BEST IELTS General Reading Test 462

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 462

IELTS General Reading Test


A. Borneo Elephant- is a subspecies of Elephas maximus. Its origin is a subject of debate. It is smaller in size than African elephants and has the highest body point on the head, its trunk has one finger-like process and its back is convex. Some scientists believe that it has descended from domestic collection because it is relatively tame and passive. It has long tail that touches the ground and ears are remarkably large. DNA evidence shows that this species was isolated about 300000 years ago from its cousin species in mainland Asia and Sumatra.

B. Pygmy Tarsier- Also known as lesser spectral tarsier or mountain tarsier is a nocturnal primate found in central Sulawesi, Indonesia in an area with lower vegetative species diversity than the lowland tropical forest. Pygmy Tarsier has head-body length of 95 to 105mm and weighs less than 57 grams. It also has smaller ears than the rest of the genus and its fur is tan or buff with predominant grey or brownish red colouring. The tail is heavily haired and ranges from 135 to 275mm. The predominant feature is its eyes, about 16mm in diameter. It also has nails on all five digits of each hand and on two digits of each foot.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. Javan Rhinoceros- Also known as Sunda rhinoceros or lesser one-horned rhinoceros is a very rare member of the family rhinocerotidae. It is dusky grey in colour and has a single horn of up to 10 inches. Its skin has a number of loose folds, giving the appearance of Armor painting. The Javan rhino is very similar in appearance to the closely-related greater one- horned rhinoceros but has a much smaller head and has less apparent skinfolds. Javan rhino usually avoids humans and can live for about 30-45 years in the wild.

D. Maleo- It is a large megapode and the only member of the monotypic genus macrocephalon. This bird has highly unusual reproductive behaviour. Unlike other birds, it does not incubate its nest using body heat, but rather it lets nature do the work. Physically, it is swift and plump bird built on stout legs that helps it to weave through the forest. But running is not the only thing for which it uses its powerful legs. It looks like a chicken with dual tone consisting of a minimalist contrast of coal-black above and soft peach-pink below and its head is somewhat reminiscent of a vulture.

IELTS General Reading Test

E. Sumatran Orangutan- It is known for its distinctive red fur and is the largest arboreal mammal, spending most of its time on trees. Its long powerful arms and grasping hands and feet allow it to move through the branches. The name orangutan means “man of the forest” in the Malay language. Orangutan feeds on wild fruits like lychees, mangoes and figs and slurp water from holes in trees. It makes nest in trees of vegetation to sleep at night and rest during the day. Sumatran orangutan has relatively larger facial hair than its Bornean cousins.

F. Black Macaque- Also known as the black ape or a crested black macaque is an old-world monkey that lives in the Tangkoko reserve in the north-eastern tip of Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is stump-tailed, covered with dark brown or black fur and weighs around 10 kgs (males) and 5.5 kgs (females). It is active during the day and is primarily arboreal with large troops usually numbering 20 or more and each troop includes several adult males. Because of their vestigial stub of a tail, which can undergo unnoticed, crested black macaque is sometimes misidentified as ape.

IELTS General Reading Test

G. Sumatran Tiger- It is a subspecies of tiger, native to Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is the smallest of all the tiger varieties possibly because it evolved on an isolated island habitat. Its stripes are in close patterns and its fur is somewhat darker orange shade than other subspecies. It can run up to 40 miles per hour but only in short bursts, so it has to make most of it. It is called an ambush predator because it slowly and silently stalks its prey until ready to pounce. Its stripes tend to dissolve near the ends while on the back, flanks and hind legs are lines of small, dark spot between the regular stripes.

H. Komodo Dragon– It reaches up to 10 feet in length and weighs more than 300 pounds. It is the heaviest lizard on earth. It has long flat head with rounded snouts, scaly skin, bowed legs and huge muscular tails. It has venom glands loaded with toxins that lower the Blood pressure of the prey causing massive bleeding and hence induce a shock. This is the reason why animals that escape the jaws of a Komodo dragon will only feel lucky briefly because the Komodo venom prevents blood clotting and the prey dies eventually after excessive bleeding. A Komodo has a massive diet, it can eat equivalent to 80% of its body weight in a single feed.

IELTS General Reading Test

The text has five paragraphs

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-v, in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet

List of Headings

i. It is slow and silent before making a big hunt

ii. Its prey has minimal chances of survival

iii. It lives in male dominated groups

iv. Its physical appearance gives an illusion of an art fact or painting

v. Its hands display same features as that of humans

vi. It has uneven distribution of weight in the body

vii. It is a weird looking creature with uneven reproductive behaviour

viii. It survives and inhabits on fruits and vegetation

IELTS General Reading Test

28. Paragraph A

29. Paragraph B

30. Paragraph C

31. Paragraph D

32. Paragraph E

33. Paragraph F

34. Paragraph G

35. Paragraph H

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Physically 36…………….. and 37…………….. , Maleo has stout legs which helps in weaving through the forest as well as in 38…………….. . It is weird looking bird with least 39…………….. in its colour and has a 40…………….. similar to vulture.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 462

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IELTS General Reading Test

28. VI

29. V

30. IV

31. VII

32. VIII

33. III

34. I

35. II





40. HEAD

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