BEST IELTS General Reading Test 454

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 454

IELTS General Reading Test

Neighbourhood Watch

There are lots of ways you can help make your neighbourhood a safer place, whatever your skills, availability or experience might be. You can be anything from a part-time volunteer, helping to tackle graffiti in your neighbourhood, to a Special Constable, with the same powers as a regular Police officer. Another option is to be part of a neighbourhood watch scheme.

The neighbourhood watch scheme is a partnership between the community and the Police and is intended to enhance what it means to live in communities. It aims to help people protect themselves and their properties and to reduce the fear of crime by means of improved home security, greater vigilance and accurate reporting of suspicious incidents to the Police, thereby fostering a spirit within the people who live in the district of the watch. It must be recognised that the scheme is a community initiative, which is supported by the Police, not run by them, so success depends on what the members make of it.

IELTS General Reading Test

Neighbourhood watch communities can easily be found on their website with a search using your postcode. You can find the contact details of the volunteer resident coordinator and then decide how you want to be involved. If there is no scheme where you live, you might decide to start your own. If you are interested in setting up a scheme, the first step is to speak to your neighbours and find out if they are also interested. The more residents there are who want to get involved, the more successful a scheme will be.

But not everyone in a street or neighbourhood needs to join a scheme for it to work. It will work as long as there are enough residents to keep an eye out for each other’s properties and to liaise with the Police. The closer the links with the Police, the more effective a scheme will be, so we recommend you contact your Police liaison to let them know you are interested in starting a neighbourhood watch scheme.

IELTS General Reading Test

A coordinator supervises the scheme and works with the Police; he/she receives information and messages to keep the Police in touch with activities, and some have marker kits, alarms and other security items, which are available to members. A scheme may have more than one coordinator, but this does not matter as long as members and Police know who the key contacts are. They ensure a smooth flow of information and communication between the Police and scheme members.

There are no hard and fast rules about the size of a neighbourhood watch scheme, as it can vary depending on the geography of the area. A good rule is to think about which houses can see each other, so that they can keep an eye open for any suspicious activity. But some schemes don’t fit into that model, such as long straight roads, blocks of flats and rural areas where houses are widely spaced, so just choose what works best for you!

IELTS General Reading Test

Traditionally, Neighbourhood Watch activities have focused on the immediate vicinity of homes, with members looking out for anything untoward and helping their neighbours. However, more and more schemes are broadening their work to target a range of other problems, such as cybercrime and fraud.

The Neighbourhood Watch is in a strong position to help tackle this kind of crime as well, by being a trusted source of information and support for people within their communities and keeping their eyes open for those who might be vulnerable. The embarrassment of people who fall prey to fraud and cybercrime can stop people confiding in their families, or people might be worried about losing their independence. They also may not know that a crime has been committed or feel that they can’t report it to the Police. This is where Neighbourhood Watch members and coordinators can help.

IELTS General Reading Test

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

1. The ……………………… of a Special Constable are equal to those of a normal policeman.

2. Neighbourhood watch schemes can create a community ……………………… within the local area as well as reducing crime.

3. A person’s ……………………… can be used in order to look for the nearest neighbourhood watch scheme.

4. If people are considering starting a neighbourhood watch scheme, they should interact with their ……………………… , as well as with their neighbours.

5. A neighbourhood watch scheme may have more than a single ……………………… .

6. As long as neighbours can spot potential ……………………… it should be a good area for a neighbourhood watch scheme.

7. Victim’s ……………………… could lead to fraud and cybercrime not being reported.

IELTS General Reading Test

Travel Insurance for Australians

A. Here are some basic reasons for travel insurance outside Australia:

– You’re not a burden on your family and friends. The cost of a hospital stay or even getting to a hospital could be several years’ salary, and you may not be going home until your parents have re-mortgaged their house or your friends have sold their car.

– Some countries won’t let you in unless you have travel insurance.

– You don’t have to worry as much about what could go wrong on your holidays.

– The Australian embassies won’t pay your medical bills for you.

– You like to travel wherever you want and whenever you want without worrying.

– And finally, the number one reason: because you’re travelling overseas.

In the end, it’s really that simple. If you’re going overseas, it’s just as important to get travel insurance as it is to bring your passport.

IELTS General Reading Test

B. The level of cover and the cost of travel insurance can vary depending on the region you’re travelling to, and some risks may be of greater concern than others. For example, not all policies cover you to change your plans due to a riot or civil commotion. Familiarise yourself with your destination and make yourself aware of the health risks. Also, get a policy that covers you for every country you’re travelling to.

C. Most people will be best served by a one-off policy for a set number of days. But if you’re a regular traveller, an annual multi-trip policy or even travel insurance on your credit card could provide a good value solution. Keep in mind that annual multi-trip policies and credit card insurance commonly restrict the length of travel allowed, ranging from 30 to 90 days depending on your policy. So if you’re travelling for extended periods, you’ll need to pay for a long-term standalone travel insurance policy.

IELTS General Reading Test

D. Cruising the ocean roads on a moped? Carving up the ski slopes? Exploring the underwater world? These activities aren’t necessarily included in a travel insurance policy. Scan the insurer’s list of activities that are included and those that you’ll have to pay extra for.

E. Do you need cover for valuable items such as a laptop? Cover for such valuables can vary from zero to $10,000, which may be inclusive or come in the form of a higher premium. Policies also vary when it comes to how they exclude cover for valuable items, for example, items in your check-in luggage.

F. Medical conditions that pre-exist the purchase date of your policy may not be covered. This can range from something as common as allergies or asthma through to diabetes, heart conditions and knee replacements. If you have any such conditions, contact the insurer to ask if they’ll cover you for it.

IELTS General Reading Test

There is some information for travel insurance for Australians, A-F, on the next page.

Which section of information mentions the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F.

8. Some credit card policies only permit a certain amount of travel per annum.

9. The Australian government will not pay hospital costs for Australian travellers.

10. You might not be covered for certain illnesses.

11. Ensure that your travel insurance policy covers you for everything you plan to do.

12. It’s not possible to gain entry into some countries without travel insurance.

13. Some of your property when travelling by air may not be covered by your travel insurance policy.

14. Ensure that your travel insurance policy covers you for every country that you plan to visit.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 454

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IELTS General Reading Test








8. C

9. A

10. F

11. D

12. A

13. E

14. B

IELTS General Reading Test

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