BEST IELTS General Reading Test 461

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 461

IELTS General Reading Test
BEST IELTS General Reading Test 461

Looking after your teeth

Unless you are suffering from toothache or have an already existing condition, you probably don’t need to visit the dentist more than once a year. However, to ensure that tooth enamel and gums are in a clean and healthy condition, you perhaps need to give them more attention than that. To avoid high dental fees two or three times a year, why not visit a dental hygienist? Many dental surgeries now have a hygienist as part of the practice.

A dental hygienist is a professional who specialises in cleaning teeth. This professional is unable to fill teeth or do extractions like a dentist, but focuses on mouth health and maintenance, working in conjunction with your dentist to ensure you have optimum oral health.

The dental hygienist is a licensed professional and is able to perform a number of activities such as taking X. rays, and applying sealants and fluoride solutions to the teeth. They are also able to make impressions of a patient’s mouth to consult with the dentist regarding mouth guards and orthodontic appliances that adjust the bite. And of course, they are able to give your teeth a good clean, scraping off plaque and tartar deposits from their surfaces.

IELTS General Reading Test

A hygienist does not drill teeth in preparation to fill a cavity, but they can use powered instruments that blow water or air onto the teeth to clean and polish them.

Dental hygienists are now the dental professionals in charge of teaching good oral hygiene practices, particularly to children. They teach how to use a toothbrush correctly, and how often and when during the day it should be done. For example, many people do not know that it can be damaging for tooth enamel to brush within half an hour after eating or drinking. They can also teach patients how to floss their teeth, which is a part of home tooth and gum care that is most ignored, and good nutritional practices for optimum oral health.

IELTS General Reading Test

While the hygienist is cleaning teeth, they may come across suspected tooth decay. This is referred to the dentist for them to work on.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Dental hygienist

Dentists can be expensive, so to limit your check. ups to once year, you can visit a dental hygienist a few times a year as well to give your enamel and gums the 15………………… they need.

Hygienists can’t remove or 16………………… teeth, but they otherwise ensure you have good dental health. The hygienist can make impressions of your teeth for creating apparatus to 17………………… the position of the teeth. They also clean the tooth 18………………… by scraping off plaque and tartar deposits.

Hygienists do not use a 19………………… , but they do use powered instruments for cleaning and polishing the teeth. They also teach tooth hygiene and preventative dentistry such as correct brushing, and an area that always needs education, the use of dental 20…………………

If the hygienist finds what they think might be 21………………… in a tooth, they will inform the dentist.

IELTS General Reading Test

Is Your CV Working for You?

A. If you are applying for jobs that you are qualified for and consistently not getting called in for an interview, you can probably assume there is something about your Curriculum Vitae or CV that is not working. Whether it means you are not standing out from the crowd as an applicant, or there is even some aspect that is actively turning employers off you, some emergency intervention needs to be done on the document before you send it out again.

B. Read it through very carefully. Is it free of spelling and grammar mistakes? It may seem harsh that a prospective employer might reject you on the grounds of a spelling mistake, but this document is all they have to assess you at this stage.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. is your CV too long? Normally it should not be longer than one or two pages. Do not go into minute details with the duties you had in your previous jobs. Keep it general, as it merely needs to indicate the level of responsibility you had in each position. You should focus on your achievements rather than your duties.

D. Don’t fill the document with clichés and describe yourself with superlative adjectives. Keep it realistic. If you add any skills, make sure that you do have them. For example, don’t add a language unless you really can speak it, even if you studied it for four years at high school.

IELTS General Reading Test

E. You need to tailor your CV every time you apply for a different position. Put yourself in the shoes of the employer and try to imagine whom they would consider the perfect applicant for the job. Highlight the skills and qualifications that you have that would make you the obvious candidate for the position and don’t put in irrelevant details.

F. Finally, have someone else read your document and give their opinion. Fresh eyes on a CV can often reveal something that is missing, or why other people may be put off when reading it. The CV is often the only tool you have for getting an interview, so make sure it is good enough to get you to that stage.

IELTS General Reading Test

Look at the six paragraphs A. F in the text.

In which paragraph can the following information be found?

Write the correct letter, A. F, in boxes 22. 27 on your answer sheet.

You can use any letter more than once.

22. Don’t exaggerate your achievements.

23. Get another person to look at it.

24. Check for errors in the text.

25. Leave out unnecessary information.

26. Talk about your accomplishments in your previous jobs.

27. Change your CV for every job application.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 461

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IELTS General Reading Test


16. FILL






22. D

23. F

24. B

25. E

26. C

27. E

IELTS General Reading Test

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