BEST IELTS General Reading Test 455

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 455

IELTS General Reading Test
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 455

Planning a Website for your Business

Constructing an effective website without a plan is like constructing a building without blueprints. Things end up in the wrong place, features are overlooked, and the situation is ripe for miscommunication between website developer and client. Planning your website ahead of time will give it clear direction as well as prevent missed deadlines and backtracking.

Because planning is so essential when it comes to designing a website, start by identifying the exact rationale for having a site. Typical reasons why businesses develop websites include building brand awareness, finding new customers, saving money, selling products and providing improved customer support. We recommend that you write down what you want to do with your website.

IELTS General Reading Test

What are your goals and what features would you like to see on your website? For example, you can write down the things you’d like to include: have a blog section, photo gallery, online store, reservation system and contact form. If you are unsure about what you want, then check out companies working in the same sector as you or other websites for inspiration. Once you establish what you want your website to accomplish, look at your prospective audience. This can include your current and potential customers, new prospects, stakeholders, suppliers and partners.

Decide on the type of content you will need to support the objectives of your site and how to present this online. Think about balancing the amount of text, images and interactive content that you wish to publish on your site. Also, think about where you place elements on the page. For example, marketing messages or ‘calls to action’ may be more effective if placed ‘above the fold’. This refers to the area of the page that is immediately visible once the page has loaded and before the user has scrolled down the page in the browser window.

IELTS General Reading Test

When you are planning content for your site, don’t forget you are legally required to publish certain company information. If you are creating an e-commerce website, provide unique descriptions for your products or services. This will help with search engine optimisation and ensure that you stand apart from your competitors.

The key to designing a successful website is understanding the needs of your audience and reflecting these in your design. Don’t make users navigate through too many layers of the site to find the information they want. Provide clear navigation aids, so the user can quickly find the information they need. A standard navigation bar that is in the same place on every page enables the user to move quickly through the site. Follow established web practices for navigation – this will help make your website more intuitive for the user.

IELTS General Reading Test

If you already have a recognisable brand or image, make sure to incorporate it into your design. Your website should reinforce your corporate brand, use your company logo consistently throughout the site and be part of your wider marketing strategy in an attempt to reach your target audience. While you are making sure that your website is consistent and true to your brand, don’t forget – it also needs to be easy to use.

When you design your website, you need to consider how it will look and work on mobile devices. More and more users are upgrading to new smartphones and tablet computers, which they use to browse and search the Internet. Search engines now grade content based on how well it appears on mobile devices. Although your website will be viewable on mobile devices, a more effective mobile presence may call for a separate mobile website or a responsive design. Mobile-first approach is a popular strategy that involves designing for the smallest screen first and working your way up. The thinking behind this is that, if your website is good on a mobile device, it will translate well on all other devices, including desktop.

IELTS General Reading Test

Complete the summary using the words in the box below.

Planning a Website for your Business

Failing to plan can lead to (15)………………….. when the actual construction takes place and so planning well can save time. Pinpointing the (16)………………….. of the site early can provide direction, so make a record of what you want. Research the (17)………………….. and begin to decide exactly who to target. Consider your site’s content and its location. Be aware of (18)…………………. you might have to abide by.

Be very specific with product information, as this will help with search engine optimisation. Make your website easy to navigate and make use of accepted design (19)………………….. to make your website user friendly. Make sure your website is completely on-brand, but don’t sacrifice (20)………………….. for this. Bear in mind that many/most people access websites through mobile devices and you may require a responsive website or even a separate mobile website – remember your website’s (21)………………….. may depend on this aspect of design!

IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test

Negotiating with Your Business Energy Provider

It’s possible to negotiate a better deal from your energy company if you prepare and understand what you can negotiate on. Here are some tips to getting the best price for your energy bill:

Paragraph A: The more your energy provider knows about your current usage, the less likely they are to charge you a premium. Aim to give them at least 12 months of data showing your energy use for each half-hour period. This will show them your peak, shoulder and off-peak usage and your maximum demand, which may influence the network charges that you pay. You can obtain this data by contacting your energy provider.

IELTS General Reading Test

Paragraph B: For smaller businesses on market retail contracts, ask your retailer about terms and conditions. Enquire about details on pricing and any discounts with an offer, such as pay on time discounts. If you negotiate your contract, review it before making any changes to your energy use or contract.

While reviewing your contract, it’s important to look for any special clauses. Some contracts include a ‘take- or-pay’ clause that means if you use less than a minimum amount of energy, you still have to pay. Contracts and clauses vary between energy retailers, so it may be worth doing some research or talking to an energy broker to discuss your options.

IELTS General Reading Test

Paragraph C: You can easily do an online search to see how your energy contract compares to similar businesses. You can also consider using an energy broker or third party to get a better deal. When you’re shopping around, make sure you bear in mind any broker or exit fees in your comparison. Search the Energy Made Easy website to compare electricity and gas offers.

Paragraph D: If you negotiate a contract, you don’t have to wait until the end of your contract to begin a new one or get a better deal. Energy prices can change throughout the year, so consider negotiating on a low priced day or when the market prices are going down.

IELTS General Reading Test

Paragraph E: The term of your energy contract is another way you can save money. By understanding the market, you can adjust your market contract period to suit. In a rising market, where current prices are cheaper than future prices, it may be better to choose a longer contract. In a decreasing market, it may be better to select a short period, with the aim of buying cheaper in the future.

Paragraph F: When negotiating your contract, it’s important to consider any major developments you plan for your business. If you plan to expand your operations, consider a shorter contract until you have a better idea of the energy you’ll need.

IELTS General Reading Test

There is some information on negotiating with business energy providers, A-F, on the next page.

Which section of information mentions the following advice?

22. Be selective of exactly when you want to start your contract.

23. Take into account any projected changes in your business before deciding on a contract length.

24. Ask your energy company whether you can get a reduced payment for prompt payment.

25. Negotiating a contract length that can allow you to take advantage of lower prices is an important consideration.

26. Tell your energy company about when you use the most energy.

27. It’s important to consider whether there are costs to leave a contract when you think about changing provider.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 455

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IELTS General Reading Test








22. D

23. F

24. B

25. E

26. A

27. C

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