BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

IELTS General Reading Test

Tropical frogs

A. Goliath Frog- The goliath frog measures between 6.5 and 12.5 inches in length and weighs anywhere from about 1 to 7 pounds, making it the largest frog in the world. Tadpoles begin life the same size as the tadpoles of other frog species but grow to unusually large size within about three months. Goliath frogs also lack vocal sacs, instead using a sort of whistling sound for their mating call, and males typically are larger than females, a characteristic that is rare among frogs. The goliath frog inhabits rivers in the tropical forests of Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. The species is endangered.

B. Amazon Milk Frog- With alternating bands and patches of dark brown and light grey to blue skin, the Amazon milk frog is a uniquely and beautifully colored species. The contrast between the colors is at its most vibrant in young frogs. As they age, the colors fade slightly, and their skin becomes increasingly granular in texture. Its toe pads are also specially adapted for an arboreal lifestyle. The Amazon milk frog is also known as the mission golden- eyed tree frog for the remarkable gold-and-black cross pattern in the iris of its eye.

IELTS General Reading Test

C. Red-Eyed Tree Frog- Its bulging red eyes are its tell-tale feature, but it is also known for its neon-green body, accented with vertical blue and yellow stripes on the sides and bright orange or reddish feet. It is thought that when startled, the red-eyed tree frog flashes its exaggerated coloration, temporarily confusing its predators and thereby enabling its escape. The species has an impressive jumping ability, too, which earned it the nickname “monkey frog.

D. Blue Poison Dart Frog- It is unquestionably beautiful-like sapphire. And similar to a precious gemstone, this species of frog is one of nature’s unique treasures, found only in the tropical forests of northern Brazil. It is further distinguished by its physique, having long arms and a hunched back. Every individual of the species has a distinct pattern of black spots on its back and sides, a sort of fingerprint that can be used to tell them apart.

IELTS General Reading Test

For which of the above species are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter, A-D, in boxes 1-8 in you answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. The colour and skin texture changes with age.

2. It has unique appearance and inhabits in a very limited area.

3. It has relatively faster growth rate.

4. It has unique identification feature on its body that distinguishes it.

5. The size varies with gender.

6. It can trick preys by flashing its colours.

7. It can scale larger height at once.

8. It has distinct reproductive senses.

IELTS General Reading Test

FIJI Tourism

Engulfed in the waters of the Pacific, Fiji is an archipelago blessed with over three hundred islands. Its major tourist destinations include-

Sawa-I-Lau Caves in Yasawa- This is one of the top destinations in Yasawa. The Sawa caves are scenic yet adventurous. If you love history, these caves would amuse you. The caves offer an adventurous thrill that you can’t find anywhere else.

IELTS General Reading Test

Garden of the sleeping giant- This is another award-winning destination in Fiji. If you are a nature lover, this is the perfect place for you. Take a stroll in the woods or do some bungee jumping. The garden of the sleeping giant has everything ready for you.

Malolo Island – Your vacation cannot be complete without visiting Malolo Island in the Mamanuca island chain for a Jet Ski adventure. The reefs can be seen perfectly as you ski. The adrenaline rush you get from this adventure is second to none.

IELTS General Reading Test

Beaches of Yasawa- There is no better way to end a day than to sit at a Yasawa beach and watch the sunset. Get in touch with your inner self at this magnificent destination.

Scuba diving in Mamanuca- Being in the subsurface is an aspiration to many. There is no better place to dive than Mamanuca. Diving gives you the opportunity to view different life forms under the water. The clear water and the multi-coloured water here are breath-taking.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.

9. Sawa is famous for its historic …………………………

10. Jet skiing in Malolo Island is worth a try, where you can spot …………………………

11. Sport like Jet skiing boosts up the level of …………………………

12. ………………………… view at Yasawa beach helps you to connect with your inner self.

13. You can see underwater life forms when you ………………………… into the clear and coloured water of Mamanuca.

14. Many people aspire to visit the ………………………… and see the life beneath.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 464

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IELTS General Reading Test

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. A





13. DIVE


IELTS General Reading Test

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