BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th January

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your full name?

My full name is Kartik Sharma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Kartik.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you use a computer very much?

yes, of course, I spend plenty of my time in front of my pc I mean personal computer for the major purpose study as I am currently preparing for IELTS examination so I keep almost my listening and modules on the computer so I can easily access it other than that sometimes I use my computer for watching Netflix series.

When do you use a computer?

I use my computer when I need it most, for instance, if I want to browse some websites or to download huge MB files which cannot be accommodating into my phone storage. So all these things I will definitely go behind my computer.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you use the computer for?

I am afraid to say that I use my computer mostly for watching movies as I have an eye problem. So, the doctor advised me to watch movies on a big screen, and also I prefer to watch a movie alone. So I mostly use my computer to watch Netflix series.

What was your impression when you used a computer the first time?

My first encounter with the computer was when I was studying in 4th standard …For me, the computer is almost like a TV …..But most of my attention was captured by the rat-like thing that’s a mouse. It has a blue and red color which was blinking, and moreover, I touched the keypad and gently I made a firm pressure in the icons and wrote down my name. It was really marvellous….now I’m flooded with my childhood memories.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How did you learn to use a computer?

as I said earlier, I had a computer as a subject in my 4th standard at that time itself teachers helped me to figure out the few basic steps like opening and shut downing the system and holding the mouse, etc….but later my father brought a computer to our home, and my elder brother helped me to learn the advanced things.

Have computers changed your life in any way (if yes, How?)?

Computers are used to deal with many tasks due to their various potential. The impact of computer usage in my life is apparently identified as saving money, time and effort. The computer can bring people closer together and facilitate contacts between them using Email, Chatting, Videoconferencing, and Social media. So I can connect myself with the world through my computer.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Well, there are quite a few streets that I could have chosen to talk about, but I’d have to say the one I most enjoy going to is Ly Thai To Street, which is one of the most popular tourist areas in Hanoi.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Regarding the location, the street is somewhere in the centre of the city, about fifteen to twenty minutes’ drive from where I live. So I normally go there by scooter.

And as for how often I go there, well on average, I guess probably something like once or twice a month, which I know is not a lot, but unfortunately, I just don’t have enough time to go there as often as I’d like to.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Anyway, most of the time I actually just go there for the street food, because there are loads of stalls which do really good food, like barbecued squid, bacon sandwiches, chicken wings and stuff like that. So that’s basically what I mainly go there for. There’s also quite a few little shops selling various souvenirs and handicrafts as well, but I don’t spend much time in them because most of the things are pretty overpriced. For example, a pack of postcards will probably set you back about 30,000 dong or so, whereas if you went to any bookshop in the city, it would probably only cost about 10,000 dong.

But anyway, in terms of why I like this street, firstly, as I just mentioned, the food there is fantastic, and as well as that, I also like that fact that it’s pedestrianised, so there’s a lot of space to walk around without having to worry about getting hit by a car! And another thing worth mentioning is that most of the buildings are pretty old, so it gives the street a really nice, traditional feeling.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like shopping online or going out shopping?

I like going out shopping. This is because we can get the fit and feel of the product when we buy it. There are so many cases where false and damaged products are delivered in online shopping.

What is the difference between shopping with friends and shopping alone?

Shopping with friends is fun because we have someone to tell us their opinions on what we buy. We can get their feedback and decide whether to buy something or not. 

What are the disadvantages of shopping in a big mall?

In malls the prices are much higher than the actual price. Also there are so many shops which tempts people to buy more and ends up in a situation where we spend more than what we actually decided.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th January

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