BEST IELTS General Reading Test 305

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 305


IELTS General Reading Test





The School is open Mon-Fri from 7.30 am to 9.00 pm and on Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm.

Class Timings: (Mon-Fri):

Lesson 1: 8.45am – 10.15pm

Lesson 2: 10.45am – 12.15pm

Lesson 3: 2.00pm – 3.30 pm

IELTS General Reading Test

Computer Room

The school has a fully equipped computer lab with a free 24-hour internet connection. Students may use the computers at any time during school opening hours unless any class or activity is scheduled. In the evenings there is a booking system for computers. Please read the rules for this in the computer room. Be advised that, due to the risk of viruses, students are not allowed to bring in and use their own disks or CDs.

IELTS General Reading Test

Self Access and Language Lab

The lab is open and available for all students during school opening hours. There are tapes and self-study materials available for all levels. In the break times and the evenings, there is a teacher on duty who can assist students with accessing material.


The school cafeteria is open from 8.15 am to 5.00 pm. The cafeteria only sells hot food at lunchtime. A selection of sandwiches, snacks, and hot or cold drinks are available at other times during the rest of the day.

IELTS General Reading Test


All students who come to the UK on student visas are required by law to attend a minimum of 85% of their scheduled courses. The school is required to inform the Department of Immigration of any student not fulfilling his visa obligations. A minimum attendance of 85% is also required for students to receive their course certificate.

IELTS General Reading Test


All fees must be paid in full before the start of any course. A non-returnable deposit of 10% will secure a reservation on a course but the balance must be paid before classes begin.

Questions 15 – 17

Read the Information for Students’ notice for the Westley School of English on the next page and look at the statements below (Questions 15 – 17).

TRUE – if the statement is true

FALSE – if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN – if the information is not given in the passage

15. Students can go into the Language Lab at 8.30 on Thursday mornings.

16. Students can have a cooked breakfast in the cafe before their morning classes.

17. The police will visit any student not completing the required attendance levels.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 18 – 20

Read the Information for Students’ notice for the Westley School of English again. Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, answer the following questions.

18. What time does school open on Wednesday mornings?

19. Where are the computer booking rules?

20. What is the minimum deposit to book a place on a course?

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 21 – 27.

Westley Central Surgery Information

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 6.00 pm

Saturday 9.00am – 10.00am (emergencies only)

Ten-minute appointments are given, although longer periods can be allocated on request. Morning surgery is between 8.30 am and 11.00 am, and afternoon surgery between 3.00 pm and 5.30 pm. These times may change during holiday periods and for staff training. We will always see you on the same day for an urgent problem, although we cannot guarantee that this will be with the doctor of your choice.

An urgent appointment is intended for matters that cannot wait until the next available routine appointment. Giving our staff an outline of the nature of the problem may help them organize the most appropriate response. We will often ask the doctor to ring you back to help decide the most appropriate way to deal with your problem.

IELTS General Reading Test

If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know so that we can offer the appointment to someone else.

Results of Tests

If you are asked to phone for results, please ring between 11.30 and 12.30. Please allow at least three working days for the results to be available. X-ray results take two weeks to arrive back at the surgery.


Please allow at least two full days’ notice of your prescription requirements.

With every prescription issued a printed sheet is given showing details of all your medicines.

IELTS General Reading Test

Please retain this.

When you require a further prescription, please use this sheet as a tick list to request the medicines you require or obtain a request slip from reception. You can come in to order your prescription or post or fax your request.

If you would like us to post your prescription to you, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. We do not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions as this can result in errors.

IELTS General Reading Test

Home Visits

If you require a doctor to visit you at home, please ring the surgery before 10.00 am if possible. The doctors usually visit patients between 12.00 pm and 3.00 pm.

New Patients

To register with the Practice, please attend a reception with your medical card if you have it, as well as the details of your previous doctor. You will be encouraged to attend a “New Patients Health Check” with one of our practice nurses.

IELTS General Reading Test

Emergency calls

To speak to the doctor urgently you can ring the main surgery telephone number or ring the emergency mobile phone. For the mobile, please allow 25 seconds for the connection. If the mobile phone is in use, or the doctor is in an area of poor reception, your call will be transferred to an answerphone. The emergency doctor will be alerted and will call you back.

Practice Area

Unfortunately, we can only accept registration from patients who live within our practice area. If you move outside this area, you will be asked to register with another doctor. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are in our area, please speak to the reception staff.

IELTS General Reading Test


There is a charge for some medical services that fall outside those provided by the NHS. These services include private sick notes, passport forms, holiday cancellation forms, insurance reports, and employment medicals. Some travel vaccinations are also charged for and we charge for issuing a private prescription.

Questions 21 – 24

Read the Westley Central Surgery Information Leaflet on the next 2 pages and look at the statements below (Questions 21 – 24).

TRUE – if the statement is true

FALSE – if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN – if the information is not given in the passage

21. Ten minutes is the maximum available length for an appointment.

22. If you have had an x-ray, call the surgery no earlier than one week following the date of the x-ray for the result.

23. You cannot order a repeat prescription over the phone.

24. One of the practice’s four doctors will conduct a New Patient Health Check with any new patients to the practice.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 25 – 27

Read the Westley Central Surgery Information Leaflet again. Complete the following statements (Questions 25 – 27) with words taken from the leaflet.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
25. When a prescription is given, the surgery will also provide a document detailing your …………

26. If the main surgery telephone line is busy and you have an urgent problem, call the ………….

27. Only patients who live in the …………… can register at the Westley Central Surgery.

IELTS General Reading Test



BEST IELTS General Reading Test 305

IELTS General Reading Test


15. TRUE



18. 7.30


20. 10%



23. TRUE





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