responsible for cleaning their own room, doing their washing and cooking their own meals.

Residential colleges: Residential colleges are a feature of many academic institutions in Australia. The colleges are located on campus or very close to the campus and usually provide single study/bedrooms. shared bathroom, all meals and linen.

IELTS General Reading Test

Rented houses or flats: These are usually for a longer-term. Most flats are unfurnished and do not contain any furniture except a stove. Houses are considerably more expensive than flats, and rent varies with size, condition and location.

The costs of electricity and gas are additional. When renting a house or flat you can either sign a lease or enter into a tenancy agreement (written or verbal) with the Landlord.

Landlords and managing agents usually require tenants to lodge an amount of money as a bond. A bond is kept by the landlord (or in some States by a Bond Board) as a protection against the tenant damaging the rented property or moving out without giving notice. If you have kept the place clean and not damaged it, you would be entitled to have the bond refunded when you leave.

IELTS General Reading Test

Rules for Renting or Leasing

1) All agreements with landlords should be in writing. Make sure you fully understand any agreements before you sign.

2) Always inspect the place carefully before you move in and keep a list of any items that were damaged by previous tenants. This prevents problems when you claim the return of bond money.

3) For furnished flats, always compile a list of furniture and equipment. A copy should be held by you, and a copy held by the landlord or real estate agent.

4) Always get a receipt from the landlord/agent when you pay to rent and keep these receipts and any agreement in a safe place. Make sure you have a receipt for any bond money you have paid.

5) Always give notice in writing at least one rental period before you intend moving out and retain a copy of the dated letter yourself.

IELTS General Reading Test



BEST IELTS General Reading Test 290

IELTS General Reading Test


15. i

16. iii

17. v

18. x

19. viii

20. vii








IELTS General Reading Test

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