BEST IELTS General Reading Test 457

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 457

IELTS General Reading Test
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 457

E-waste recycling process

E-waste is short for electronic waste or the trash generated from broken, obsolete, and surplus electronic devices. The electronics often contain toxic chemicals and hazardous materials. If not disposed properly, they can cause the release of toxic substances into our environment. E-waste recycling then refers to the reprocessing and re-use of these electronic wastes. Components of E-waste that Can be Recycled are plastic, metal, glass, mercury, circuit board, hard disk, ink cartridge and batteries. Recycling is done in following steps-

A. Collecting and Transporting- This is the first stage of recycling e-waste. Here, recyclers place take-back booths or collection bins in specific places. When these bins get filled, the recyclers then transport the e-wastes to recycling facilities and plants.

IELTS General Reading Test

B. Shredding and Sorting- Shredding involves breaking e-waste into smaller pieces for proper sorting. With the use of hands, these tiny pieces get sorted and then manually dismantled. This is typically labour-intensive as waste items are, at this stage, separated to retrieve different parts. After this, the materials get categorized into core materials and components. Then, these items get sorted into various categories. Typically, these categories include items that you can re-use as they are and those that require further recycling processes.

C. Dust Extraction- The tiny waste particles get smoothly spread via a shaking process on the conveyor belt. The smoothly spread e-waste pieces then get broken down even further. At this point, the dust gets extracted and discarded in an environmentally compliant manner.

IELTS General Reading Test

D. Magnetic Separation- A strong overhead magnet helps to separate steel and iron from other wastes. However, some mechanical processes may sometimes be required to separate circuit board, copper, and aluminium from other wastes particles.

E. Water Separation- Water separation technique is used to separate the glass from the plastic. This is done by sending leads that contain glass to smelters to use in the production of batteries, x-ray tubes, and new CRTs.

F. Purification of Waste Stream- The next thing is locating and extracting leftover metals from plastics to purify the waste stream further.

G. Preparing Recycled Materials for Sale- The final stage is preparing recycled materials for sale. Here, the materials separated during SSS get prepared for sale as raw materials to produce new electronics.

IELTS General Reading Test

Look at the following statements and match each statement with the correct paragraph, A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Write the correct letter in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.

15. Sorting, hand-picking and categorization of waste is done at this stage.

16. Further purification of waste is done after extraction of metal residue.

17. Machines and magnets are used to separate different metals. 18. Final recycled material is sold out for production of new electronics.

19. Separation and Environment friendly disposal of dust.

20. Lead with glass component is separated from the plastic waste.

21. Collection and transportation of e-waste to recycling plant.

IELTS General Reading Test

How to avoid procrastination

The practice or action of purposefully delaying any task or activity is known as procrastination. The reason for procrastination varies from person to person and situation to situation. However, some cause is universal and has a particular reason to delay actions or tasks. Procrastination is a very natural fault we all share, but if things get out of our hands, then it can get us into quite troublesome. Losing control of your schedules and deadlines can disrupt your life due to excessive procrastination. So, one should try to get things back in control if their habit of procrastination gets out of hand. This can be done in following ways-

Get organized: Invest in a planner or start using the calendar app on your phone, make sticky notes or maintain a daily journal. This makes it much easier to keep track of individual assignments and important due dates.

IELTS General Reading Test

Set simple, achievable goals: It’s a lot easier to get started on a project when you establish simple, reachable goals rather than a big, vague plan. This makes your goals less intimidating and more attainable.

Set a deadline: It’s important to set a specific date for when you want your goals to be accomplished. If you have an assignment due, aim to have it completed one or two days in advance. That way, if something unexpected happens, you still have extra time to complete it.

IELTS General Reading Test

Get rid of distractions: It’s important to rid yourself of all potential disruptions before you begin working so you don’t get needlessly side tracked halfway through your task. If you tend to spend too much time on Snapchat or Instagram when you should be studying, then shut your phone off.

Use incentives: Everyone loves being rewarded. It is important to give yourself incentives, no matter how small. It could be something as simple as watching your favourite TV shows. It is easier to pay attention when something is at stake.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

22. Reason for procrastination could vary from individual to individual and situation to situation but sometimes it could be ………………………. .

23. Keeping a planner or note can help you to remember important ………………………. .

24. A goal looks more achievable when you keep ………………………. plans aside and start from basics.

25. Sticking to a plan and moving ahead of the timeline helps you to deal with ………………………. circumstances.

26. Make sure you put all the ………………………. aside, when you plan to start afresh.

27. Everyone loves being ………………………..

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 457

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IELTS General Reading Test

15. B

16. F

17. D

18. G

19. C

20. E

21. A







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