BEST IELTS General Reading Test 475

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 475

IELTS General Reading Test

Memo: To all key holders and persons responsible for locking up

Head office is stream lining procedures for the safety and security of employees, cash and stock. Below is the procedure for closing the Vern’s Clothing Warehouse. Please follow these steps in all branches.

Vern’s Clothing Warehouse: Procedure for closing the shop


One hour before the store closes

– Restock shelves, making a note of anything that needs to be ordered.

– Assign cleaning duties to staff members.

– Take defective returned merchandise to the back room to be processed / sent to warehouse.

– Put all non-defective returned merchandise back on shelves.

– Check window display and wheel the external sale table back inside.

IELTS General Reading Test

Closing the shop

– Walk the floor, double-checking for any remaining customers. Be sure to check the fitting rooms, pulling back curtains as you go.

– Lock the side door with the key and bolt it at both top and bottom.

– Lock the automatic door (main entry) by pushing the red button to the left of the door.

– Observe departing employees, ensuring that all merchandise being taken has been paid for.

– No friends are allowed on the premises at closing time. Please have them wait outside.

IELTS General Reading Test

Handling registers and money

– Close the cash register and lock the till.

– Count cash away from registers so that it will not be visible to people who might be able to view the activity from outside the store through windows. The back office is the best place for counting money.

– Place the till tape, daily report and all money in the safe there.

– Two people must always be present when the safe is open and money is being counted, so always do this in the presence of a co-worker.

– Leave register drawers open to better protect point of sale terminals in the event of a break-in because burglars are likely to damage a register if trying to gain access.

– Leave the appropriate lighting on – a sign near the main switch panel indicates which lights are not to be turned off.

– Activate the burglar alarm to the left of the front entrance by typing the code into the pad followed by the # key. This will give you 90 seconds to lock up and leave.

– Leave the key with security if you are not rostered on the following day.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Vern’s Clothing Warehouse: Procedure for closing the shop

One hour prior to closing:

– take returns to storeroom or place on shelves

– bring in 15……………. from outside the shop

– replace stock on shelves

Close the shop:

– check no customers are still in store

– look in 16…………….

– lock both doors – 17……………. are not permitted in the shop

– close and lock registers

IELTS General Reading Test

– take cash to the safe in the 18…………….

– you need a 19……………. to be there when opening the safe

– ensure correct 20……………. are on

– set the alarm (next to the 21…………….) and leave within 90 seconds

IELTS General Reading Test

The Heritage Hotel

Uniform policy

The Heritage Hotel is committed to dress standards that will enhance its corporate image, and it is essential that grooming and presentation be of the highest standard at all times.

Employees are required to maintain a neat, clean, well-groomed appearance. The discretion of what constitutes acceptable grooming rests with the company.

Uniform specifications

• Staff who have contact with customers (e.g. reception and management) are to wear either a white or black shirt with a pocket that displays the Heritage Hotel insignia (employees are issued one shirt in each colour). These staff members will be issued with a burgundy Heritage Hotel jacket, to be worn with the regulation black skirt or trousers, also provided by the Hotel.

IELTS General Reading Test

• Those working back-of-house in maintenance and housekeeping roles will be provided with two white Bob Charles shirts with the Hotel insignia on the front. Trousers or a skirt in navy blue will also be issued by the Hotel.

• Shoes are to be comfortable and clean. They should be black and with a heel of less than 3cm. For safety reasons, no open-toed shoes are permitted.

• Anyone employed by the Heritage Hotel is to ensure their name badge is visible at all times during their shift. Care of uniform

IELTS General Reading Test

• The hotel issues complete uniforms to all staff, which are signed for on commencement of employment and must be returned when leaving the company.

• The hotel uniform, whether for management / reception or maintenance / housekeeping should always be freshly pressed with no stains, loose threads or missing buttons.

• Those working as managers or at reception may store their uniform in the locker in the office to the rear of reception and keep the jacket there during the shift if it is not being worn. It can be laundered when necessary in the hotel laundry.

IELTS General Reading Test

• Those working in maintenance and housekeeping may also have their uniform laundered. Uniforms can be placed in the laundry basket in the ground-floor staffroom and picked up from the shelf in the same room for the next shift. It must be recorded on the wall chart when an item is dropped off or collected.

• If the management / reception uniform is torn, please take it directly to Ms Nichols in the laundry. Maintenance / housekeeping staff should notify their team leader if their uniform needs mending or replacing.

IELTS General Reading Test

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

The Heritage Hotel

Uniform policy
 Management / ReceptionHousekeeping / Maintenance
Top– shirt (white or black) with logo on (22)………… – hotel jacket– white Bob Charles shirt with company logo
Trousers / skirt– colour: black – supplied and fitted by hotel– Colour: (23)…………
Shoes– must not be (24)………… 
(25)…………– must be worn by all staff members while at work 
Storage and laundering of uniform– keep in locker behind reception– Sign for clean uniform in (26)…………
Damaged uniform– take to Ms Nichols (laundry)– Report to (27)…………
IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 475

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