BEST IELTS General Reading Test 463

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 463

IELTS General Reading Test


Old Maps have been part of human history for thousands of years, and are said to date back as early as 6,500 B.C. However, The oldest known maps are preserved on Babylonian clay tablets from about 2300 B.C.It was not until the early 16th century that the first world maps began to appear, Gerardus Mercator from Belgium was the leading cartographer of the mid-16th century. He developed a mapping projection based on mathematics, which was much more accurate than any other up until that date. He published a map of the world in 1569 based on this projection.

The fact that the Earth is a sphere made it difficult for explorers to create a decent map of any area that they explored. In 1569, the Flemish geographer turned cartographer, Gerardus Mercator published his first cylindrical map of the globe. This map was printed on eighteen separate pieces of paper and measured 202 x 124 centimeters. The only problem with the map was that of stretching the landforms to allow them to be flat on a surface. The further one moves from the equator, the more distortion in size there would be since the areas approaching the north and south poles represent the least circumference on the globe.

IELTS General Reading Test

The north and south poles are left off of Mercator maps since they would be ridiculously large, it would be much like trying to divide by zero. Regardless, navigators did not care about the size of the landforms since they now had a map that would allow them to plot courses on an east-west and north-south grid that was laid out in perpendicular fashion.

The real advantage to using the Mercator map is that it allows for true headings to be plotted along straight lines. Today, better maps are used that provide less distortion. Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) systems constantly correct the flatness of the earth as they move from point to point as if you were looking straight down on the area (as the satellites are) so the distortion is minimized.

IELTS General Reading Test

In light of this, many other map projections were soon developed and in 1570 the first modern atlas was published by Antwerp cartographer Abraham Ortelius. From about 1560, possibly as a result of his friendship with Mercator, Ortelius began to produce maps – an eight sheet world map being the earliest. At this time, Ortelius also began preparing his greatest project, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Having already become probably the greatest cartographic bibliographer of the period, Ortelius was able to prepare 53 map sheets based on the most up-to-date information, which were engraved by Frans Hogenberg, and first published in 1570.

The atlas achieved instant fame as “the world’s first regularly produced atlas” (Skelton), being the first atlas with maps prepared to a uniform format. It was also an immediate commercial success being reprinted four times in 1570 .The Nova Orbis Tabula In Lucem Edita is a similar but more ornate version of the Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula. The latter was published in 1630 and was the first dated map to be published in an atlas.

IELTS General Reading Test

Many more accurate projections were developed over the course of the 19th and 20th century. Digital mapping in the late 20th century made old maps like Orbis Tabula somewhat obsolete, but they still provide an intriguing insight into the evolution of cartography and can make a timeless addition to the home.

Maps became increasingly accurate and factual during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries with the application of scientific methods. Many countries undertook national mapping programs. Nonetheless, much of the world was poorly known until the widespread use of aerial photography following World War I. Modern cartography is based on a combination of ground observations and remote sensing. Map of the Danish Kingdom, was created in 1629, by Janssonius. A high level of geographic accuracy is demonstrated along with marginal illustrations that enhance the map. Reproduction of original map from the Geodetical Institute of Denmark.

IELTS General Reading Test

Geographic information systems (GIS) emerged in the 1970-80s period. GIS represents a major shift in the cartography paradigm. In traditional (paper) cartography, the map was both the database and the display of geographic information. For GIS, the database, analysis, and display are physically and conceptually separate aspects of handling geographic data. Geographic information systems comprise computer hardware, software, digital data, people, organizations, and institutions for collecting, storing, analyzing, and displaying geo referenced information about the Earth (Nyerges 1993).

Write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E for the Map descriptions below.

If the description/s does not match for any map, write E.

A. Mercator maps

B. Ortelius World Maps

C. Modern Maps

D. Orbis Tabula

E. None

IELTS General Reading Test

28. It was able to organize all continents on the sheet.

29. This map was inspired by former cartographer.

30. Maps were more detailed.

31. There was a change of size of landforms.

32. Maps produced by with better scale.

33. Maps were marketed as a book.

34. Use of technique to see far-off lands.

35. Some regions were not plotted.

36. They have become decorative pieces.

IELTS General Reading Test

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this.

37. Babylonian clay tablets are the oldest map forms.

38. Mercator used a subjective approach to device maps.

39. Original Mercator map is preserved in 18 pieces.

40. Aerial photography became widespread before World War 1.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 463

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IELTS General Reading Test

28. E

29. B

30. C

31. A

32. C

33. B

34. C

35. A

36. D

37. TRUE

38. TRUE



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