Best IELTS Reading Practice Test 2020

Best IELTS Reading Practice Test 2020


Reading Passage 1:-

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.

1. We can …………………………………. by acquiring new skills and knowledge.

2. Establish …………………………….. where you feel your knowledge is lacking.

3. Always challenge any new …………………………….. of information.

4. If you ……………………………… those seeking self-improvements, you are likely to learn more.

5. It is better …………………………….. when subscribing to blogs.

6. Make a point of accessing knowledge that is in opposition to …………………………………. .

7. Ensure your new projects remove you from ………………………………… so your benefit more.

8. Being …………………………………. will allow you to take in information better.

Questions 1-8

Read the text below and answer Questions 1-8.

How to cultivate life-long learning

Learning is not something that is confined to your school or college years. Throughout life we need to learn new things and acquire new skills in order to broaden our horizons. Learning is also an enjoyable experience in itself. Here are a few tips as to how to learn more effectively throughout life.

1. Alter your mindset

Rely on internet rather than external influences to motivate you. The desire to learn has to come from within.

2. Compile a ‘to learn’ list

We all have a bucket list of what we would like to achieve. Try to also have a ‘to learn’ list. Identify areas in which you would like to gain greater knowledge.

3. Keep  a book handy

You don’t need to be a bookworm in order to be well-read. Set arises time to read every day and before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to reading a book a week.

4. Question everything

Don’t take received wisdom for granted. Always question your source. Albert Einstein once said ‘Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little, falls into lazy habits of thinking.’ Don’t do the same yourself!

5. Impart your knowledge to others

Passing on your learning to others, you will reinforce your newly-acquired knowledge. Use blogs and forms as an outlet of communication foe this knowledge.

6. Move in more intellectual circles

Keeping company with intelligent people alone is not enough. Keep company with those who constantly want to acquire new skills. Their habits and knowledge will rub off on you.

7. Avoid information overload

Don’t oversubscribe to blogs. You need to be selective in order to be effective in using knowledge.

8. Learn in groups

Knowledge shared is more fun. Workshops and group learning experiences  are a great way to learn and socialize at the same time.

9. Don’t take things for granted

Always challenge your ideas and actively seek out information that is the opposite to your worldwide.

10. Opt for a challenging job

Choose a career that is stimulating and is a learning curve. Don’t get sucked into a full-time job that encourages mental inactivity.

11. Do something novel

Start a new project. Anything that takes you out of your comfort zone will benefit you more than sticking to what you know.

12. Be intuitive

Often we allow ourselves to be governed by logical decisions. Learning does not need to follow a set path. Let yourself pursue a new avenue of knowledge whenever you feel like it.

13. Have a routine

Set aside 15 minutes a day to educate yourself. Whenever you feel more mentally receptive, choose that time of day to read an article or blog to learn something new.

14. Learn information that will be useful

If your learning has practical use, for example in helping others, this will be a great motivator.

15. Put it into practice

Don’t just learn skills; use them! Skill-based learning is useful if it isn’t applied!

Questions 9-14

Read the texts below and answer Questions 9-14.

Social and Activity Clubs

A. Pen to Paper Writer’s Group

Newly-established, this free group is aimed at inexperienced writers. Guest speakers who are already famous authors give fortnightly talks to our members. All talks are always well-subscribed, so advance booking is essential.

Venue: The Queen’s Hotel  Eastbourne on the 3rd of the month.

B. Urban Ramblers Walking Group

Our aim is to explore urban settings at a leisurely pace that can accommodate a wide range of age groups. In addition to taking in well-known sites we oftengo off the beaten track. Feel free to test our guide’s expert local knowledge.

We round each walk off with a fun trivia quiz and a prize for the lucky winner!

Meeting point: Weather permitting, outside Brighton Pier.

Check our website for timesand detailed:

C. Through the Lens Photographer’s Club

We are a diverse bunch, always needy to encourage new talent. Our workshops are held in a variety of settings including studios, local venues and outdoors. Numbers are limited to ensure you get individual attention.

Constructive criticism given in a non-judgement environment.

Meeting point: The media Centre, GreenacreStreet, Bexley.

D. Open to Debate Debating Society

An academic or formal background is not a requirement for joining. All kinds of topics are covered in the course of an evening.

Groups never exceed 20 people and include a facilitator. The idea is for people to take part in conversations without the restrictions of a planned agenda.

Venue: The Shakespeare’s Head, Norfolk Square, Brighton.

Every Tuesday: 7pm

E. Babel Intercambio Group (French speakers)

If your French is  a little rusty and needs improving then this group is for you! Our 2-hour language exchange sessions at an intermediate level, alternate French with English in a spontaneous, relaxed fashion.

Venue: The Meeting House, Southover St. Plimpton.

Questions 9-14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the texts?

In boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this

9. The Writers’ Group requires a subscription fee. ……………………………..

10. The Writers’ Group is aimed at recently-published authors. ……………………………..

11. The Photographers’ Club offers members useful advice. ……………………………….

12. Walking Group members are tested on their knowledge. ………………………………

13. The Debating Society charges members for participating. ……………………………..

14. The Intercambio Group for French Speakers welcomes linguists of all abilities. …………………………


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Best IELTS Reading Practice Test 2020
Best IELTS Reading Practice Test 2020


  1. Broaden our horizons
  2. Areas
  3. Source
  4. Keep company with
  5. To be selective
  6. Your worldwide
  7. Your comfort zone
  8. More mentally receptive
  9. FALSE
  10. FALSE
  11. TRUE
  12. TRUE
  14. FALSE
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3 years ago

My name is Jaspreet Singh. I am from Hoshiarpur. My band score in IELTS is 6.5 overall with 6 each. I want to give credit of this achievement to Career zone Moga as experts of this institution helped me by sharing links about all the modules everyday and also motivated me a lot. I practiced all the four modules from these links and finally, I took part in IELTS exam and got my required band score. I am so happy that now I will recommend career zone moga to everyone who wants to get their desire band score and want to go abroad for study purpose. In last, thanks to career zone moga.

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